Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk: address, faculties, passing score

Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk: address, faculties, passing score
Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk: address, faculties, passing score

One of the most terrible natural phenomena - fires, hurricanes, typhoons. Their spontaneity and strength frighten and cause great harm to the national economy of any country. The fight against natural disasters is carried out by professionally trained people with special equipment. The skills of "taming" emergency situations are taught in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. One of these is the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk on Mashinostroiteley Street, 25.


History of the emergence of the university

In 1933, the Fire-technical school was established in the capital of Belarus. The term of study in it was one year. The first issue was only 30 people.

In 1945, the fire-technical school was given the name "School of sergeants of the paramilitary fire department of the NKVD of the BSSR." The term of study was six months, and the number of students was 70 people.

For many years the need for skilled workers has increased. Constantlythe material and technical base was modernized, training materials were updated.

From the history of the Institute
From the history of the Institute

In 1998, the paramilitary fire service was attached to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In 2000, the university was transformed into the Command Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus. In 2015, a doctoral program was established at the educational institution by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission with the aim of creating a university in the future.

In 2016, the University of Civil Protection was formed by transforming the KII of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus and adding to it the Gomel Engineering Institute, as well as the Institute for Retraining Personnel and Advanced Training. Today, the educational institution trains highly qualified personnel to deal with natural disasters not only in their own country, but also in other countries around the world.

Educational institution branches

The Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk includes a lyceum of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a branch in the city of Gomel, located in the south-east of the Republic of Belarus.

The lyceum is located in the Gomel region, Gomel district, the village of Ilyich. After the end of the sixth grade, they accept guys who must permanently live and study on the territory of the lyceum. During the training period, they are on full state support: full five meals a day, uniforms, medical care. With successful studies and the presence of marks not lower than 7 points in the last year of study, it is possible to enter the power universities of Belarus without entrance exams.

Young people who enter the Gomel branch study in their speci alty"prevention and liquidation of emergency situations". The method of admission is similar to admission to the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk, includes: successful completion of centralized testing and timely submission of documents to the admissions office of the institution.

Faculties of the educational institution

Training in an educational institution is carried out in several popular areas on a full-time or part-time basis.

Full-time education is provided at 6 main faculties:

  • prevention and emergency response;
  • leadership training;
  • life safety;
  • training of scientific personnel;
  • technosphere safety;
  • Engineering faculty of the city of Gomel.

The most enrolled in the Faculty of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations. Employees of the Republic of Belarus, Azerbaijan and other countries with which training agreements have been concluded are trained at the correspondence department of the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk.

Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Minsk
Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Minsk

Special Selection Documents

Before April 1 of the year of admission, the applicant must apply to the district department at the place of residence, the regional or Minsk department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and undergo a rigorous professional selection.

Applicants are provided with training cases by personnel services, which include:

  • candidate's application addressed to the head of the constituting body on the conduct of his professional selection;
  • materialspreliminary study of the candidate, which includes: questionnaire, autobiography, reference from the last place of work or study, report of the employee of the unit who previously studied the candidate;
  • documents on special verification of the candidate;
  • certificates of medical examination and special psychophysiological selection;
  • recommendations from a specialist psychologist with an opinion on suitability/unfitness for service;
  • documents on the level of physical fitness of the candidate for admission;
  • photos: two photographs 9×12 cm, one 3×4 cm, certified by the person accepting the documents.
Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Applicant's documents

To participate in the competitive selection, young boys and girls must successfully pass a centralized test in any state language (Russian or Belarusian), physics and mathematics and provide certificates with the results to the selection committee. Be sure to bring a certificate of education and all attachments to it, you must present an identity document.

If there are benefits, the candidate must submit documents that confirm them. All certificates, conclusions are submitted personally by the applicant.

Deadlines for submission of documents

Dates may change slightly each year. But the admission of documents to the educational institutions of the power structures of the Republic of Belarus takes place in early July, before the start of admission campaigns in other higher educational institutions of Belarus.

Central entrance of the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Minsk
Central entrance of the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Minsk

Passing points

The amount of points for admission is the sum of the average mark of the certificate of education on a ten-point scale, the results of centralized testing.

The competition for the Faculty of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations in 2018 amounted to 1.6 people per one budgetary place of the full-time department. The passing score for the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Minsk in this speci alty was 161.

To enter the faculty of technosphere safety in 2018, it was necessary to score 261 points for boys and 185 for girls. The competition was equal to 4, 4 people for one budget place.

During practice
During practice

Study period

The full-time study period is 4 years, part-time - 5 years.

The University of Civil Protection, better known as the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, operates in the city of Minsk. Young people go through a complex psychological and physiological selection. The faculties of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and technosphere safety are the most popular.
