Lukhovitsky Aviation College: address, faculties, passing score, reviews

Lukhovitsky Aviation College: address, faculties, passing score, reviews
Lukhovitsky Aviation College: address, faculties, passing score, reviews

Getting an aviation-related profession today is not so easy, despite the importance of this field. At the moment in Russia, the number of educational institutions that train such specialists is quite small. If we talk about professional institutions of secondary education, then there are only about 20 of them. This list includes the Lukhovitsky College in the Moscow Region. The main profile of work is the training of specialists in the maintenance of aviation equipment.

History Pages

In 1957, a branch of the Moscow Aviation Technological College was opened in the Moscow region. 70 applicants were accepted for training in the speci alties "Installation of radio and electrical equipment" and "Aircraft construction". The curriculum was designed for 5 years (evening department).

In the 1960s, a new speci alty appeared - "Processing (cold) and cutting of metals." Behind groups of studentsin this direction, the definition of "cold people" was fixed. The technical school actively cooperated with the local aviation plant, engineers were involved in the classes.

In 1986, the technical school became an autonomous educational institution, a full-time department appeared. The direction "Organizer-Production Technician" was added to the main speci alties.

Starting from the 2000s, the specialization of the institution has been expanded. And in 2007 it acquired a new name - GBPOU MO Lukhovitsk Aviation College.

Institution today

The institution is a budgetary educational organization under the jurisdiction of the Moscow region. The faculties of the Lukhovitsky Aviation College train mid-level specialists and skilled workers. The educational process is focused on the professional, general cultural and physical training of students. The curriculum of the technical school is updated annually in accordance with the main trends in the development of science and technology, the requirements of educational standards.

Official address of the Lukhovitsky Aviation College: Moscow region, Lukhovitsy city, Zhukovsky street, 56.


According to the charter of the institution, its main objectives are:

  • Training qualified specialized specialists.
  • Individualization of learning and creation of conditions for professional self-determination.
  • Formation of citizenship, responsibility, independence, business activity of students.
technical school events
technical school events

Lukhovitsky Aviationcollege: majors

The institution has programs of primary and secondary vocational education. At the level of the first stage (skilled employees and workers), the program "Operator of machine tools with PU (program control)" is being implemented. Duration of training - up to 2 years 10 months (on the basis of grades 11 or 9).

You can become a mid-level specialist in the following areas:

  • technology of production and metalworking (up to 4 years 10 months);
  • maintenance and production of aircraft (full-time or full-time/correspondence);
  • accounting and economics (by industry, on a contractual basis);
  • maintenance and maintenance of electromechanical and electrical equipment;
  • programming and information systems.

Admission is on a competitive basis. When determining the passing scores of the Lukhovitsky Aviation College, the results of the OGE or the Unified State Examination are taken into account. Training is provided on a budgetary and contractual basis.

educational process
educational process

Educational process

The format of the educational process at the technical school meets the requirements of educational standards. The study schedule provides for the alternation of lectures and practical classes. Weekly workload (classroom and training) does not exceed 36 academic hours. Also, students undergo an internship on the territory of the branch of the Mig Aircraft Corporation. There is a training workshop with mechanical and locksmith sections (locksmith workbenches, tool-grinding, drilling, milling and turningmachine tools, pneumatic press, etc.).

industrial premises
industrial premises

Students of the Lukhovitsk Aviation College with the speci alty "Accounting" do internships at the enterprises of the region and the city on the basis of individual contracts.

The employees of the plant are actively involved in the development of criteria for competitive tasks for students and the assessment of the quality of education. The educational process uses modern educational technologies (case method, modular and problem-based learning, ICT).

Additional educational services

In addition to the main educational areas, the Lukhovitsky Aviation College provides additional educational services on a contractual basis. These include:

  • training in additional professional programs (above the main ones);
  • obtaining speci alties on a contractual basis;
  • additional educational services (advanced training, preparation for admission to secondary and higher educational institutions).

In parallel with the preparation for the main speci alty, students can also master the following areas:

  • maintenance and maintenance of electrical equipment (by industry);
  • mechanical engineering technology;
  • aircraft manufacturing;
  • economy.

Council and teaching staff

Mechanisms of state-public management are being actively introduced in the technical school. General management is carried out by the Council of the institution, an elected body of self-government. Among his dutiesinclude:

  • determination of key activities of the technical school;
  • correction of job descriptions and local acts;
  • development of programs for the development of the institution;
  • coordination of internal regulations, etc.

The council includes representatives of the teaching and parent community, students, administration staff and the director of the technical school, as well as social partners (advisory vote). The Council is elected for 4 years and meets every six months.

On the basis of the technical school, a guardianship, methodological, student councils, a parent committee and six cyclic subject commissions have also been created.

The team of teachers of the Lukhovitsky Aviation College provides the necessary level of quality of the educational process. It consists of more than 30 specialists, most of whom have the highest and first qualification categories.

professional skills competition
professional skills competition

Equipment of the educational process

The technical school has two educational buildings. Classrooms in both buildings are equipped with the necessary educational equipment, interactive whiteboards and projectors, and computers. Two computer science classrooms, a mobile computer class, database and information technology laboratories have been opened. A media library has been created on general professional and special disciplines, and testing programs for students are in place. Students can use the electronic and printed funds of the technical school library (more than 35 thousand items).

For physical educationThere are gym and sports halls. Students can also use the pool.

The Lukhovitsky Aviation College does not have its own hostel. However, its students are allocated 30 places in the building of the municipal hostel. Meals for students are organized in the factory canteen. Medical care - in the department of the central district hospital.

aircraft factory
aircraft factory

Psychological and pedagogical support

The college staff pays great attention to social and psychological work with a contingent of students. Preventive work is aimed at preventing maladjustment and manifestations of deviant behavior among adolescents. Classes and lectures are regularly organized to prevent delinquency and prevent the use of psychologically active substances.

The psychologist of the technical school conducts developmental and remedial classes with children from the risk group (training "Conflict"), gifted students. Students can also attend a special "Exam Preparation" training.

There are also consultations, round tables, trainings and master classes for teachers to improve legal and psychological literacy, teach skills to relieve emotional tension and stress, and resolve conflict situations.

Organized group and individual consultations and trainings for parents of students.

technical school students
technical school students

Extracurricular activities

Among the important activities of the Lukhovitsky Aviation College is the organization of a rich extracurricular lifestudents. Active educators are involved in the work of the student council.

The Council takes part in the development of a plan for various events, promotions, projects. College students become participants not only in internal, but also in city and district events. Among them:

  • visiting museums and exhibitions, excursions to enterprises;
  • participation in environmental campaigns and social projects;
  • creative competitions (musical, poetic, applied);
  • sports marathons and competitions;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • celebration of memorable and anniversaries.

Days of speci alty and knowledge, dedication to students, reading competition, He althy Generation competition have become traditional for students of the technical school.

anniversary celebration
anniversary celebration

Competitions and Olympiads

In addition to training sessions, students of the Lukhovitsk Aviation College regularly take part in various professional competitions, marathons, forums and olympiads.

In order to prepare for the All-Russian Olympiad of vocational skills, the technical school hosts internal competitions in the relevant speci alties.

It has become a tradition to participate in the Russia WorldSkills competitions of professional skills in the Moscow Region in the following areas:

  • aircraft maintenance;
  • CAD engineering graphics;
  • Production assembly of aircraft products.

Over the past year, students have shown excellent results in this competition.


Lukhovitskyaviation college: reviews

Over the years of work, the technical school has acquired the status of an educational institution that trains strong professionals.

Realized speci alties do not lose their relevance, as aviation enterprises today regularly experience a shortage of skilled workers and mid-level specialists capable of assembling and servicing aircraft structures.

According to the feedback from students and graduates, the technical school needs some modernization of educational and production areas, while opinions about the level of teaching and the professionalism of teachers are mostly positive. The good preparation of students is noted by the employees of the aircraft factory during the training and production practice.
