A mentor is an assistant on the path of life

A mentor is an assistant on the path of life
A mentor is an assistant on the path of life

In fact, a person cannot live fully if someone does not educate and teach him from childhood. Parents don't have to be teachers either. Yes, and on the path of life, in the profession, one is needed who will pass on his knowledge. A mentor is an educator, a teacher, an adviser all rolled into one.

No success at work without mentoring

This section is worth talking about mentoring in the professional field. Everyone knows that it is impossible to know all the details about any case. Even the CEO at one time studied with someone, otherwise he would not have been able to stay in his position for a long time. In an enterprise, a mentor is a person who must teach the trainee everything. After all, a person comes for the first time after many years of study, in front of him he sees everything unfamiliar, new.

mentor is
mentor is

There is a catchphrase on this occasion: "Forget what you were taught, do as I do." Often this applies to representatives of professions that are associated with technology and technology. For example, a young man studied in the speci alty "technical operation of railways." Goteducation, learned all the rules and auxiliary subjects. He came to work as a locomotive repairman. And this is a responsible profession that requires attention and feedback. Yesterday's student does not know what to do, but he needs to work. This is where a mentor is needed in the person of a master, partner or engineer. The trainee has the right to ask any questions about work, and the mentor is obliged to answer, help, prompt and control.

Athlete will not become a champion on his own

Do champions become heroes in sports without guidance? No. Someone must definitely teach the athlete techniques, control the correctness of actions. In sports, a mentor is usually a coach. But such a teacher should not only monitor the wards, give commands and count points. It is important for a mentor for athletes to be a support.

teacher is a mentor
teacher is a mentor

Mentors are found not only in big and small sports, but also among amateur sports. For example, rock climbing, diving, fitness. In such places instructors teach. In fact, they are mentors for those who have decided to seriously engage in development.

Mentoring in Religion

In any religion, mentoring is practiced. In religious life, someone also needs to admonish in faith, to help. Who does not know that the Hindu has his own teacher - a lama? After all, books alone will not be enough to understand serious things.

spiritual mentor is
spiritual mentor is

In Orthodoxy, a spiritual mentor is a parish priest, bishop or patriarch. Christians are calledpeople are just confessors. What does he teach believers? Each person chooses one of two paths: a layman or a monk. Anyone can choose to have their own mentor. A confessor in an ordinary Orthodox church accepts confessions from parishioners, gives spiritual advice, blesses them for some work, or, conversely, warns. The priest has a significant responsibility for teaching. In monasteries, too, there are necessarily confessors in the person of priests and elders-schemers (a high level of monasticism). Simply put, "ordinary" Christians learn from the wise, taught by life experience and prayer. It is the confessor who can sincerely pray to God for his flock, help in life.

Educators and teachers for children

In kindergartens and nurseries, educators take care of kids. Everyone knows that this is either a strict or a kind woman. In the morning the whole group is engaged, learning the days of the week, colors and so on. And after lunchtime, classes in craftsmanship and needlework begin.

Can a teacher be called a mentor? Most probably not. If only this person sincerely wants to protect children from life's mistakes. But after all, a mentor is not just a responsible person, he will teach everyone individually. Important issues are resolved purely individually.

a mentor is a person who
a mentor is a person who

The same can be said about school teachers and teachers in universities and colleges. Their task, first of all, is to convey their subject to the student, to state it correctly, then to test knowledge. But in the case of preparation for the Olympics,In serious competitions, a teacher can be called a mentor.

How to become a mentor?

It doesn't take any talent to become a factory mentor. They can even become an ordinary worker. The main thing is to show the technical process, documentation and give advice on how to distribute the working day. More serious with mentoring can be where it is required to train an intern in difficult work. It is important to explain everything, to show. For example, an experienced electric train driver must teach his student everything, so that he understands not only theory, but also practice. In this case, the fate of people depends on mentorship and apprenticeship. It is not entirely correct to believe that it is the teacher who is the mentor. The teacher studied his profession in a specialized educational institution, and just an experienced person becomes a mentor.

Do you need talent?

Speaking from a spiritual point of view, the talent of mentoring is a must. When a person does not have a good heart, he does not need to be someone's "guiding star". A mentor is an assistant, friend, adviser.

Jesus Christ and the apostles instructed people on the true path. They were not only teachers, but also mentors. In order for people to live a life worthy, truly happy and achieve eternal joy, they need someone who will teach the right behavior. This is where discipleship in Christianity was born.

It can be said that a coach-mentor also, in a sense, spiritually helps athletes to get stronger. A he althy mind and a strong will help you reach unprecedented heights.

this is a mentor teacher
this is a mentor teacher

Any person who sincerely wants to help, give useful advice, comfort in trouble, teach kindness and mercy is a mentor, educator.
