"Packed up my belongings and left" - sometimes we say, using the word "belongings" and absolutely not thinking about its origin and meaning. However, as a word of Slavic origin, it has a completely transparent meaning for native Russian speakers. From the root, it immediately becomes clear that belongings are some kind of acquired property. Nevertheless, one should not take such a seemingly familiar concept too dismissively.

The lexical meaning of the word "belongings"
This word belongs to the category of colloquial words, therefore it is used more often in everyday speech, however, it can also be found in literary works. The main meaning of the word "belongings" is small household property, belongings. In addition, it is possible to use this word in the meaning of "profit", "profit" or "gain".
There is also a rougher synonym for this word - "manatki". It is usually used in cases where it is necessary to emphasize a dismissive, even contemptuousattitude towards the person in question and his things. This colloquial word is believed to have come into Russian from Polish, where it was formed from the Italian word for "knot".
In modern Russian, the word has only the plural form. However, this state of affairs was not always observed. Even in the literature of the 19th century, one can find the use of this word in the singular form - "belongings" (a masculine noun). However, over time, this form fell into disuse, ceasing to be a language norm.
Origin and structure
Probably, the word comes from a verb with the root "-zhit-". In itself, it implies something acquired during the time that a person "lived". The same prefix "on-" is also found in the word "belongings". It is a native Russian word. Stress, regardless of number and case, is always placed on the syllable with the letter "i", i.e. to the syllable "zhi".

Examples of expressions with the word "belongings"
This word, as mentioned above, in this period is used exclusively in the plural. But in samples of fiction and dictionaries, one can also find examples of the use of "belongings" in the singular. Consider the examples of both options:
- No stake, no yard, zipun - all belongings.
- Members of these households carry their belongings with them, sleep anywhere, even on the street.
- Belongings bulkhead interference.
- I would take my belongings,I would look at the sun, and remember your name.
- Let everyone pack their belongings and hurry on the road!
- Get jealous on other people's belongings.
- Fire is not water - belongings do not float.