Technical inventory is Objects, types, requirements for the order of conducting

Technical inventory is Objects, types, requirements for the order of conducting
Technical inventory is Objects, types, requirements for the order of conducting

Technical inventory is a special inventory of property, carried out most often in relation to various real estate objects. It is carried out with a certain frequency. Its main purpose is to reconcile the data available in the documentation of a company or government agency with factual information. This takes into account changes that occur with the property over a certain period of time.

Process Designation

Technical inventory is a lengthy and complex procedure that allows you to identify existing land, buildings and structures owned by a company or individual. Due to it, the property status of an enterprise with production or retail space is taken into account.

Due to the check, the quantitative and qualitative condition of all property belonging to a company or a citizen is determined. Thanks to such an inventory, the owner of the property can receivelots of information about your values:

  • degree of deterioration of the building;
  • appearance of characteristics due to which the cadastral value of the object increases, for example, bringing utilities to the building;
  • reveals all changes that have occurred over a certain period of time.

A technical inventory of real estate is being carried out in relation to private property, state or municipal, as well as owned by any commercial organizations.

state technical inventory
state technical inventory

Inventory and accounting

Technical inventory is represented by a certain type of accounting activity. It consists in the implementation of a certain set of accounting works, on the basis of which the necessary changes are made to the accounting documentation.

Therefore, state technical accounting and technical inventory are interdependent and similar processes. This is due to the fact that during the audit, the documentation from the accounting is initially studied in order to compare the available information with the actual data.

Accounting is represented by a certain method of identifying the characteristics inherent in the object, for which the list of real estate belonging to a specific owner is taken into account. It allows you to verify and compare data that are regulated by the goals of the inventory. On the basis of accounting, objects are entered into the inventory.

Therefore, accounting and technical inventory are two processes with common parameters and similar goals. Based on verificationcertain characteristics of the object under study are discovered, which are then entered into the accounting documentation and compared with past data.

The result of the processes is an assessment of the value of a particular property, which takes into account the degree of wear and tear. It is allowed to reduce and increase the price due to reconstruction, changes or deterioration of the object due to various impacts.

conducting a technical inventory
conducting a technical inventory

Main process functions

Technical inventory is a property inventory carried out only by experienced professionals. The procedure has several functions at once:

  • gathering information;
  • competent processing of the information received;
  • assigning a cadastral or inventory number to a specific property;
  • formation of an act, which is then issued to the customer, represented by the owner of the property or various state inspection bodies;
  • storage of documentation compiled as a result of the inventory;
  • issuance of documents related to the inspection to various inspection inspectors or government officials;
  • calculation of the cadastral value of an object.

Therefore, this procedure should be carried out systematically, which will allow timely identification of any changes in the value or characteristics of a particular property.

accounting technical inventory
accounting technical inventory

Objects to check

Objects of technical inventory and technical accounting arethe same. Objects can only be objects that have autonomous parameters and an independent legal status. They must have an official name, which allows these items to be included in the inventory.

When determining the legal status of a particular property, the main criteria contained in the following documents are taken into account:

  • technical passport of the structure;
  • technical plan of the object, to which there must be an explication.

It is not uncommon to check several buildings that form a single complex. The complexes are a certain accounting unit, and the premises, due to which their structure is formed, are exclusively auxiliary parameters of this object.

Often there is a need to break the complex into several units, which requires the preparation of supporting documents. Between buildings, a special demarcation strip is necessarily drawn, represented by a fence or wall. In this case, the possibility of communicating these objects into a single complex is prevented.

Other types of objects

Although the objects of technical inventory and technical accounting are the same, there are certain difficulties with their identification. Therefore, some nuances are taken into account:

  • households with different capital structures located on the same plot are taken into account in aggregate, therefore they are not separated on the basis of property value;
  • buildings are objects, and the land they are built on is theirscharacteristic;
  • if there are elements of buildings or other small premises on the territory, they are not inventory objects, therefore they are added to the main building;
  • if buildings are erected on the ground, they are subject to inventory only after they are officially put into operation, and an inspection report is also submitted.

Additionally specific objects are elements of unfinished construction or structures that are not legalized in the right way, called samostroy. Difficulties may arise if there are ownerless structures on the territory.

organization of technical inventory
organization of technical inventory

Procedure goals

Technical inventory of real estate is carried out to achieve several goals at once. These include:

  • identifying objective, truthful and complete information about a particular object, and this information is required not only by the owners of structures, but even by government agencies for calculating tax or other purposes;
  • formation of a single database that includes all real estate objects, and often due to such information it is possible to modernize and improve the layout of a particular area;
  • collection and transmission of information to statistical authorities;
  • checking the accuracy of the data received from the owners of buildings regarding the correctness of the calculation of property tax;
  • transmission of data to registration authorities.

The information received is used not only by object owners, but also by variousgovernment agencies, intelligence agencies or departments. Due to the technical inventory, it becomes possible to correctly calculate the amount of the fee, determine the current depreciation or evaluate the cost of an insurance policy. Based on this information, other mandatory payments are established.

When is process required?

It is mandatory to conduct an inventory of property in the following situations:

  • construction of a new property;
  • carrying out for building overhaul;
  • committing various actions with legal significance, for example, the allocation of a share, the alienation of a share, or the merger of several shares.

This process can be initiated by both the owner of the facility and various government organizations. For this, special applications are drawn up, after which, on the basis of this document, the owner of the premises forms an application that is transmitted to the MFC.

objects of technical inventory and technical accounting
objects of technical inventory and technical accounting

Varieties of procedure

State technical inventory can be presented in several varieties. These include:

  • Primary. It is carried out when the property is just registered. At the same time, a technical passport and a technical plan for this facility are being formed. The place where the building is located is revealed. It is determined who exactly is its owner, since it can be not only an individual, but also a company. The type of ownership is set.
  • Planned. Statebodies form special plans that indicate when an inventory of specific property will be carried out. As a standard, a technical inventory of property is carried out once every five years, but it cannot be implemented more often than once every three years. Usually plans are formed by federal government agencies, but some adjustments may be made by local authorities in the regions.
  • Unscheduled. Such an inventory is carried out when the need arises. The initiator for its implementation is the direct owner of the object. The procedure is performed on a reimbursable basis, so you will have to pay a certain amount of money to specialists involved in the inventory. To do this, you need to submit an application to the BTI or the MFC. For an additional fee, the process can be performed urgently.

If property transactions are being made or a facility is being renovated, then such applications have a certain advantage over other applications.

technical inventory is
technical inventory is

Who does the verification?

The organization of technical inventory is the responsibility of different companies with unique powers to conduct the process. The main institution is the BTI, and the branches of this organization are located in each region of the country.

This bureau contains information about the technical parameters of all premises in the country. Employees of the institution are engaged in unscheduled inventory, charging a certain fee from the owners.

Scheduled check in progressonly by special institutions or unitary enterprises. At the federal level, they are vested with certain powers and rights. Each technical inventory enterprise should be appointed exclusively by state authorities.

Inspection procedure

Initially, the owner of the premises should have a need to carry it out. The order of technical inventory involves the implementation of sequential actions:

  • property owner's application initially pending;
  • an authorized commission is being formed, and only responsible executors should be included in it;
  • if a state inventory is carried out, then the state acts as a customer;
  • during the initial registration of real estate, customers will be citizens who own objects;
  • direct inventory is being carried out to identify new buildings and structures on the ground, as well as to assess the degree of wear and other property parameters;
  • the territory is bypassed, during which the necessary parameters of objects are entered on paper;
  • all information received is included in a special commission act, which is checked against the previous similar document;
  • if there are discrepancies in the acts, then new data is entered into the information data bank;
  • thanks to new information, the cadastral value of an object may increase or decrease, which will certainly be registered with the Federal Tax Service.

It is often the overestimated indicator of the cadastral priceserves as a basis for facility owners to apply for an inventory, as they do not want to pay too much tax on facilities.

Information obtained as a result of the inventory is transferred to other state bodies, which include the State Statistics Committee, Gosstroy and Minzemstroy.

state technical accounting and technical inventory
state technical accounting and technical inventory

What kind of technical documentation is generated?

If the inventory is carried out for the first time for any object, then certain technical documents must be prepared based on its results. These include:

  • Technical passport. It reflects all the technical parameters of the object. Only if it is available, you can register an object or make various property transactions with it. Often, on the basis of a passport, an object is pledged. The passport indicates the area of the building, the number of rooms, the type of property, its purpose, the condition of the main parts, and often the inventory value is prescribed.
  • Technical plan with explication. Thanks to this document, new buyers of the property will be able to determine whether the previous owners did not commit illegal redevelopment.
  • Information about the boundaries, if the object of the inventory is a land plot. A document containing a list of all buildings located on the territory is attached to it.

Numerous technical documents are drawn up both for different buildings and for land. When generating documentation, it is not allowed to commit differenterrors, because if they are in the technical passport, then the owner of the property may have difficulties in the future with its sale or with other transactions.

technical certificate
technical certificate


Technical inventory is a special inventory of property, and it is usually carried out in relation to different real estate objects. It is implemented only by specialists of the BTI or other government organizations with specific powers and rights.

The customer of the process can be not only the direct owner of the object, but also the state. If real estate is put into operation or various property transactions are made with it, then an inventory is considered a mandatory process.
