Relevance of the thesis. Thesis example, analysis

Relevance of the thesis. Thesis example, analysis
Relevance of the thesis. Thesis example, analysis

Every student knows that it is not enough just to find and process good material for a thesis. You also need to know how to arrange everything correctly. In this article I would like to talk about what is the relevance of the thesis, as well as give an example of writing theses.

Important points

the relevance of the thesis
the relevance of the thesis

Thesis is the most important document that en titles a student to receive a certain degree: bachelor's, specialist's, master's. The importance of at least one part of this scientific work cannot be underestimated. However, in the thesis there are certain points that should be treated with special attention. First of all, it is relevance. It is worth mentioning that the commission often looks at this particular point during the defense in order to determine how important the topic is at the moment and how it is in the key of modernity.

What is this?

So, what is the relevance of the thesis? First of all, it should be said that thisone of the important components of such a section as "introduction". Most often it is placed at the very beginning. Some universities or departments also recommend bolding the heading "relevance" in order to draw special attention to this important point. Why is this section so important? Here you need to indicate the need to study and consider this topic. That is, it is necessary to indicate how it is consonant with the realities of our time and what exactly the development and study of this topic can bring to the development of society and science.

And if the topic is not relevant?

essay review
essay review

All students know that the list of topics for writing theses is offered by the department. However, they are not always relevant at the moment. What to do in such a situation? As you know, there are no hopeless situations. In this case, you will need to write a thesis according to the following scenario:

  1. It is necessary to highlight the most problematic issues regarding the topic.
  2. Next, it is necessary to outline the range of discussion questions on the same topic.
  3. At this stage, you need to correctly include these questions in the topic of the thesis (you need to clarify whether it is possible to vary the theme of the thesis).

It is worth remembering that the relevance of the thesis should correspond to various social, political or social processes of our time, possibly technological progress.

Small conclusions

To sum up all of the above, it is worth clarifying that relevance is what gives rise tothe need to investigate a particular issue. It is worth remembering that the main sign of relevance is the presence of problems and the debatability of the topic under consideration. The reason for considering a certain topic may be the fact that it has not yet been sufficiently studied and replicated in scientific papers.

Design rules

the relevance of the thesis example
the relevance of the thesis example

How to arrange the relevance of the thesis? An example is the first assistant in this matter. So, it is worth saying that there are several rules for the competent provision of relevance:

  1. It should not exceed one and a half pages of printed text. However, it should not be less than one page.
  2. The text should contain certain phrases that perfectly illustrate the fact that this is precisely the relevance of the thesis. Example: “the relevance of the work lies in …”, “the relevance of the work is related to …”, “issues relating to … are very relevant.”
  3. An important point: the relevance of the work is the reason for substantiating recommendations for improving the work on this topic.

We must not forget that all the facts provided in the relevance should be stated briefly, concisely. The text should be logically arranged.

About the example

In order to understand everything, it is best to find and view an example of a thesis. It is worth saying that the example itself must also be correctly selected. So, as a sample, it is best to take the thesis that was defended atthe same department and was also rated "excellent". This is the only way to avoid copying mistakes into your work.

However, also do not forget that as an example, you can take only the structure of the work, just looking at the presentation of the material. Be sure to remember that the most important component of each scientific work is its uniqueness (this means that it simply will not work to write off or copy a piece of material into your work). Such a diploma not only does not pass the test, but also its author can often simply not be allowed to retake it.

an example of a thesis
an example of a thesis

About structure

What should a thesis look like? It is best to take a sample of it at your department, because the design requirements often differ. However, it is still worth saying that the structure of the work will be standard. It includes the following items:

  1. Title page (it must be formatted according to the rules provided by the department).
  2. Contents (list of chapters of the thesis with pages indicated).
  3. List of abbreviations (if any).
  4. Introduction (consists of many sub-items, which will be discussed below).
  5. Review-theoretical chapters (most often there are two of them).
  6. Empirical chapter (providing research or development on a given topic).
  7. Conclusions (recommendations for further development of this topic may also be provided here).
  8. List of references.
  9. Appendices (if any).
thesis sample
thesis sample

About introduction

Be sure to pay attention to such a point of the thesis as an introduction. After all, the most important information about what will be considered in the work should be provided here. So, what subparagraphs should the "Introduction" contain?

  1. Relevance of the topic (as mentioned above, here it is necessary to clarify why the thesis should be written on the topic (indicate your topic), how it corresponds to the realities of our time).
  2. Purpose of work.
  3. Objectives to be achieved through research.
  4. Object (phenomenon or process that gives rise to a problem situation).
  5. Subject (this is what is within the scope of the study; it is the subject that causes a particular research topic).
  6. Hypothesis (an assumption that is made at the beginning of the work. During the study, the hypothesis (s) is either confirmed or refuted).
  7. Research methodology (here you need to provide the methods by which the thesis will be researched).

It is definitely worth clarifying: this list is not final, items can be added at the request of the department.


thesis analysis
thesis analysis

The next important point is the analysis of the thesis. So, the supervisor should view and analyze it at the very beginning. At this stage, some changes and additions are still possible. When the work is reviewed by the commission, there is no possibility to supplement or change somethingintroduce himself. It is also worth mentioning why the grade for the thesis can be lowered. This is:

  1. Incorrect design (does not comply with GOST, the requirements of the department).
  2. There are significant shortcomings in the review-theoretical chapters (erroneous presentation of reviewed studies, lack of references to the most important sources on this topic, plagiarism, etc.).
  3. Shortcomings of the research chapter ("stealing" of other people's results, lack of correlation between the results obtained with similar studies, etc.).
  4. Ethical aspects that relate mainly to the empirical section (the author disclosed the anonymity of the participants, the conclusions formulated can cause psychological damage to the study participants, etc.).


Another important point is the feedback on the thesis. So, first of all, it must be said that this concept should not be confused with the term "review of the thesis". In fact, these are almost the same things (this is the opinion of a certain person regarding the student's thesis). However, if the review is written by a specialist in the industry in question, then the review is written by the supervisor himself.

thesis on the topic
thesis on the topic

Algorithm for compiling a review

It is also worth considering what rules should be used to write a review for a thesis. So, when writing such a document, you must follow a special structure that will contain the following items:

  1. Determining the relevance and problems of the thesis.
  2. Shortdescription of the content and structure of the work.
  3. Highlighting those moments that the student was especially successful in revealing.
  4. Determining the minuses and shortcomings in the thesis.
  5. Recommendation, that is, the supervisor must give the estimated grade for this work.
