Liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century of the Russian Empire

Liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century of the Russian Empire
Liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century of the Russian Empire

Alexander II was the All-Russian Emperor, the Polish Tsar and the Grand Duke of Finland from 1855 to 1881. He came from the Romanov dynasty.

I remember Alexander II as an outstanding innovator who carried out liberal reforms in the 60-70s of the 19th century. Historians are still arguing about whether they improved or worsened the socio-economic and political situation in our country. But the role of the emperor is difficult to overestimate. No wonder in Russian historiography he is known as Alexander the Liberator. The ruler received such an honorary title for the abolition of serfdom. Alexander II died as a result of a terrorist act, the responsibility for which was claimed by activists of the Narodnaya Volya movement.

liberal reforms 60 70 years of the 19th century
liberal reforms 60 70 years of the 19th century

Judicial reform

In 1864, the most important document was published, which largely changed the justice system in Russia. It was the Rule of Law. It was in it that the liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century manifested themselvesvery bright. This statute became the basis for a unified system of courts, whose activities from now on were to be based on the principle of equality of all segments of the population before the law. Now the meetings, which considered both civil and criminal cases, became public, and their results were to be published in print media. The parties to the litigation received the right to use the services of a lawyer who has a higher legal education and is not in the public service.

liberal reforms of the 60s 70s of the XIX century
liberal reforms of the 60s 70s of the XIX century

Despite the significant innovations aimed at strengthening the capitalist system, the liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century still retained vestiges of serfdom. For the peasants, specialized volost courts were created, which could also impose beatings as a punishment. If political trials were considered, then administrative repressions were inevitable, even if the verdict was acquittal.

Zemstvo reform

Alexander II was aware of the need to make changes to the system of local government. The liberal reforms of the 1960s and 1970s led to the creation of elected zemstvo bodies. They had to deal with issues related to taxation, medical care, primary education, financing, etc. Elections to county and zemstvo councils were held in two stages and ensured the majority of seats in them for the nobles. Peasants were assigned a minor role in solving local issues. This situation continued until the end of the 19th century. A slight change in proportions was achievedentry into the administration of kulaks and merchants, people from the peasant environment.

Zemstvos were elected for four years. They de alt with issues of local self-government. In any case that affected the interests of the peasants, the decision was made in favor of the landowners.

liberal reforms of the 60s and 70s
liberal reforms of the 60s and 70s

Military reform

The army has also been changed. The liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century were dictated by the need for an urgent modernization of military mechanisms. D. A. Milyutin led the transformations. The reform took place in several stages. At first, the whole country was divided into military districts. To this end, a number of documents have been published. The normative act on universal military service, signed by the emperor in 1862, became the central one. He replaced recruiting for the army with general mobilization, regardless of class. The main goal of the reform was to reduce the number of soldiers in peacetime and the possibility of their rapid collection in the event of an unexpected outbreak of hostilities.

As a result of the transformations, the following results were achieved:

  1. An extensive network of military and cadet schools has been created, in which representatives of all classes studied.
  2. Army strength reduced by 40%.
  3. The headquarters and military districts were established.
  4. The army has abolished the tradition of corporal punishment for the slightest offense.
  5. Global rearmament.

Peasant reform

Serfdom during the reign of Alexander II has almost become obsolete. The Russian Empire carried out liberal reforms60-70s XIX century with the main goal of creating a more developed and civilized state. It was impossible not to affect the most important sphere of social life. Peasant unrest grew stronger, they became especially aggravated after the exhausting Crimean War. The state turned to this segment of the population for support during the hostilities. The peasants were sure that the reward for this would be their liberation from landlord arbitrariness, but their hopes were not justified. More and more riots broke out. If in 1855 there were 56 of them, then in 1856 their number already exceeded 700.

Alexander II ordered the creation of a specialized committee for peasant affairs, which included 11 people. In the summer of 1858, a draft reform was presented. He envisaged the organization of local committees, which would include the most authoritative representatives of the nobility. They were given the right to amend the draft.

The main principle on which the liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century in the field of serfdom were based was the recognition of the personal independence of all subjects of the Russian Empire. Nevertheless, the landlords remained full owners and owners of the land on which the peasants worked. But the latter got the opportunity to eventually buy out the site on which they worked, along with outbuildings and living quarters. The project caused a wave of indignation both from the landlords and from the peasants. The latter were against landless liberation, arguing that "you won't be full of air alone."

Russianempire liberal reforms 60 70s nineteenth century
Russianempire liberal reforms 60 70s nineteenth century

Fearing the aggravation of the situation associated with peasant riots, the government makes significant concessions. The new reform project was more radical. The peasants were given personal freedom and a piece of land in permanent possession with the subsequent right to purchase. For this, a program of concessional lending was developed.

19.02.1861 the emperor signed a manifesto, which legislated the innovations. After that, normative acts were adopted, which regulated in detail the issues that arise in the course of implementing the reform. After serfdom was abolished, the following results were achieved:

  1. Peasants received personal independence, as well as the ability to dispose of all their property as they wish.
  2. The landowners remained full owners of their land, but were obliged to give certain allotments to the former serfs.
  3. For the use of leased plots, peasants had to pay quitrent, which could not be refused for nine years.
  4. The size of the corvée and allotment was recorded in special letters, which were checked by intermediary bodies.
  5. Peasants could eventually buy their land in agreement with the landlord.

Education reform

The education system has also changed. Real schools were created, in which, unlike standard gymnasiums, the emphasis was on mathematics and the natural sciences. In 1868, the onlyat that time, higher courses for women, which was a big breakthrough in terms of gender equality.

liberal reforms of the 60s 70s of the 19th century 8th grade
liberal reforms of the 60s 70s of the 19th century 8th grade

Other reforms

In addition to all of the above, changes have affected many other areas of life. Thus, the rights of the Jews were significantly expanded. They were allowed to move freely throughout Russia. Representatives of the intelligentsia, doctors, lawyers and artisans received the right to move and work in their speci alty.

Studies in detail the liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century 8th grade of high school.
