Interaction with parents is an important element of any class teacher's work. Modern trends in the development of domestic education are associated with a certain criterion - its quality. It directly depends on the professionalism of educators, teachers, as well as on the culture of parents.
Despite the fact that, for example, a family and a kindergarten are two components of a single chain, a preschool institution cannot replace parental education. Preschool only supplements family education, performing certain functions.

Theoretical aspects of the relationship between families and kindergartens
Interaction with parents has long been a subject of debate between psychologists and teachers. Many great teachers put forward family education as a priority, but there were also those who put educational organizations in the first place: kindergartens, schools.
For example, the Polish teacher Jan Kamensky called the mother school the system of knowledge that the child receivedfrom Mom. It was he who first created the principles of interaction with parents. The teacher believed that the intellectual development of the baby, his adaptation to the conditions of society directly depends on the meaningfulness and diversity of maternal care.
Educator and humanist Pestalozzi considered the family a real educational body. It is in it that the baby masters the “school of life”, learns to independently solve various problems.
Political, socio-cultural, economic changes taking place in society have also affected the education system. Thanks to the promotion of pedagogical theory, interaction with parents and teachers is carried out within the framework of partnerships.

Historical background
Scientists have studied in detail various approaches to the organization of communication between the family and kindergarten, the specifics of relations between children and parents, and identified the most effective forms of activity. There was an attempt to organize close interaction with parents in the second half of the last century by T. A. Markova. Under her leadership, a creative laboratory of family education was organized. Her task was to identify typical problems that parents experienced, as well as to identify the main factors influencing the formation of moral indicators in a child in a family.
The first attempts were made to identify the pedagogical skills and knowledge that fathers and mothers need to implement the tasks of moral education.
As a result of the research, forms of interaction with parents were identified, a connection was established between the level of their pedagogicalpreparation and success in raising children.

Modern realities
How is this work organized? Interaction with parents is focused on friendly partnerships. The family is a social institution of education, in which the continuity of generations is assumed, the social adaptation of children, the transfer of family traditions and values is observed. It is here that the primary socialization of the baby takes place. It is here that the child learns social norms, learns the culture of behavior.

Relevance of the issue
As part of sociological research, it was found that the impact of the family on the moral development of children is much higher than the impact of the street, the media, the school (kindergarten). The physical, spiritual development of the child, his success depends on the microclimate that exists within the family.
That is why the interaction of the educator with parents is one of the most important elements of the work of employees of preschool educational institutions and teachers of secondary schools.
There is a need for a significant modernization of relations between the family and educational institutions. Organization of interaction with parents on partnerships is a task that the state sets for domestic education.

Causes of parental problems in education
Since the family is an integral system, it is impossible to decidedyads "parent - baby" without the participation of educational organizations. Among the reasons that cause an unhe althy parental attitude are:
- psychological and pedagogical illiteracy of fathers and mothers;
- different educational stereotypes;
- personal problems are transferred by parents to communication with students;
- transferring the experience of relationships between older family members to the younger generation.
The basic principles of interaction with parents used in modern educational institutions are based on the principle of a differentiated approach to the educational process.

Helpful tips
In order for the interaction with the parents of the pupils to be as effective and efficient as possible, it is first important to analyze their social composition, the mood for cooperation, and the expectations from finding the baby in a preschool institution. Thanks to the questionnaire, in the course of personal conversations, the teacher will be able to build the right line of relations, select certain forms of interaction with each family. Currently, all parents of children attending kindergarten can be divided into three conditional groups.
The first includes moms and dads loaded at work. From the pre-school institution they are waiting for the improvement, development, education, education of babies, quality care for them, as well as the organization of interesting events.
What kind of upbringing and educational tasks can a teacher solve? Interaction with parents of this group is builtthrough constructive dialogue. Such parents, due to constant employment, are not able to constantly attend seminars, consultations, trainings, but they are happy to participate with their children in creative competitions, exhibitions, and sporting events.
The second group of parents includes moms and dads who have a convenient work schedule, as well as unemployed grandparents. Kids from these families could well stay at home, but parents believe that only within the framework of the kindergarten they will be provided with full-fledged communication with peers, education, training, and development. In this case, the interaction of the teacher with parents, holding lectures, seminars, and trainings for them is especially important. The main task of the teacher is to activate the activities of such parents, to involve them in the active work of the kindergarten. To do this, the teacher creates a special plan. Interaction with the parents of this group is aimed at taking them from the position of passive observers into active assistants of the upbringing and educational process.
The third category includes parents whose mothers do not work. Such parents expect from a preschool institution rich communication of their baby with peers, getting them communication skills, familiarizing them with the correct organization of the daily routine, development and education.
The teacher needs to single out the most enterprising mothers from this group, include them in the parent committee, make them their reliable assistants and colleagues. Seeing such interaction of the parent, the child will also strive for self-development, activesocial activities, it will be easier for him to adapt in society. Relationships between adults who are interested in the child's success are built on mutual respect, mutual assistance, and trust.
Specific relations between family and preschool organization
The content of the work of the educator with parents involves all issues of education and development of children. The teacher introduces them to fathers and mothers, as parents need knowledge about the specifics of the formation of the baby, methods, tasks, organization of the game and subject environment, preparing them for school life. The child considers such interaction of a parent as a guide to action, a standard of his behavior.
Kindergarten teachers are real professionals who are ready to help parents in educating the younger generation.
A teacher should not just give lectures to parents, prepare reports, but be guided by the requests and needs of parents and families.
Currently, parents are quite literate, they have access to any pedagogical information. But often they use literature haphazardly, accidentally, which does not contribute to achieving the desired result - the proper development of children.
Intuitive upbringing is also dangerous, which is why it is so important to enrich and activate the educational skills and abilities of mothers and fathers, to hold joint family holidays, to cultivate family traditions.

Age-specific preschoolers
Child psychologists note that parents often put excessiveattitudes that negatively affect children's self-esteem. Child psychologists are convinced that because of the discrepancy between the expectations of parents, the baby develops a neurosis. Problems arise due to the fact that parents have no idea about the crisis of three years, they overload the baby with numerous sections and preparatory classes. Of course, preparation for school is important, but it must be carried out without serious damage to development. Educators are obliged to assist parents in solving the problems of the intellectual formation of the child.
When developing the content of work with parents, the following questions are put forward as priority areas:
- physical education of the younger generation;
- features of the psyche of children;
- organization of sports activities.
Directions of work of the educator
As part of artistic and aesthetic work, the teacher pays attention to the specifics and tasks of aesthetic education, solving them taking into account the age characteristics of children.
For example, you can acquaint parents with the peculiarities of organizing holidays and joint leisure activities within the kindergarten and family, involve a music director, psychologists in the work, and hold open classes for moms and dads.
Working with adults is a complex process of communication between individuals who have their own life position. That is why misunderstandings and conflict situations often appear between the teacher and parents.
Establishing a full-fledged personal contact between the teacher and the parents of pupils, daily communication to themabout the success of children is a great way to prevent misunderstandings. In the absence of information, parents turn to other sources, such as other moms and dads, which leads to a distortion of the facts.
Young caregivers often experience fear of the parents of their wards. They are afraid to turn to them with claims, complaints, suggestions regarding their children. In the absence of experience, educators do not try to understand the current situation, but simply consider the parents to be in conflict, trying to prove to them that they are mistaken. Such a position negatively affects the upbringing and educational process, is a prerequisite for serious problems between the teaching staff and parents.
It is important to listen to your parents at the initial meeting, show them your interest and readiness to understand the situation described. You can additionally invite the mother (father) of the baby in order to inform them personally about the actions taken, the results obtained.
Modern parents are interested in the consultations of a speech therapist, medical worker, psychologist. But when considering issues related to parenting, they often consider themselves so competent in this area that they do not want to take into account the arguments of the educator, despite his professional education and work experience.
In the course of research on the formation of educational competencies in parents, we came to the conclusion that there are certain contradictions:
- between duties and rights,inability to use them;
- between parents' requests for educational services and the impossibility of providing them;
- between the desire of fathers and mothers to actively help preschool institutions and the strict regulations for the activities of such organizations;
- between the low level of pedagogical culture and the lack of educational programs for parents in kindergartens
To strengthen and improve communication and interaction between different social institutions (family, kindergarten, community) it is necessary to use certain principles:
- partnership of teachers and parents in the education and upbringing of children;
- trust, respect, help to the child from both the teacher and his mother (dad);
- adults' possession of information about the educational opportunities of the family and educational organization
Today, all educational organizations in our country are engaged not only in teaching and educating the younger generation of Russians, but also in advising parents on family education. That is why kindergartens and schools determine the forms and conditions of work with parents, select and improve the forms, content, methods of mutual cooperation based on their requests.
New educational standards that have been developed and implemented in the system of preschool and school domestic education, include provisions regarding the implementation of educational work with the parents of students.
The result of systematic work aimed at improving the education of mothers and fathers, directlydepends not only on the competence of the teacher, but also on the desire of the parents themselves to learn the methods of raising children.