Preschool and school education involves the interaction of educators and teachers with parents (legal representatives) of children. If a group acts as a structural element in a preschool educational institution, at school it is a class team. No matter how high the qualifications of a teacher, no matter how detailed he thinks over his activities, he needs modern forms of work with parents.

The task of new educational standards
In the framework of the modernization of Russian education, an important element is the development of dialogue and a full-fledged partnership between an educational organization and a family. New forms of work with parents make it possible to establish mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual assistance, and to implement a differentiated approach to each family. To increase the effectiveness of interaction, teachers study the social composition of families, involving a psychologist.

Traditional methods
Whatclassical forms of work with parents can be used by educators and teachers? At the first stage of work, meetings and acquaintances are necessary, as well as a survey. Within the framework of open classes, teachers can inform parents about the specifics of the educational and educational process, conduct group and individual consultations for them, and parent meetings.
The following classical forms of work with parents also give a good result: information stands, folders of children's creativity, exhibitions.
To improve the educational level of parents, teachers organize parent meetings, seminars, lectures.
A separate place is given to the involvement of legal representatives of children in the organization of concerts, competitions, projects, research.

What is non-traditional work with parents
There are several groups: information-analytical, cognitive, visual-informational, leisure.
All non-traditional forms of work with parents contribute to the establishment of trust between children and adults.
Pedagogical lounge
It can be "opened" at the beginning or at the end of the school year, taking into account the tasks that the teacher sets. Such non-traditional forms of work with parents involve meetings between the teacher and parents, discussion of the plan or results of activities. First, the participants of the living room are offered a questionnaire: "Parent-kid-educational institution." Then the planned event is discussed or the results of the past holiday are summed up. At the beginningQuestioning helps the teacher to get to know the family better, to understand the request and interests of his parents. Non-traditional forms of work with parents help to establish trusting relationships between all participants in the educational process.
In the framework of the living room, important issues related to the upbringing of children are also discussed. For example, in kindergarten, the teacher considers the topic “Crisis of 3 years”, and at school the class teacher pays attention to the following areas: “How to understand a teenager?”, “Unified State Examination: pass and maintain the child’s he alth”, “Where to go to study?”.
The teacher starts preparing for the opening of the pedagogical living room 2-3 weeks before the direct meeting with the parents. The difference from the usual parent meeting lies in the informal atmosphere that prevails in the living room. The teacher gives the main theses on the issue chosen for discussion. Then the parents in a relaxed atmosphere (during the tea party) share their experience of overcoming the discussed problem. The result of the meeting is the development of a memo on the rules of conduct in a particular situation.
A child psychologist is invited as a guest. He conducts training showing parents how to avoid conflicts.

Heart Talk
What other innovative forms of work with parents can be used? The “Emotional Conversation” meeting is not intended for all fathers and mothers, but only for those whose children experience problems in communicating with their peers, show aggression towards teachers. First, a short video is shown, situations are played out,then a survey is conducted on the topic of conversation. The specificity of such a meeting is that at the end of the communication, the parents themselves approach the recommendations, they do not receive a “ready recipe” from the teacher.
For example, if the meeting is devoted to the topic "Peculiarities of a left-handed child", the teacher selects material about the degree of severity, the psychological characteristics of such children. Psychologist, physical education instructor, music worker - these specialists complement the teacher's story, help to cover the problem from different points of view.
Such new forms of work with parents help eliminate distance, make relationships more trusting and free. Reflection is also offered as part of the “spiritual conversation”, which allows parents to assess how much they have mastered the material offered to them. Feedback helps the teacher to understand how effective the meeting was, whether the goal set in the “heartfelt conversation” was achieved.
Master classes
Such forms of work of a teacher with parents allow teachers, with the help of illustrative examples, to demonstrate to fathers and mothers of their pupils or students certain methods and techniques of work that they can use to establish trusting relationships with their children.
How to organize such a meeting? For example, if it is planned to discuss issues related to establishing contact between parents and adolescents, the teacher invites a psychologist. The specialist conducts a small master class for parents, demonstrating, using specific examples, techniques for building relationships with adolescents. Thena training is organized, within the framework of which parents have a real opportunity to consolidate new skills and abilities, ask the specialist questions that have arisen.
At the end of the meeting, a general summary is made, recommendations are formulated for establishing relationships between adolescents and parents.

Talk show
Such a meeting involves discussing some serious problem from different points of view, as well as considering ways to solve it. For example, you can invite parents to consider the question: "Pets: pros and cons", in which all participants are divided into two groups. Separately, you can organize a third group, which will be "guests of the studio", will be able to ask questions to the participants.
One group must show the benefits of having any pets in the family, and the second acts as their opponents. In order for the talk show to be bright and emotional, its participants are offered various situations related to finding a pet in the family, they offer ways to solve problems that arise. An obligatory element of such an innovative form of work with parents is the discussion of all proposed positions.

Unusual training
They can be considered the most active forms of interaction between an educational organization and a family. Both fathers and mothers can take part in the training. What topics can be offered for training? Among these are the following: "My fabulous image", "Favorite toy","Childhood memories". Such training is organized in a playful way between a team of children and parents, so it can be offered in elementary school or kindergarten. Simulating various situations, children and their parents learn to work in a team, improve their communication skills.