What is a yarmulke? Yermolka is a national Jewish headdress. It symbolizes the modesty and humility of man before God. The yarmulke is a round hat that covers the top of the head. It is worn alone or under a hat. In some cases, it is attached to the hair with a hair clip. It is attached to the bald head with a silicone rubber band. This refers to light tissue bales, which often fly off the head. It is considered that the headdress is matched in size if it lasted on the head during sleep.
History of occurrence

What is a yarmulke? In ancient times, the head was covered during prayer. Many Jews wore yarmulkes constantly as a sign of eternal service to the Almighty. But this is more a custom than a religious rule. This tradition has been followed by believers for several hundred years.

What is a yarmulke? When a boy begins to walk, he is immediately taught to wear a yarmulke. Women did not wear kippahs. A married girl had to cover her head with a scarf. Only her husband could see her hair. The word "bale" has a second meaning - the dome of the building. CurrentlyConservative Jews wear yarmulkes when visiting the synagogue and while eating. Some Jewish women also follow this rule.

What is a yarmulke? There are several types of yarmulkes. They vary in shapes, sizes and colors. Bales can be knitted or sewn from fabric. Some types of kippah have a pom-pom. By the type of headdress of a person, one can determine his religiosity, to which branch of Judaism he belongs. The kippah does not protect its wearer from rain and sun. Many prefer to wear it under a hat. A yarmulke can be worn by non-Jews as a sign of respect for traditions.
This word is of Polish origin. In Russia, this was the name of the headdress of a rich man. In the 19th century, the yarmulke was a household headdress. It was worn with a robe. Only we althy people could afford to wear a yarmulke.