Along with the noun, an important part of speech is the verb, which indicates a process or action. A characteristic feature is the distribution by grammatical categories. These include pledge, mood, tense and person. Together, they are indicators of what kind of word the word belongs to. In order to correctly write the words "ride" or "ride", it is important to know simple rules.
Spelling endings

Which word to use in a conversation - “rides” or “rides”? It is important to know the rules for writing endings. All verbs are divided into two groups: one includes the words of the first conjugation, the other - the second conjugation. The distinguishing feature is the ending. The second group contains verbs that end in “–it”, including the exception words “shave” and “lay”, and eleven words with endings in “–at” and “–et”. Verbs with othersendings refer to the first conjugation.
In Russian, there are words that in different positions can refer to different conjugations, so they are called heteroconjugated. This includes the words "give", "want", "run", "eat". If there are prefixes "obez-", "obes-", these words belong to the second conjugation. For example, "provides", "neutralizes". The word “ride” has the ending “–ite”, so it belongs to the second conjugation.
Spelling suffixes

Many people don't know how to spell "drive" or "drive" correctly. To make the right choice when writing, you need to use morphological norms. Verb conjugation is easy to check: put the word in the indefinite form and highlight the suffix. It is important to consider whether the word is an exception. Further, we conclude that the word "ride" is written with the letter "and".
Morphological features of the verb
Verbs in the present tense in the indicative mood are used in various forms. The spelling of the words "rides" or "rides" depends on the person and number they are in. Such a part of speech as a verb is associated with a noun or pronoun, so it will not be difficult to correctly identify the signs.
In the singular person of the present tense, words of the form are used:
- I drive.
- You drive.
- He drives.
In the plural it is necessary to write: "We drive, you drive, they drive." This can be seen in the example of sentences: We go to work every day.

In the future tense it sounds like this:
- I will ride.
- You will drive.
- He will ride.
- She will ride.
- It will drive.
- We will ride.
- You will ride.
- They will ride.
Past tense:
- I went shopping.
- Did you go to the sea last year?
- This summer she went to rest in the Crimea.
Verb moods

To choose how to write correctly, “ride” or “ride”, you need to pay attention to some subtleties. Mood is a grammatical feature of a conjugated verb. The rules of the Russian language show three types that differ in some points:
- The indicative or direct mood is used in past, present and future tenses. With its help, the action is conveyed in reality: Yesterday we visited a new cinema. Tomorrow I will do my math homework.
- The imperative or indirect mood expresses an action that may not coincide with reality. It can be an order or a request: "It's time to go!" The use of words: "You go." "You are driving." When addressing someone, they say: “Go!”
- Subjunctive mood. Expresses an action that a person is thinking about, but it depends on several factors. "I would go with you, but I have a lot of work to do." The wordsused like this:
- I would go.
- She would go.
- It would drive.
- You would go.
In addition to these forms, there are participles and gerunds: in the present tense "riding", in the past tense they say "riding, driving, riding". For example: “He traveled around the villages and collected old relics.”
Using verbs

Like other parts of speech, verbs can be singular or plural. The rules will help you find out whether you need to write "rides" or "rides." The first word is used with parts of speech in the third person singular. The second is plural. The main thing - you need to remember that in Russian there is no verb form "riding". For example: "Dad rides a bike" is a misnomer.
The third person personal verb "rides" in the singular belongs to the second conjugation. To find out the conjugation of a verb with an unstressed ending, you need to put the verb in the infinitive. In this case, it is important to know what needs to be put - “ride” or “ride”. The second option would be correct. It is the ending “–it” that indicates the second conjugation.
Examples from spoken and written language
When choosing between writing the words “went” or “ezdela”, you need to remember that in the past tense verbs before “-l-” there is such a vowel that is in an indefinite form. The question is: what to do? They answer with the word "ride" - this is the correct option, in the past tense they use the words"went" and "went":

- Don't drive too fast on the road.
- My little brother loves to ride a bike.
- To learn how to drive a car, you need a desire.
- Can you ride a horse?
- I firmly decided that after work I would go to the pool.
In modern Russian, you need to correctly build sentences both in speech and in writing. Compliance with spelling rules indicates the literacy of someone who uses verbs in different tenses and moods. In a difficult situation, they turn to a dictionary or reference book for help, which contains words for writing sentences that fully comply with the rules of the Russian language. Do not think that looking for a clue in the dictionary is shameful - this will only increase literacy.