On the one hand, following the rules of nutrition and eating is not such a difficult task. However, most likely, not many people can boast of their implementation. At first glance, there are many good reasons for this. First, the eternal lack of time. There is usually no time to think about it. Secondly, many believe that it is not this that is important for he alth, but a visit to a fitness center or an annual vacation in a sanatorium. But is it?
Reduces the effect of wellness treatments
In fact, this is far from the case. Despite the simplicity of the basic rules of eating, their non-compliance greatly reduces the positive effect that all kinds of wellness procedures can give. Why is that? What do the experts say? Why is it important to follow the rules of eating? Let's look into this issue in detail.
Before we move on to taking practical steps to optimize your eating habits,There are two important rules to remember. If you do not adhere to them, then there is an opportunity to significantly complicate your life.
Two important rules

They are as follows:
- Firstly, it is necessary to abstract from bad habits and start doing the right thing not immediately, but gradually.
- Secondly, despite the fact that nutrition has always interested people, and even more so they occupy them today, to this day the rules for eating that would be suitable for all occasions and suitable for everyone not yet developed. And, most likely, there will never be any.
In this regard, at the beginning of the process of assimilation of new habits and rules of eating, conditions conducive to digestion, it is necessary to arm yourself with common sense. And you should also focus on your own well-being and the existing basic knowledge regarding the physiology of the human body.
Three basic questions

To better understand what the rules of eating are, you should answer three basic questions. They can be formulated as follows:
- When exactly should I eat or how many times a day should I sit down at the table?
- What is the optimal amount of food to eat at one time?
- How to eat?
Let's look at the answers to these questions.
How often should I sit down at the table?

Surprisingly, in this seemingly simple questionThe experts don't agree. Some of them claim that the entire daily amount of food must be consumed in three meals, which are breakfast-lunch-dinner.
Another part recommends reducing the volume of the above methods, but at the same time “dilute them with snacks, which should be two or three. However, both of these approaches have both advantages and disadvantages. What are they?
Pros and cons of different approaches

As for the traditional three meals a day, it is better suited to the modern rhythm of life, when they have breakfast and dinner at home, and dine at work. Another plus is that long breaks between meals allow the body to absorb the food eaten completely.
The main advantage of fractional nutrition is that a smaller amount of food enters the body at a time, which eases the load on the digestive system, and their assimilation occurs in an easy mode. The disadvantage of this option is the difficulty in observing such a regimen with a busy schedule inherent in a modern person; it is quite problematic to enter five or six meals a day into it. Often, some tricks are skipped, and people do not always have time to prepare the necessary products to carry them with them.
Speaking about the rules of eating, we must not forget about the time. On this occasion, there are the following guidelines:
- breakfast should be between 6-8 o'clock;
- lunch - between 12-14;
- dinner - 18-20.
If one chooses to dosnacks, they should be somewhere in the middle between the above intervals.
How much to eat at a time?

It should be noted that the rules for eating an unambiguous answer to this question do not provide, but there are options:
- Even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who, as you know, was a practicing doctor, advised getting up from the table even before a person was full, that is, experiencing a slight feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that the satiety signal enters the brain about twenty minutes after you stop eating. However, here it is necessary to take into account the moment that food must be chewed slowly, since one who swallows large pieces will feel hungry even with a full stomach. And such a “method” will not bring any benefit.
- At one time you need to eat such a volume that fits in two palms, if they are put together. This method became known to us from Indian yogis. Although it seems somewhat simplified, it is still possible to focus on it by controlling nutrition. And you can also adopt the rule of one glass with fractional meals.
- Another way to put things in order in your diet can be the following. One-fourth of the daily ration is eaten for breakfast, half for lunch, and the remaining quarter for dinner.
As you can see, there are several rules regarding the amount of food that must be taken daily. Therefore, it is worth experimenting and choosing the one that is most suitable for yourself.
How to eat?

When observing the rules of eating, it is important to know not only when and how much to eat, but also how to do it. Here are some habits to develop in this regard:
- Experts recommend doing a 15-minute exercise before breakfast. This will stimulate the appetite and activate the digestive tract.
- Half an hour before each meal you need to drink one glass of water, preferably warm. This serves to normalize appetite and wean from the bad habit of drinking it after meals.
- It's good to develop this habit: sitting down at the table, for a minute distract from all extraneous thoughts, focusing exclusively on food. Thus, the body is better prepared to digest food. It is customary for believers to read a prayer before eating, and in India - mantras. Thus, this habit has roots from ancient times.
- No need to get up from the table immediately after eating and start to be active. You should sit quietly for a while.
- It is undesirable to eat very cold or, conversely, hot food. This fully applies to water and drinks.
- The digestive system works uncommonly worse if you sit down at the table in a depressed or, on the contrary, excited state. First you need to calm down a bit.
- Indian yogis recommend drinking solid food and eating liquid. This means that the first must be chewed until it becomes almost liquid, and the second should not be swallowed immediately, but to perform several movements similar to chewing. This habit will facilitate the work of the digestive tract and will serve to prevent many diseases.
Thus, the rules for eating are not complicated, and everyone can follow them if they wish.