Learning to read and write is a basic skill that, unfortunately, not all people have. The basics are laid at an early age and are reflected in adulthood. Children who skip material face significant learning difficulties as texts become longer and more difficult in the future. How to improve literacy in the Russian language, identify violations and develop an interest in learning in a child? We offer a number of recommendations for solving the problem.
At what age to pay attention to mistakes?

The happiest moment in a parent's life is when children say their first word. Then the language learning process begins. True, some adults forget about the individual age characteristics of students and try to prepare them for school to the maximum, having taught them to read, write and count in advance. This methodincorrect, since elementary pedagogical rules are crossed out.
Researchers have found that the formation of the spelling process is completed after 4th grade. Therefore, intensive Russian language literacy classes should take place until the end of elementary school.
Establishing a strong foundation in education makes it easy to cope with tasks and avoid mistakes. An indifferent attitude or, on the contrary, totalitarian control of parents in education negatively affects the child's desire to develop, putting a barrier to their improvement.
Causes of illiteracy: global context
Developed foreign countries, where people regularly attend school, motivated by the future possibility of a job with a good income, have their drawbacks. The first frequent barrier to literacy development is poverty. Families with minimal income are forced to choose between the need for food, shelter and school for the child. The second major problem is the lack of support from relatives.
For example, children who take part in educational games and actively show themselves in the classroom are better prepared for reading and writing. The reason is the constant interaction with an impressive amount of words: orally or through a notebook.

There are a number of factors that will have a negative impact on future Russian language literacy for adults, putting it in a critical position:
- Lack of awareness. Lost interest in learningcaused by ignorance of the importance of attending classes.
- Lack of accessible educational institutions. Those living in remote areas face overcrowded or non-existent facilities.
- Congenital impairment of written and spoken language. Diseases are associated with the CNR, sometimes accompanied by problems with motor functions.
- Illiteracy among parents. Uneducated people often do not pay attention to education, even when they have children, considering it a mere formality.
- Social barriers. Some countries still operate under a caste system that banned female education.
Writing disorders: dyslexia and dysgraphia

A common form of learning difficulty is a specific perceptual problem found in elementary grades and left hand dominant students. It is quite easy to correct a complication in childhood with the help of an experienced speech therapist, since it is primarily associated with mental characteristics.
Dysgraphia is a partial violation of writing. For example, students often get confused and write letters in a mirror image. The problem arises due to distorted auditory perception of oral sentences.
Dyslexia is detected during reading, where the child breaks the sequence of letters. Stable, repetitive mistakes do not allow students to write a good test for literacy in the Russian language, and therefore work with a specialist is required. It is necessary to use an individual approach to prevention.
Receiving and presenting information

A person in his own way interprets the data received from the external environment, based on the senses. Some learn faster with the help of sounds, others prefer to study objects with their eyes. The first step to how to improve the literacy of a child in the Russian language will be to recognize the peculiarities of thinking and find the most effective approach:
- Auditory perception. Information is assimilated on the basis of sound frequency waves transmitted through the air. Children show ability in listening, oral responses, retelling.
- Visual perception. Interpretation and analysis of material through the eyes. Students quickly master the letter, copy the lines and reproduce what they see on the board.
Focusing attention on the difference of processes when submitting material will speed up the path to the desired result.
Spelling Improvement Technique
An effective tool for teaching spelling will be a dictation for literacy in the Russian language. Speaking phrases at a slow and distinct pace, the child will focus all the senses on the voice, since the process does not include inventing an essay. Follow the tips while reading the text or use the special video:
- Warn your child that you will only dictate sentences once.
- If there is a question or exclamation mark in the text, highlight it with intonation.
- Increase your reading speed when there are fewer mistakes in your notebook.

Regular dictation classes will help in the following:
- Practice new learned words in context.
- Checking ownership of the template and rules.
- Detect common mistakes.
- Using old words in a meaningful way.
Check out loud
This method helps children develop a rich vocabulary, learn to process concepts, and develop formal communication. If you read the written text aloud for a Russian literacy test, the child can independently highlight the mistake made by sound.
The page does not have to contain a dictation, but can be a book in the literary genre. Reading aloud develops positive role models in children, rich vocabulary, good grammar, broadens interests and stimulates the imagination.
Love for school

The main mistake made by parents and teachers towards the child is to limit learning exclusively in the classroom. Sure, school takes up an impressive amount of time, but if adults want to increase a student's motivation and learn how to improve Russian language literacy, then intellectual, social, and academic growth must go beyond the premises.
Create an open atmosphere for dialogue where all concerns and dislikes will be expressed. Children feel confident when they openly express opinions about their educational experience without third-party judgment and ignorance:
- Encouragesincere communication.
- Focus on the best interests of the child.
- Enter game learning.
- Take time to focus on what he is learning.
- Help organize the day.
- Praise and celebrate achievements.
Fixing the rules
An effective method of mastering the material covered - the selection of exercises for literacy in the Russian language. For example, if a child makes mistakes in unstressed vowels at the root, you should collect a set of tasks or come up with them yourself. It is recommended to use tasks with errors, where the student must find the correct option from the provided ones.
Alternating vowels and consonants at the root is the second common mistake made by schoolchildren. You can work out the main problems with the help of examples in the video.

The child does not understand the functions of a hard and soft sign? There are no rules about this. Therefore, we turn to a detailed task for the softness of consonants. To begin with, it is important to mentally put down the letters and thoughtfully rewrite the sentences, pronouncing them in syllables, because this way they will be better remembered. Turn the actions into a habit so that in the future it will help you write a Russian literacy test well.

If during dictations children focus on the sound of your voice, then when performing testing, they rely solely on their own strength. Teachers in schools alternate these methods with each other in order to further form tasks for improving Russian literacylanguage and build lessons around them.
Regular repetition, fixing mistakes and working through them are important for getting rid of them completely. Parents should be patient when explaining the rules, even if they didn't do it that long ago. If you have not found a suitable test, then below is one of them for different rules:

Ways to develop spelling outside of school
Improving grammar skills is supported by a variety of methods - from practical exercises to interactive computer games. The primary task is the interest of the child in the process of completing tasks, without unnecessary worries. Below is a list of ways to improve Russian literacy:
- Give a choice. Reducing the level of control and the only meaningful choice of the method of learning coming from a strict parent will negatively affect motivation and fence off the desire for development. Allow children to choose their own extracurricular activities, discuss them and listen to the opinion of the student.
- Encourage your child to write any text. Often, when looking at a textbook with long sentences, students look for excuses to take on other work. Support them even if they decide to write a shopping list or a greeting card to friends.
- Introduce a reward system. Create a special board for rewards or buy stickers. When children make mistakes or perform well on a test, stick a brightly colored piece of paper that says "Best Writer" to provide moral support andinspire.
- Keep a personal or creative diary. Writing from dictation is not as pleasant as using the freehand technique. Children have a private space to express themselves as their work is not judged.
- Penfriend. The excitement of messages or letters will help your child reflect on their own writing skills so as not to show themselves in a negative light, and encourage them to work on mistakes.
Last step: fixing with time

The value of education cannot be underestimated. Some people like to think of it as a process of acquiring abilities and experience that are important for future work. The learning process is not built solely on learning, since going to school also plays an important role in the mental and social development of a person.
The methods provided helped to understand how to increase Russian literacy by alternating regular classes, testing, reviewing the rules, interactive games and patience. The latter is the most important thing, because it is difficult to immediately become a genius at one desire. Long work, striving and working through mistakes will eventually give the desired results, and the lessons learned will be remembered by a person for the rest of his life.