Poems and songs contain rhyming lines. To create a truly worthy work, poets go through a lot of words. It’s not enough just to pick it up, you need to beautifully arrange the words. If the whole poem is written on the same rhyme without deep content, it may seem monotonous, boring and uninteresting. Therefore, two pairs of rhyming lines are often used.
Primitive versification is studied in the 5th grade. The ways of rhyming, which are considered at the same time, find examples in classical Russian poetry. To review the main ways of rhyming lines, you should pay attention to such a concept as rhyme.
What is this?
Words have stressed and unstressed syllables. Those that end in the same way can rhyme with each other. To do this, they must have a consonant ending, for example:
- Hands are flour.
- It's the body.
- Joy is a dirty trick.
Rhyme does not always consist of one word. There are also those that use two, even three monosyllabic:
- Brick - nothing to do with it.
- Berlog is out of step.
Ways of rhyming in literature canapply different, but at the end of the line there should be rhyming words. It is customary to designate them with letters of the Latin alphabet. In this case, rhyming lines have the same letter. How many of them will be in the stanza, the author decides. Consider the simplest option, which is common in Russian folk ditties.
Adjacent rhyme - what is it?
In short, these are two lines that stand side by side and have the same rhyme. It is referred to as AA. Examples can be found in folk sayings:
If yes, if only, Yes, mushrooms grew in the mouth.
In Russian folklore, rhyming lines are often found using adjacent rhyming:
What are you, dear, not cheerful?
What did you hang up your little head?
This method of rhyming was used by M. Yu. Lermontov in some poems.

Short chopped lines create an unsettling mood. The proposals fit into two short lines and look like theses. The rhymes are chosen to be simple, but this only intensifies the impression of impending disaster. Writing in this manner is not as easy as it seems. If what the poet wants to say is a story or a ballad, the adjacent rhyme has the AABB pattern.
The most common was the cross-rhyming, in which the lines lined up in the following order: ABAB. In his work, A. S. Pushkin often resorted to this method of rhyming.
Two pairs of lines seem to intersect with each other. This creates a poetic mood, sets the music for speech. In songs, a stanza of four lines with cross-rhymingconsidered a classic. F. I. Tyutchev wrote the famous hymn to spring in this way.

The seeming complexity of such a construction of a stanza actually gives more opportunity to express thoughts and feelings. Such verses are easy to learn, since each line of the narrative is strung on the slender frame of the ABAB form. A is complemented according to the meaning of B, then rhymed A is asked, which again pulls B.
The method of rhyming lines, where the first with the fourth and the second with the third are paired - ABBA - is not used so often. This is an exquisite style of salon poetry, which carries a noble connotation. It is used in sonnets, odes and other sublime works. A. S. Pushkin wrote a poem in support of the Decembrists, which later strengthened the faith of many fighters, in this way.

In the first stanza, the poet uses cross-rhyming, and it becomes like a motto. The rest are covered by rings of external and internal rhyming. The middle lines give the impression of some addition to the theme, and the final rhythm of the poem becomes clear only at the end of the quatrain.
Beginning poets often use rhyme only in the second and fourth lines of the stanza: ABSB. It does not hurt the ear, but it does not make an academic impression either. A. S. Pushkin did not allow himself concessions, carefully looking for the right words. However, G. Heine often resorted to this method of rhyming.

S. Yesenin felt poetry very subtly and could, even using unrhymed first and third lines, create beautiful works. One example is the poem "White Birch", which became a song. The secret of the charming influence of Yesenin's lyrics is in beautiful words at the ends of unrhymed lines: birch, snow, branches, brushes, snowflakes, lazily, branches. A simple listing already creates a leisurely winter mood.
The Onegin stanza, which A. S. Pushkin used to write a novel in verse, contains all three ways of rhyming. An example from the classic is not often taken, but still there are imitation sonnets, in the stanza of which the method of A. S. Pushkin is used. More often, mixed rhyming is used in stable forms of versification: triads, tetrads, limericks. Ways of rhyming poems are quite diverse:
- Octave ABBWAGGW.
- Tercina ABA BVV VGV.
- Triolet ABAA ABAB.

A striking example of mixed rhyming is a five-line limerick. The first, second and fifth represent one group. The third and fourth line - the second: AABBA. This poem, consisting of one stanza, most often has humorous motives.
There are many types of mixed rhyming. Poets have developed them since ancient times. A stanza can have eight, ten, twelve, or fourteen lines. Naturally, the variety of ways in which poems rhyme creates a brighter canvas of verse.
Experiments in versification are still going on. The beginning of the twentieth century was striking in the abundance of forms. Let not all of them take root, but a creative person is always open to experimentation. One thing remains unshakable: the three classic forms of rhyme.