Information about the poles of the Earth should be known to many. To do this, we advise you to read the article below! Here you can find basic information about what the poles are, how they change, as well as interesting facts about who discovered the North Pole and how.
Basic information

What is a pole? By generally accepted standards, the geographic pole is a point located on the surface of the Earth and the axis of rotation of the planet intersecting with it. There are two geographic terrestrial poles in total. The North Pole is located in the Arctic, it is located in the central part of the Arctic Ocean. The second, but already the South Pole, is located in Antarctica.
But what is a pole? The geographic pole has no longitude, because all the meridians converge in it. The North Pole is located at a latitude of +90 degrees, the South Pole, in contrast, at -90 degrees. Geographic poles also do not have cardinal points. In these areas of the globe there is neither day nor night, that is, there is no change of day. This is due to the lack of their participation in the daily rotation of the Earth.
Geographic data and what is a pole?
The poles are verylow temperature, because the Sun cannot fully reach those edges and the angle of its rise is no more than 23.5 degrees. The location of the poles is not exact (it is considered to be conditional), because the Earth's axis is constantly in motion, because the poles are moving a certain number of meters annually.
How did you find the pole?

Frederic Cook and Robert Peary claimed to be the first among those who managed to reach this point - the North Pole. It happened in 1909. The public and the US Congress recognized the primacy of Robert Peary. But these data have remained officially and scientifically confirmed. After these travelers and scientists, there were absolutely many more campaigns and studies that have already been imprinted in world history.