What can we say with certainty about our world? At first glance, there are a lot of such things: the sun rises in the east and sets every day in the west, Saturday is always followed by Sunday, the water is wet and the snow is cold.
On the other hand, how can we say that all this is an indisputable truth, if everything that surrounds us is perceived by our own consciousness, which, in turn, was formed under the influence of other people ? From this point of view, how can we say that we know something for sure?
What does knowledge strive for
Humanity is arranged in such a way that the discovery of something new, previously unknown, is one of the most important, most important goals for it. It is for this reason that the child is drawn to try this or that thing on the tooth, and curiosity now and then spurs us to do something that we could never dare to do just like that.

Knowledge itself is aimed at discovering the truth in any of its manifestations, whether it is a banal statement of the sweetness of honey or proof of the existence of life beyondoutside planet Earth.
Sphere of use of the concept
It is quite obvious that this definition was actively used by a number of sciences. The most characteristic example of them can be called philosophy, where such a concept as immutable truth is one of the key ones.
Of course, we should not forget about one of the queens among the sciences - logic, on which not only the basic exact disciplines are built, but our whole life as a whole. For this science, an indisputable truth is a fait accompli, a justification, the confirmation of which is not even required.
As mentioned earlier, great thinkers, from the time of Ancient Greece to the present day, were interested in this phenomenon, its nature. The immutable truth, and indeed the opposition "truth-untruth" has always been and will be one of the key issues of philosophy.

Benedict Spinoza and Rene Descartes, Socrates and Hegel, Florensky and Solovyov thought about him. The idea of truth is not alien to both Western and Russian thinkers - a huge number of works are devoted to the study of this concept.
Where if not here is the meaning of this concept especially important? The past of mankind shapes its future, and the slightest, most insignificant deviation from the truth can lead to the most unpredictable, sometimes even destructive consequences.
All archaeological, cultural, historical research in the world is aimed at comprehending the reality of past years in the form in which it was, in every detail,mystery and revelation.
Absolutely not alien to this concept and literature, no matter how strange it may sound. As one of the highest manifestations of art, it must combine truth, goodness and beauty, raised to the level of perfection. It is in the books that the concept of this or that phenomenon is affirmed. "Beauty saves the world," said F. M. Dostoevsky, and it is rather difficult to argue with this. In a sense, this statement of his can be called the very indisputable truth.
Love and humanity, dignity and honor, greatness and fidelity - all this acquires in a person's life the status of the most important, most necessary, existing a priori thanks to literature in particular and art in general.
From time immemorial, it has been one of the most important, most solid foundations of being. The immutable truth in religion is what is understood as a fait accompli. Like something that does not require proof, but is taken for granted.

In Christian doctrine, the existence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit can be considered such an indisputable truth. In Buddhism - reincarnation, in Judaism - the incorporeality and incarnation of God.
In conclusion
Indisputable truth is a dogma that must be reckoned with, taken for granted. It doesn't have to be religious related. On the same rights, dogma has a place in any science, whether it be jurisprudence or physics, chemistry or neurobiology. Dogma is that which admits no objection or doubt. This is whata person knows for sure: that at night the moon appears in the sky, and without oxygen there can be no life…