Where can I find the definition of "patriotism"? The term itself appeared during the French Revolution of the 18th century. The definition of "patriotism" at that time was associated precisely with the defenders of the revolution. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Dictionary of V. Dahl
“A lover of the fatherland, jealous of his good” - this is how the word “patriotism” is interpreted here. Definition Dal V. gives him exactly in the perspective in which we are accustomed to use this term. The author believes that a patriot is a person who works for the good of his Fatherland.
Ozhegov's Dictionary
In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, you can also find a definition of the analyzed term. What is meant here by the word "patriotism"? Ozhegov gives the definition, based on the fact that this is a quality that demonstrates a person's devotion to his people, to the Fatherland.

Modern Dictionary of the Russian Language
It also contains an optionexplanations of the analyzed quality. The definition of the word "patriotism" is presented here as "one who is devoted to the Motherland, loves his Fatherland." This category dates back several millennia and is the result of the struggle for self-reliance and independence.
The definition of "patriotism" was also given by V. I. Lenin. He believed that this was a deep feeling, which was fixed for millennia and centuries of allocated homelands.
In the Soviet historical encyclopedia, this quality is characterized as love for the Motherland, awareness of the responsibility of a citizen for the fate of the Fatherland. This quality is expressed in the desire to serve one's people, to protect their interests.

Interesting facts
What is "patriotism"? The definition of this quality, first of all, is associated with love for the country, the people. This feeling is inherent in any person. Is it possible not to love that land, those people with whom you live and work?
The definition of "patriotism" is considered in the framework of the school program of social studies. Fifth-graders analyze the peculiarities of the way of life of representatives of different religions, consider relationships in the family. It is within the framework of such studies that they are offered the definition of "patriotism", the interpretation of its essence.
This term is often called a synonym for nationalism, but such a concept is not supposed in the list of universal human values. So what does the word "patriotism" mean in the modern sense? The definition of this quality in all explanatory dictionaries is associated with carefulrelation to the Fatherland. The preservation of the historical and cultural traditions of their people is noted.

Modern realities
In Russia, during the reforms and perestroika, a significant number of theorists have appeared who are trying to analyze the different qualities of the human personality. For example, the definition of patriotism by S altykov-Shchedrin can be used to write a final essay on the Russian language. It talks about the great educational value of patriotism, the need to develop this quality from an early age.
So what is "patriotism"? The definition for children was given by the President of the Russian Academy of Education N. D. Nikandrov. He considers this quality the we alth of the human personality.
A society in which universal human values are not preserved and broadcast has no future. If the country does not pay due attention to this issue, such a state is deprived of a future. It is impossible to talk about a developed economy when there are no moral ideals in the country, no norms of behavior have been developed.

Conditions for the formation of patriotism
In order for an ordinary citizen to develop a sense of belonging to his people, country, its cultural and historical roots, it is necessary to carry out systematic and systematic work in this direction.
Realizing how relevant and important this issue is for modern Russian society in the framework of the modernization of domestic education, in the courseschools introduced special patriotic courses.
In particular, cadet classes began to form in schools. The Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation contains updated requirements for the content of educational work with classroom teams. Special attention is paid to the development in the younger generation of respect for their historical and cultural roots.

In personal terms, patriotism can be regarded as a mandatory quality of the personality of any citizen. This quality acts as an important stable characteristic of a modern person, reflected in his worldview, norms of behavior, moral ideals.
On a large scale, patriotism is a significant part of human consciousness, manifested in collective feelings, moods, attitudes towards the state, culture, history, way of life of the people.
This quality manifests itself in a person's activities, his actions. True patriotism presupposes not only love for the Motherland, it is a reflection of a person's readiness to serve its interests. This feeling is always concrete, directed to certain objects. The active part of patriotism is a defining opportunity to change sensual images into consistent deeds and concrete actions that contribute to improving the well-being of the native land.
The effective side of this quality is demonstrated by P. Ya. Chaadaev. He said that he was not able to love the Fatherland with closed eyes, with a clamped mouth, with droopingeyes.”
The effective nature of patriotism is based on protecting the interests of their Motherland, Fatherland. It was this that became the basis for compiling definitions of this quality, which can be found in a brief dictionary of philosophy, psychological, pedagogical, philosophical dictionaries.
So what is patriotism? Taking into account that the authors of the dictionaries give different characteristics, but their essence is similar, it is possible to present this personality trait as a historically established and developing category of social pedagogy, which reflects the positive and stable attitude of ordinary citizens towards their country. This quality is reflected in activities for its benefit, and society and the state should take an active part in the formation of such a quality in the minds of people.

Despite the fact that in various dictionaries the term "patriotism" has different interpretations, it is this personality quality that is a priority for mobilizing internal resources for the formation of an active citizenship, a person's readiness for selfless service to his country.
This concept is closely related to various ideas: cultural, historical, geographical. This relationship is of particular importance in our country. Russian patriotism has some distinctive features. First of all, it is necessary to highlight its humanistic orientation. Russian patriotism is characterized by community, law-abidingness and conciliarity, a stable need for people in a collective life, a special love for their nativenature.
In many articles, dictionaries, scientific works there is a definition of the word "patriotism". Many dictionaries focus on its connection with the word love. It can be a noble, pure, genuine pride in one's country, manifested in the glorification of the Fatherland. For example, in Ozhegov's dictionary, this quality is seen as devotion to the interests of a particular cause, a deep attachment to one's historical and cultural roots.
A patriot is the person who is able to sacrifice his personal interests for the benefit of the prosperity of the Fatherland. He feels his involvement in the culture of the people, language, customs, way of life. Summing up, we can say that patriotism is based on spiritual values, it involves the systematic work of a person on himself.
In order for young people to be proud of their country, to strive to benefit it with their actions, an important element is the educational work of a civil-patriotic orientation in preschool and school educational institutions.