How to make 6 triangles out of 6 matches: how to solve and other puzzles with matches

How to make 6 triangles out of 6 matches: how to solve and other puzzles with matches
How to make 6 triangles out of 6 matches: how to solve and other puzzles with matches

Puzzle is a specially designed problem that requires a long time to think, showing quick wit, in order to solve it. This method of developing logical thinking and ingenuity has been used since ancient times. There are many types of such puzzles, consider the charade with matches in the article.

How to make 6 triangles out of 6 matches?

As you can see from the task, first you need to prepare 6 matches. They can be replaced with toothpicks or ordinary sticks, but they must be equal to each other and preferably even. Try to make 6 triangles out of them.

Swiftly such a problem cannot be solved, here you need to show ingenuity and ingenuity. Of course, we already have an answer for you. But still, we recommend that you first try the answer to the task yourself, so you will train your ingenuity, and the person will get more pleasure if he solves the task himself.

Answer to the first puzzle

If you can't do anything, then followour instructions. First you need to take three matches and add one large triangle out of them. Next, we take one match and put it on top of the previously obtained figure. At the same time, it should lie parallel to the match that makes up the base of the triangle. This will be match number 1. Next, take another stick number 2. We put it so that one end lies at the end of the match number 1, and the second is clearly in the center of the base of the triangle. With the last unused stick, we do the same, but on the other hand. You should get a design with two interlocking vertices of the letters "X", which are both underlined and overlined.

how to make 6 triangles out of 6 matches
how to make 6 triangles out of 6 matches

This way you can answer the question of how to make 6 triangles from 6 matches. As you can see, we got 4 small identical triangles and 2 large ones.

How to make 4 equilateral triangles out of 6 matches

It is necessary to build 4 identical triangles from 6 sticks. That is, one side of the triangle should be equal to the length of one match.

We also recommend that you first try to solve this problem yourself. This puzzle develops not only thinking, but also creativity. The way to solve such a problem is rather unusual.

Beyond 2D

To solve the problem, you should leave the two-dimensional plane. Yes, that's right, you should build a three-dimensional figure. You need to arrange the matches so that you get a tetrahedron. For those who do not know what such a three-dimensional figure looks like, below is a photo of a tetrahedron.

make 6 matches 4equilateral triangle
make 6 matches 4equilateral triangle

As you can see, there are 4 equilateral triangles. One on the bottom and three on the sides. That's it, task solved.