It seems to be two very similar words and are pronounced the same. And when writing, the difference is only one letter. But a dilemma arose, how not to make a mistake and write this word correctly. An old joke comes to mind where there are both options: "You can take the girl out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the girl." Yes, yes, both options are correct and are actively used. So what's the difference then?
It's about the meaning
To understand the difference and what word to use - "take out" or "bring out", so as not to get into trouble, you should refer to their meaning. It is the semantic component of these words that will tell you which one should be chosen in a particular case.
Remove or deliver
The first word in the dictionary is the meaning of the verb "to take out" - "carrying, to remove from somewhere, beyond something". It will become clearer if you look at examples of use:
- Take out firewoodfrom the forest.
- Take the family out of town.
- Take the wounded out of the front line.

It would seem that everything is simple. But the second meaning of the same word describes a slightly different action: to bring with you from somewhere. Usage examples:
- Take a rare plant out of Madagascar.
- Remove rare finds from the expedition.
- Take a handmade carpet from the East.
In colloquial speech, there is the use of "take out" as "to help get out of a difficult situation." Take on all the hardships of a difficult task. Just help out.
There are similarities too
The verb "take out" has one of the meanings similar to the verb "take out". The difference is only in the way of action: "to take away from somewhere, to remove outside of something." Obviously, in this case, on foot. Examples:
- Get the soldiers out of the trench.
- Get the visitor out of the room.
- Get the child out of the yard.
Display more values
"Withdraw" from "take out" differs not only in the values, but also in their number. So, the verb "bring out" reveals many more interpretations, among them:
Lead somewhere, show the way, direct traffic, help to go. Examples of use: take the baby to the clearing, the company to the parade ground, the spaceship into orbit

- Give an outlet to the outside, for example, to bring out the wires,pipe, slides to the screen.
- Exclude, force to leave from somewhere, for example, from the board of directors, from the game.
- Destroy, exterminate, for example, remove stains, weeds, lice.
- Get rid of any condition; change someone's state, position. Take the economy to the next level. Put people out of action, out of themselves.
- Bring into the world, grow up. Bring out a variety of apples, a breed of dogs, chicks.
- Come to some conclusion, opinion, conclusion. For example, to derive new postulates, chemical composition, formula.
- Depict, perform (usually diligently, with feeling). Output letter, melody.
Correct Use
If the question arises: "take out" or "take out" - how to write correctly, you should figure out what meaning needs to be conveyed in a particular situation. And then, remembering the meanings of these verbs, use the appropriate option depending on the context.