In English, there is a special kind of verbs that can play different roles in a sentence.
In one case, they can act as simple semantic verbs, for example, to be - to be, to do - to do, to have - to have. In another case, these verbs can turn into indispensable helpers that help to accurately determine the time. After all, it is with times that problems most often arise when learning English. In such situations, these verbs act as auxiliary. And, it is important to note that auxiliary verbs are very rarely translated into Russian. And why? You will find out the answer in this article.

Why do we need this type of verb in English?
Fortunately, native English speakers don't want to change words, because that would make their language quite complicated. Thus, they came to the conclusion that they would use additional small words in the form of auxiliary verbs before actions. This class of verbs plays one of the key roles in the English language. After all, with their help, absolutely all proposals are compiled. And also auxiliary verbs will be needed to build sentences in the passive voice. All thisextremely important in learning, because it is the auxiliary verbs that are the layer of the English language. Without a clear understanding of the use of such verbs, it is impossible to write, speak loudly in English.
The question arises: "What is am, is, are and all the other verbs with special forms?".

Auxiliary verbs of the present and past and continuous tenses
In the present tense of the English language, such an auxiliary verb functions as to be in the corresponding form. But what is am, is, are? And this is the most appropriate form of the auxiliary verb. All of these words are used in certain situations.
What is am? This form is used in the present continuous tense of English with a 1st person singular noun. For example, I am Lena, which will sound translated as: "I am Lena", and if translated literally, then "I am Lena".
What are are? This special form of the verb is used in the same tense, however, for 2nd person, singular and plural nouns. For example, You are pretty, which would be translated as: "You are beautiful", and in literal translation this sentence would sound like "You are beautiful".
What is is and when should this verb be used? It is actively used with 3rd person singular nouns. For example, She is greed, which in translation will sound like "She is greedy", and in literal translation "She isgreedy".
As for the past tense, in this situation the form of the verb to be also changes. In the past continuous tense, auxiliary verbs sound like this: was, were. The word was is used with the singular of a noun, and were is used in the plural.

Auxiliary verb to do
The verb to do has three special forms, namely do, does, did. The form does is used in English only in one case, namely with third person singular nouns, and in all other cases you can safely use do, and you will never make a mistake. Although, the sad fact is that, according to statistics, it is in this situation that mistakes are very often made. Apparently, this happens automatically. All of the above applies to the simple present tense.
Now we need to talk about the auxiliary simple past tense. Everything is much simpler here, you must use the word did in any situation.
It can be concluded that for the correct use of English tenses, you need to know what am, is, are, did, was, were, etc.
Auxiliary verb to have in perfect tenses
The verb to have has three forms, namely have, has, had. This verb is used in perfect tenses. These times always indicate the perfection of a certain action. The have form is required for all persons and numbers of a noun, with the exception of the third person singular. In such a situation, the has form is used. But this information concerns only the present time. In the past, everything will be somewhat different, but not more difficult. In the past perfect tense, had is used for all subjects.

Auxiliary verbs to form sentences in the future tense
The verbs shall and will are needed to form sentences in the future tense.
It is important to note that such an auxiliary present tense verb as shall is practically not used today, and in the old days it was used with 1st person pronouns, both singular and plural.
Now the verb will is used to build sentences in the future tense. And, if earlier the use of only this verb was considered a mistake, now the word will has already become the norm of the English language.
The importance of auxiliary verbs
Based on the above, we can conclude that the student needs to know what am, is, are and other auxiliary verbs are. He must know how they function in the construction of sentences and what role they play. Only then will the English learner be able to write and speak English correctly.