Smart words are usually attributed to science, creativity, social or technical progress. Ordinary life lies beyond anything scientific, abstract, sublime, or extremely intelligent. They think so, but they really don't.
The world is objective, and no matter what a person says to himself, he walks on his feet, works with his hands, but thinks with his head. The subject (idea, plan, project, etc.) is conceptual - this is when it is systematically presented on an objective, but not necessarily practical level.
A concept is not an abstraction. It is a system of images and connections between them. Objectivity is a necessary requirement, but not a guarantee of its existence.
A world of action in a world of ideas
There is nothing easier than just living and working. But even in these two fundamentally simple and basic tasks of being, the concepts of private and public order circulate, repeatedly constructed and implemented in millions of variants. The most simple and traditional tasks:meet a girl and start a family or get a job and earn a car.

How many people have already solved these problems, and so many people still have to solve them. But you need to choose the right key, and before you do this, you need to accurately determine the lock.
Experience of ancestors is not conceptual here. This means that you have to do everything yourself. So, we need a logic of behavior that will lead to the desired goal. So, we need images of what needs to be achieved, and connections between them. Desirable options for action and assessment of each situation.
If the lock is incorrectly determined, then it will be useless to select the key. This problem is not related to mathematics. It cannot be described by physical laws. She also has no association with chemistry.

It might seem that this is a social task with a psychological component. Everything is very possible, but there is no doubt that this is a conceptual task. A task for the mind. Conceptual is when you are detached from the actual reality, but you form a new reality in your mind in order to achieve the desired goal. When the behavior model is formed and realized, you can begin to act.
Concept or hypothesis
If philosophy is the source of fairy tales and concepts, then mathematics is the birthplace of probability theory and miraculous hypotheses. Recently, physics and chemistry have entered the realm of dreams and fantasy. The first cannot decide in any way: is the world waves or quanta? The second confidently dreams of manipulating DNA andmake nanofuels from water and air.
The scientific or engineering world is a special logic of thinking. The creative path of a composer, artist or writer is a world of sounds, images, meaning. In all cases, the results are available to ordinary people. Cloud technologies are in demand and understandable to both schoolchildren and pensioners. A piece of music or a picture is touching to the core. A concept is a reality in any area of application of public and private consciousness.

If the private “project” was conceptual enough, this is a guarantee that the acquaintance with the girl not only took place, but there will be a marriage, and a lot of time will pass before the divorce, and a happy family will live in society all this time. The public consciousness is so constituted that it will create numerous difficulties for each private consciousness constituting it. It is easier to build hypotheses, which in everyday life is called easier: gossip is the lot of society. Building a strong concept of one's own well-being is the concern of a person and his family.
Work and family
Good work is the concern of the company. Here, the conceptual model is not only a business, but also an intellectual resource. If a company understands the employee, strives for financial and socially significant success, its business model includes the social factor as the main component.
Conceptual foundations are not just text with pictures, a plan of action and an assessment of situations. The concept is the concentration and systematization of information within the limits necessary to achieve the desired result.
A person subconsciously builds concepts of his behavior. This is how the brain works: apply knowledge and build a plan. The plan is justified and conceptual, which means that the necessary information is given in a system of images and links between them, and the way to achieve the goal is objective, transparent and obvious.
Building a happy family is not so difficult, if there is a desire and the concepts would match. It is even better if the surrounding social space is loyal and promotes every family - a unit of society.
Delayed decision
A characteristic feature of human life and society is a late result. Love and family are two different things. Even if we move away from the spiritual, moral and emotional, the "cold" logic of behavior will remain.
Conceptual foundations are not the goal that is set in the built plan. Systematized information is focused on the obvious and desired result - the path has been laid, it remains only to pass it.
In fact, every image, every transition and every conceptual behavior defines a range of tasks that will have to be solved in the future. Depending on the value, objectivity and significance, as well as other, often unforeseen circumstances, plans change, models are transformed, and the present carries a response of the near or distant future.
You should not build concepts of your behavior today for today, but you should plan what to do today so that in years and decades something will turn out right, and negativity or troubles will pass by.

The conceptual model of correct behavior is not science, not creativity, it is real life, that is, it is all together in one system of relations. "Properly oriented and conceptual" is a good road and a safe outcome.