Intellect (from Latin intellectus - "understanding", "reason") consists of a complex of mental abilities for cognition: perception, thinking, attention, memory. They are its essence. It is on them that they work when they set the goal of developing intellectual abilities. The best age to activate the intellect in the home environment is primary school. At the age of 6–10, all mental processes develop intensively.

To develop and consolidate the skills of mental activity, there are many interesting tasks and exercises that will help parents develop in their children the ability to think logically, memorize quickly, and be attentive. Offering some.
Memory development
Development of visual memory
- Place 5-7 colored cubes in a row in front of the child. Task: remember the colors and their sequence. After 30 sec. cover the cubes, ask them to draw a sequence of colors with felt-tip pens on a piece of paper.
- Choose a pattern with lots of small details. Give 30-40 sec. for looking. close. Task: in detailtell me what is in the picture.
Development of auditory memory
Prepare a list of 10 pairs of words related in meaning: ski - winter, plane - travel, etc. Read them to your child. Then say one word from the pair, he should say the second.
Memory development using associations
- Place 20 item cards. Prepare 8-10 words. Read them with pauses. Beforehand, ask the child to choose and put aside a card that will help memorize the word. At the end, ask for words based on clue cards.
- Choose 5-6 words. Ask your child to come up with association words for each. For example, for the word "summer" - holidays, heat, beach.
Development of memory and thinking
Prepare a list of pairs of words that are not connected by meaning (car - sky). Offer to come up with a picture where both words-subjects will be combined. It would be nice if they were fantastic images.
Developing attention
- Prepare a drawing with intricate lines. Line numbers are indicated along one edge of the page, and empty boxes along the other. Each line starts on the left and ends on the right. Task: trace each line and in the cell where it ends, write down its number. We start with the first line, then move on to the second, and so we need to trace all the lines. It is important that the child performs this exercise only with their eyes, without using a finger or a pencil.
- Offer to look at paired pictures, find the indicated number of differences in them.
- While reading, agree with the child that he should give a sign when he hears a conditional phrase in the text. As such a phrase, you choose a sentence or words from the text you are reading.
Development of thinking
- Give your child 4-5 unrelated words (pencil, flower, candy, shampoo, book). Task: pick up associations that will connect all the words, make sentences. Should be a short story.
- Suggest a series of words united by a formal feature, for example: parrot, fog, port, passport (an extra word with the letter "T"); leaf, wind, midget, minute (in one word, the second letter "E"). The exercise develops the ability to find non-standard solutions.
- Give 3 words, two of them are connected logically. Task: according to the same logic, pick a couple for the word: Tuesday - Wednesday, March - … (April); nose - smell, ear - … (hearing), aster - flower, sofa - … (furniture).
- Give a toy and a sheet divided into four squares. The child must move the toy around the squares, following your instructions: left, up, right, down.
- Offer 20 shuffled cards of trees, fish, clothes, birds, shoes (4 each). Ask the child to name each group with one word. Ask them to combine these 5 words into two groups and explain why he put them together.
- Set logical problems of varying complexity for comparison.
Examples of logical tasks for comparison:
- Yulia is neater than Katya. Katya is more careful than Lisa. Who is the most careful?
- Dima is stronger than Yegor and slower than Stas. Dima is weaker than Stas and faster than Yegor. Who is the strongest and who is the slowest?
- Lesha is darker than Yulia. Julia is shorter than Lena. Lena is older than Lesha. Lyosha is taller than Lena. Lena is lighter than Yulia. Julia is younger than Lesha. Who is the darkest, the lowest, the oldest?
Developing perception
- Offer a card with drawings in the form of geometric shapes (squares, triangles, circles). Ask them to find the number of shapes of each type.
- Lay out the mixed cut pieces of the drawings (vegetables, fruits, cars). Ask to collect an image. Items in the pictures may be of different sizes.
- See puzzle drawings together. Their options are numerous. When doing the exercise, prompt what items you need to see and how many.
Assignments with puzzle drawings:
- look at the picture (superimposed contours of 3–5 images) and name all the items;
- find the animals, birds, people hiding in the picture;
- draw unfinished images that represent part of the subject (plants, letters, furniture, etc.).
In conclusion, the following should be noted: create an atmosphere in the house for the harmonious intellectual development of children, pay attention to the versatile development of the intellectual abilities of younger students.
The article was prepared based on the books of Shamil Akhmadullin, a psychologist and founder of the speed reading school.