Coming to big and small foreign cities, visiting other countries, we meet a huge number of interesting and not very people. Many of them proudly elevate themselves to the status of "indigenous resident" of city N. Despite the fact that their ancestors arrived in this locality 50 years ago.

Let's figure out who has the right to call himself a true indigenous settler, local resident and aboriginal. Simple communication, literary sources and even the media are often rife with misinterpretations of these concepts. It should be noted that in different languages and in different cultures, the interpretation and perception of the phrase “indigenous inhabitant” can be equated in meaning with the word “aboriginal”, while their close synonym “local resident” in almost all countries has a completely different, but everywhere exactly the same meaning.
Very well, the first two concepts are explained in the 168th Convention of the International Labor Organization. This document indicates that there are two explanations for the concept of "indigenous". Based on the first, aboriginal tribes(peoples) are groups of people who have lived for several generations on the territory of a given country, but whose cultural traditions and foundations differ from the cultural traditions of the rest of the population. The second category includes those people who lived in the area long before the arrival of the colonists. This is the “native inhabitant”.

An excellent example for this term are the natives of America - the Indians. Long before the arrival of the British, there were tribes in the New World who hunted, lived in wigwams and smoked the peace pipe. They wore huge feather headdresses and loincloths. They had their own traditions and customs. When the first British landed on the territory of America, the Indians met them very friendly. They helped the gentlemen from the Old World survive during droughts and crop failures. Thanks to the participation in the life of the English of this ethnic group, such a holiday as Thanksgiving Day appeared.
Currently, Indian Aborigines live for the most part in a separate area within the country, which is called a reservation. The descendants of those first Englishmen who arrived on the territory of the modern USA are also indigenous people. People who daily come to America in search of a better life and stay forever are gradually becoming a local population.

Many people often ask the difficult question "what is the name of the native inhabitant of a particular country or region". Of course, everything is easy and clear with the populationMoscow, Belarus, Ukraine, USA, England and many others. But there are rare exceptions where it is impossible to apply the connection between the name of the place of residence and its resident himself. So, for example, a native inhabitant of Sakhalin is called Orok. His brother from Israel is sabr, and from Siberia - chaldon. The native inhabitant of the country of yoga and the Ganges - India - is called an Indian (or Hindu). But not an Indian. There are many more interesting names for the natives of various countries.
Currently, the boundaries and time frames of this term have been erased, and already the fifth generation living in the territory of a particular country proudly calls itself indigenous.