Due to its geographical location, India has been subjected to raids by different tribes for many centuries. Naturally, they all left their mark on genetic diversity. It is thanks to the mixing of different races that the inhabitants of India have a distinctive appearance and culture. The Aryan tribes came here first. They mixed with the Tibeto-Burmese peoples who penetrated into the territory of modern India from behind the Himalayas.
So different people of India
What has helped Indians to maintain ethnic diversity? The answer is simple. It's all about the caste system. That is why on the Indian streets you can meet a variety of people, even the Caucasoid type. That is, the inhabitants of India are ethnically heterogeneous. For example, representatives of the Aryan type are distinguished by a coffee shade of skin. It is noteworthy that in the higher castes, skin color tends to be lighter.

Indigenous people in India are usually distinguished by a beautiful oval face, straight hair (less thick than in northern and central Europe) and a slightly curved nose. Their height, as a rule, does not exceed 185 cm. Using the example of the Dards, it is best to draw a conclusion about the physical data of the Aryan tribes. This isa simple-minded, open race with brown eyes and straight black hair.
What makes a native Indian different?
Like any nation, Indians are not without their own charm. The people of India have a peculiar mentality. Perhaps this is due to the ancient traditions that are still strong in India, or perhaps due to the fact that this territory has been subjected to raids by various conquerors for many centuries. The inhabitants of India are emotional, but skillfully hide their feelings, they are sometimes overly polite, unreliable. The strengths of this race are diligence, openness, cleanliness, moderation, respect for the sciences, goodwill. Indians always know how to create an atmosphere of relaxed communication, they can show the interlocutor what is interesting with him.

Like the inhabitants of ancient India, modern Indians live according to the ancient scriptures - the Vedas. According to these texts, a person should express his love and devotion to God through his daily activities, and not just through rituals. Even cleaning can be a means of serving one of the gods, of which there are a huge number in India. Worship to them can be expressed in creativity, and in everyday affairs, and in raising children, and in communicating with other people. All classes should be a stage of self-improvement.
Don't call Indians Indians
No less important is the question of how the inhabitants of India are called. Contrary to popular belief, they should be called Indians, not Hindus. Hindus are followers of Hinduism, the dominant religion in India. NotIndians should be confused with Indians.

Columbus mistakenly called the natives of North America Indians, because he thought he had sailed to a distant and mysterious India.
Indian Civil Rights Movement
Indians are a very active nation. Processes are now taking place in society aimed at the abolition of caste system and the improvement of the status of women. All this is closely interconnected with reforms in the social sphere. They are mainly concerned with the advancement of women. Indians are in favor of legalizing civil marriage and raising the marriageable age for both girls and boys. An equally important issue is expanding educational opportunities for women, as well as improving the situation of Indian widows.

Several changes were introduced as a result of these processes. Thus, the marriageable age for girls was set at 14 years old, for boys - 18 years old. If one of the spouses has not reached the age of 21, written parental consent is required. They also banned consanguineous marriages and polygamy. But the advantages of this law, unfortunately, did not become public. Only a small part of the population of India could use its benefits. The fact is that even now the practice is widespread when a girl formally marries at the age of 10 years. Of course, the actual ceremony is postponed until the bride is more mature - up to 12-14 years old at most. Such early marriages have a bad effect not only on the mental and physical he alth of women, but also onthe welfare of the Indian race as a whole.
The situation of widows in India
The point is also that if a married girl-woman becomes a widow, she will no longer be able to marry. Moreover, in the family of her husband, she will be doomed to do the hardest work until the end of her days, she will not have to wear new beautiful clothes. Also, the unfortunate widow not only receives the worst food from the table, but also must observe a multi-day fast. In order to somehow improve the position of widows in society (including many children), it is necessary to ensure that remarriage is not considered something shameful and shameful. At present, a widow's remarriage is possible only if she belongs to a lower caste. To top it all off, a woman whose husband has died cannot, in Indian society, earn her livelihood on her own.
Indian education
It is worth noting the Indian education system, as it is considered one of the largest in the world. Interestingly, in order to enter a university, you do not need to pass any exams. In addition to regular universities, India also has specialized educational institutions, such as the Women's Institute in Bombay. Despite the fact that technical speci alties are considered the leading ones in the field of education, the number of graduates from humanitarian universities is about 40%. In fact, the technical professions play a very important role in the development of India's human resources and industry. The education system is also related to the question of how many people there are in India. According to the latest data,about 1 million
Indian activities
The main occupations of the inhabitants of India are traditionally agriculture and cattle breeding. Many are involved in light and heavy industry, which is currently developing dynamically. Despite this, most of the Indian population lives almost below the poverty line. The fact is that until relatively recently this country was a colony of Great Britain. Therefore, the colonial past cannot but affect the life of Indians.
Religion: "Shiva without Shakti is Shava"
More than 80% of the population professes Hinduism - the most massive and ancient religion in Asia. Therefore, it is not surprising that culture is closely related to it. The basic provisions of Hinduism were established in 6 Art. BC. After that, the whole culture began to build around this system.

Hinduism is a mythological religion. It is noteworthy that the pantheon consists of a great variety of gods. But the most revered is the trinmurti - Vishnu-Brahma-Shiva. And if Vishnu is the keeper of the world, Brahma is the creator, then Shiva is the destroyer. But he is not just a destroyer, he is also the beginning of all things. The gods have several hands as a symbol of their divine functions and are necessarily depicted with their attributes. For example, Vishnu - with a disk, Shiva - with a trident, Brahma - with the Vedas. In addition, Shiva is always depicted with three eyes as symbols of his wisdom. In parallel with the Trinmurti, goddesses - "Shakti" are also revered. These are not just female deities. They harmoniously complement the spouses, making up one whole with them. There is even this expression:"Shiva without Shakti is a shava (corpse)." The oldest in India, in parallel with the veneration of the Trinmurti, is the cult of animals. For example, for a Hindu, neither killing a cow nor eating beef is unthinkable. Many animals in India are sacred.