Class hour "Children's rights in the modern world"

Class hour "Children's rights in the modern world"
Class hour "Children's rights in the modern world"

Classroom "Children's Rights" can be started with a general introduction to the international standard legal document - the Convention.

The teacher tells the children how important it is to know their rights and obligations. A quiz will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge, the questions of which are compiled taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren.

Convention on the Rights of the Child
Convention on the Rights of the Child

Theoretical moments

Where can you start class with? We study the convention on the rights of the child on specific life examples. But first, it is important to familiarize the children with the purpose of the international document. The Convention recognizes the child as a separate legal entity, a full-fledged person. It contains the social, economic, political, civil, cultural rights of a small person.

This international legal document establishes the responsibility of the state in violation of the rights of the child. The document calls on adults to treat childhood with respect and care, and monitors the observance of the rights of small citizens by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

BThe Convention highlights four important requirements that ensure the rights of children: existence, formation, protection, socialization.

class hour of the rights of the child grade 3
class hour of the rights of the child grade 3


Classroom "Children's Rights in the Modern World" involves a thorough introduction to the Convention.

For its implementation, visual material will be required: a presentation with the text of an international legal document, cards describing individual rights, A4 sheets, songs, videos.

Class hour "Children's rights in the modern world" involves the acquaintance of schoolchildren with their rights, which are proclaimed by the UN Convention.


The event should solve several problems at once:

  • acquaintance of schoolchildren with the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • generalization of acquired legal knowledge;
  • orientation in interpersonal and social relationships;
  • exercising self-control;
  • formation of the ability to set a task, solve it;
  • reasoning your position, comparison, generalization of the point of view.

Class hour "Children's rights in the modern world" involves educating the younger generation of legal culture, cooperation skills. The teacher tries to instill in the student a sense of kindness, respect for the people around.

specifics of children's rights
specifics of children's rights

Progress of work

How can I start the class hour "Children's Rights"? Your rights are not only desires, but also obligations towards other people. We all live on a big and beautifulplanet Earth. It is inhabited by people of different nationalities. In every state it is customary to greet each other. I suggest playing the game "Greetings". The presentation presents various options for greetings. Let's try to repeat them, moving together around the globe.

During the game, the guys repeat the greetings that they see on the slides of the computer presentation (with animation).

  1. In Japan, people fold their arms at chest level, bow slightly.
  2. It is customary in Tibet to show the tongue.
  3. Germany shake hands tightly while being close to each other.
  4. In Russia it is customary to hug.

It is imperative to include information about the geographic location of the Russian Federation in the "Rights of the Child" class hour. Grade 3 already knows a lot about their country, the task of the class teacher is to generalize and systematize universal skills.

Then the postman comes to the class, in the role of which the mother of one of the students can act. In the parcel - the book "Convention on the Rights of the Child". The teacher tells the children about the significance of this document, emphasizing its international status.

Next, he invites the guys to sing a song about friendship. It is better to distribute the text to the children in advance so that they can study it, delve into the content.

The song "The Big Round Dance" is a visual display of those basic provisions on the rights of children, which are indicated in the international Convention on the Rights of the Child. The teacher explains to the children that the big round dance in the song means children of different nationalities who have absolutely equ althe right to life, development, education. For dreams to come true and our planet to always be beautiful and peaceful, each person must respect the rights of other people.

Next, the children are offered the game "Compliment to a friend". All the children stand in a large circle, in its center is the teacher. The teacher passes a ball to one of the children, says a compliment. The child, to whom kind words were intended, changes places with the teacher, says a compliment to a classmate. The game continues until each student hears kind words addressed to him.

cool cha studying the convention on the rights of the child
cool cha studying the convention on the rights of the child

Summing up

At the end of class, the teacher reminds the children that their meeting was dedicated to the UN Convention on the Protection of Children's Rights, adopted on November 20, 1989. Together they remember the basic rights of the child that are being fulfilled throughout the world.

The final stage of the class hour will be a quiz on the main provisions of the international legal instrument. The teacher gives sweet prizes and letters of thanks to the best experts in law.
