GSOM SPbU: how to get there? Reviews

GSOM SPbU: how to get there? Reviews
GSOM SPbU: how to get there? Reviews

All doors are open for applicants. The opportunity to get the desired profession is absolutely real, you just need to score the required number of points according to the results of the exam and have the necessary skills. It is not always so easy to do this, but the lucky ones who have mastered the test receive the main prize - a place in the best educational institution. These include the most popular business institution of GSOM SPbU.

About school

In St. Petersburg back in 1993, on the orders of Rector Merkuriev, the Faculty of Management was opened, which in 2007 will become a well-known business school. He was one of 19 units of St. Petersburg State University. But initially it was only a pilot project, which was tasked with reaching the world level.

GSOM SPbU grew, developed and met the expectations of its creators. In 2012, it acquired the status of the best and only business school in the entire territory of the former Soviet Union, which is accredited by EQUIS. And also became the number 1 educational institution in all of Eastern Europe in the direction of business. After that, her popularity doubled, many future businessmen dreamed of getting there, despite the fact that the projectwas pretty young.

The school actively cooperates with other faculties, invites professors from the philological department, conducts research and activities together with other faculties, etc. Also has teachers from abroad.

GSOM tries to make good acquaintances not only with its “neighbors”, but also with universities of other countries. Already 53 leading universities in Asia, Europe, North and South America have become its partners. About 350 people are actively participating in the student exchange program.

There is also a library of GSOM SPbGU. This is a department of the M. Gorky Library of St. Petersburg State University in the direction of management. She has over 80,000 paper books and 70,000 records.

Multiple training programs available:

  1. Bachelor.
  2. Master.
  3. PhD.
  4. Executive Education.
  5. Executive MBA.

The school attracts more and more attention of applicants and is supported in its endeavors by the Academic Council of St. Petersburg State University. People come here to study from all over the world.


The main goal of GSOM SPbU was the development of management in the country, training in the proper conduct of business and financial literacy. At first, only 33 students were admitted to the school, and 4 professors taught them. In 2012, there were already 64 teachers. All of them have a decent higher education and are high-class specialists.

In 2007, a separate institution of GSOM at St. Petersburg State University was officially opened. She shared the proud title of "school" with only one such institution - Skolkovo.

In 1996V. S. Katkalo was chosen for the role of dean, who did a lot for the development of the project. Under his leadership, the institution received 3 accreditations. And also began to represent Russia on the world stage of schools related to the study of finance and business. Katkalo led this project for 14 years, in 2010 he changed his position to vice-rector. In 2012 A. L. Kostin becomes the new permanent dean.

In 1993, the Board of Trustees was also elected. And since 2006, it has come under the control and protection of Sergei Ivanov, the man in charge of the administration of the President of Russia. Also in the lists of council members were big businessmen and other influential people. 160 business companies offer internships to GSOM students.

Teaching staff

About 64 qualified teachers, among them:

  • Ruslan Belyaev – head of one of the departments of ZAO Citibank, part-time teacher of the Department of Finance and Accounting.
  • Maxim Sokolov - Head of the Department of Municipal Administration Direction and Minister of Transport.
  • Professor Terenty Meshcheryakov is a representative of the administration of one of the districts of St. Petersburg.
  • School Dean Andrei Kostin is the current president of a large bank.

The leadership claims that theory is evenly combined with practice. According to the reviews about GSOM SPbU, this is true, students have the opportunity to try out their knowledge in practice.


Andrey Leonidovich Kostin holds the main post of GSOM. But he didn't get there right away. In 2006 Andrey Leonidovichserved on the Board of Trustees. In May 2012, he was appointed Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting. In December, he was elected dean of this department of the university. The entire teaching staff has high hopes for him in the implementation of the current plan until 2020.

GSOM SPbU master's degree
GSOM SPbU master's degree

Kostin himself is a major banker, Ph. D. and chairman of VTB Bank. For a long time he was in the civil service, but left in 1992 and went into business. According to the results of 2011, he was the leader among the richest managers in Russia, his income amounted to $ 30 million per year. He takes the position of dean at GSOM SPbU for a reason, this person knows his business and shares his experience with his future colleagues.

Admission to Bachelor's degree

For admission, you need a passing score at GSOM SPbU for the budget - 88.1, and for the contract - 77.3. The contract ranges from 350 to 450 thousand rubles a year. The average number of places for the budget is 80, for a paid department - 140. There are two languages of instruction: Russian and English. Russian is taught in five areas. There are also 2 separate areas that are taught in English. Lists of applicants to GSOM SPbU are usually filled with people who speak English with a TOEFL level.


First launched in 1997. GSOM SPbU master's program presents 3 programs:

  • "Management" - training takes place exclusively in English.
  • Corporate Finance - also available in English.
  • "Public management"– in English and Russian.

Baccalaureate graduates of any university in Russia and other countries are allowed to enter. In addition, there is a program of "two diplomas" for students of the department of "Management" studying at the master's program at GSOM SPbU.

Postgraduate studies

At this stage of training, you can already meet real professionals.

There are 6 state-funded places in the lists of GSOM SPbU for postgraduate studies. Most of the expenses are financed by the state. A graduate student is provided with a monthly scholarship from 10,000 to 27,000 rubles and 150,000 rubles for the entire period of study to participate in scientific conferences.

From the 3rd year there is an opportunity to become a teaching assistant and receive an additional salary.

Another plus will be the provision of a hostel. GSOM SPbU offers all conditions for comfortable training of talented specialists.

The government covers all travel related to education. Foreign internship is also paid, from 90 to 300 thousand rubles, duration - 3 months. Well, and, of course, it is useful to establish connections and acquaintances, which will greatly help in your future career.


Another type of training for experienced businessmen. The program started in 2000 and is currently very popular. Here come the owners of large companies. The age of students is 36 years old. There are 2 programs:

  1. MBA - for individuals. The term of study is 23 months. The language of instruction is Russian. Businessmen study here remotely, taking a module once a month. Experience inbusiness must be at least 8 years old.
  2. Corporate program. This training format is available for large companies. The training plan is individual for each, the time of classes too. This option is available to company executives.


In 2020, it is planned to open a new dormitory for bachelors of St. Petersburg State University. The budget of such a building is 2.7 million rubles, and its area is 20,252 square meters. Reviews about the GSOM SPbU hostel are the most flattering, but many students are confused by the opening date. After all, you still have to live until 2020, and applicants from other cities simply will not be able to enter until 2020, since they do not have their own apartment. This was discussed during Putin's visit to the business school.

GSOM SPbSU lists
GSOM SPbSU lists

The entire complex of buildings is located on the territory of Mikhailovskaya Dacha. This is a historical site under the control and protection of UNESCO.

GSOM SPbGU hostel reviews
GSOM SPbGU hostel reviews

At the moment, there are already 22 dormitories, but this is still not enough to accommodate students. Rooms are also divided into several types:

According to the conditions:

  • with a kitchen in the residential block;
  • with kitchenette in living block;
  • no kitchen in living block;
  • corridor type.

By placement:

  • one-room;
  • two-room;
  • three-room apartments.

Rooms are equipped with everything you need: bed, bedside table, chair, desk, wardrobe, bookshelf.

Schedule GSOM SPbSU
Schedule GSOM SPbSU

In the hallway there ishanger, shoe rack and mirror. The kitchens were also equipped for the comfortable life of students: a dining table, chairs, a drying rack for dishes, a stove, a rack, a cabinet. Appropriate furniture, plumbing and fixtures for the toilet and shower are available. This is how business school students live.

GSOM SPbSU reviews
GSOM SPbSU reviews

Student feedback

Thousands of first-class specialists have already graduated from this faculty. During its existence, the school has produced a huge number of people who are still grateful for the knowledge gained there.

Alina is a bachelor's student in Management. She finally decided to enter this faculty in the 10th grade. Alina believes that the school, as a young project, will actively develop in the coming years, and the girl wants to develop with her. The student is ready for sleepless nights and endless learning, she is sure that management is her future. Despite the very busy schedule of GSOM SPbU, Alina participates in various competitions, had an internship in France and was at the final of one of the business games in Sri Lanka. As the student admits, many former classmates do not understand her excessive activity.

But Dmitry Alexandrovich is already finishing his master's degree. He passed the first stage of education at the Polytechnic University, then years of work in the profession. But at one fine moment, Dmitry realized that he clearly lacked knowledge in business. After the exhibition of education, where he learned about GSOM, the future student gathered all his strength and learned English in three months, passed TOEFL, GMATand entered the Master's program in Management.

Tatiana is a top manager of a large Ukrainian company Kyivstar. A good example of how it's never too late to learn. She entered the MBA program “Two Diplomas”, now she travels to St. Petersburg, then to Paris, depending on where her group has the next module. According to Tatyana, the program really gave her invaluable knowledge and experience. She became better as a specialist, began to understand the intricacies of management in more detail and received a lot of additional information that had previously been a mystery to her. Tatyana plans to continue her studies and not stop there, despite the busy schedule.

Putin's visit

In 2015 Vladimir Putin visited the school. The President looked into the main building of the GSOM, talked to the students and promised to speed up the process of building a new hostel.


The guest noted that modern technologies are perfectly combined with ancient architecture. He is happy to enter the auditorium, leisure center and other premises.

Once Vladimir Putin had a desire to restore old buildings, he shared this idea with the former rector. Then the university decided to create a GSOM on this site. This is how the future of this business school was laid.

GSOM SPbSU hostel
GSOM SPbSU hostel

Students were very satisfied with the level of education, many of the speakers said they plan to stay here and go to graduate school to devote themselves to teaching. Someone who wants to apply their skills and knowledge inRussian sports organization. Some wanted to develop tourism. However, everyone had the same conclusion that management can be applied in any direction, so all doors are open to future graduates.

In closing

Although the school has only existed for 10 years, it has already achieved great success. And this is not a reason to stop there. GSOM plans to develop and conquer the global education market. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to get here, but for future businessmen and leaders, this is a great ticket to the future.
