Togliatti State University TSU Togliatti: faculties, departments, admissions committee, reviews

Togliatti State University TSU Togliatti: faculties, departments, admissions committee, reviews
Togliatti State University TSU Togliatti: faculties, departments, admissions committee, reviews

To get a demanded and interesting speci alty, to find a prestigious and well-paid job in the future is the dream of every modern applicant. It is easily performed by graduates of Togliatti State University (TSU, Togliatti). This is one of the famous educational institutions in Russia with tremendous experience in training.

High School History

Togliatti State University, as the name implies, operates in Togliatti. Previously, this city was called Stavropol. At the beginning of the last century, it was a quiet provincial settlement. Cardinal changes began to take place in it in the 30s, when, by decision of the government, a hydroelectric power station began to be built near the city. The work was carried out for several years, but the project was not fully implemented. For numerous reasons, construction was suspended.

A new decision to build a hydroelectric power plant was made many years later - in 1950. However, there was one problem -there was a shortage of professional engineering personnel. There were not enough specialists in the city who could take part in the construction of the hydroelectric power station and work on it in the future. To solve this problem, an evening branch of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute was opened in Stavropol in 1951.

tgu togliatti
tgu togliatti

Work of an educational institution

The history of the current TSU in Tolyatti began with the opening of a branch in Stavropol. At first, the university trained hydraulic engineers, power engineers, mechanical engineers, welding engineers in the evening form of training. In 1961, in connection with the development of the institute, a full-time department appeared.

In 1964 there was a very significant event in the history of the branch. He was transferred to the "independent balance". This meant that the director of the institute could now independently hire and fire employees, enroll and expel students. This event foreshadowed that in the future the branch would become an independent educational organization.

A new round in the development of the university

In 1966, an order was issued to open an independent university in the city - the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute (by this time the city had already been renamed). It was planned to create an automotive department in the educational institution. It was decided to open such a structural unit due to the start of construction of the Volga Automobile Plant.

The first rector of the institute was Aron Naumovich Reznikov, a world-famous scientist. He made a huge contribution to the development of the institute. Thanks tofor the first 12 years of his work at the university, 13 new departments were opened, large-scale scientific research began in several directions:

  • thermal physics of technological processes and high-performance material processing;
  • welding, soldering, coating;
  • creation of low-emission engines;
  • solid state physics, materials science;
  • improving the accuracy and reliability of machine tools with automation systems.

All achievements have turned the institute into a reputable university. The educational organization began to be famous for its high scientific potential, good quality of personnel training. Doctors and candidates of sciences worked at the institute, laboratories and a library functioned.

The emergence of a liberal arts university and the creation of a modern university

Every year the city of Tolyatti developed. New organizations, enterprises appeared in it, the population grew. The city began to require specialists not only with a technical education, but also with a humanitarian one. In 1988, a branch of the Samara Pedagogical University was opened in Tolyatti to train teachers and teachers.

He has worked at a humanitarian university for more than 10 years. During this period, he faced numerous difficulties, but this did not prevent him from growing and developing. In 2001, the Russian Government decided to merge the Polytechnic Institute with a branch of the Pedagogical University. The merger procedure led to the formation of a larger institution of higher education - Togliatti State University.

togliatti state university
togliatti state university

TSU today

The University over the years has become a scientific, educational and cultural center of the city. The university is in high demand among applicants. Every year, the admission committee of the university accepts more than 5 thousand applications from those wishing to study in undergraduate and graduate programs.

What attracts applicants? Firstly, the university offers a variety of educational programs. Among them there are technical, and natural-science, and humanitarian, and economic. Secondly, TSU inspires confidence in the state. This is confirmed by the fact that more than 1 thousand state-funded places are allocated to the university every year.

Organizational structure

When the university was just starting its activity, its organizational structure included various faculties, each of which trained students in certain speci alties at TSU Togliatti. But as time went on, everything changed. The university switched to a two-level system "bachelor's degree - master's degree", began to open new areas of training, programs.

The challenge of the time was the need to create larger structural units in the organizational structure that could better prepare students and engage in research. As a result, institutions were formed. Today there are 11.

Faculties of Togliatti State University
Faculties of Togliatti State University

Technical and Natural Science Institutes

The following structural divisions of technical and natural sciences work at TSU Togliattiprofiles:

  1. Institute of Mechanical Engineering. This structural subdivision of TSU is spoken about in the region as one of the best and largest centers of engineering education in Russia. Highly qualified teachers pass on their knowledge to students. The education received at the institute provides guaranteed employment.
  2. Institute of Energy and Electrical Engineering. It is the oldest educational unit at TSU in Togliatti. The main advantage of the institute is the presence of a certificate of international recognition. This document confirms the high quality of engineering education and allows graduates of the Power Supply profile to find employment in foreign enterprises.
  3. Institute of Chemistry and Engineering Ecology. It can be described as a modern unit with the latest laboratory equipment. All directions offered here are in demand and very important in scientific research.
  4. Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology. The structural unit trains specialists in the field of information technology and teachers for universities, teachers for schools. Students at the institute receive up-to-date knowledge, work on modern equipment.
  5. Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute. This is one of the most prestigious structural divisions of TSU. The Institute trains highly qualified specialists in the main areas of the construction industry.
togliatti speci alty
togliatti speci alty

Other institutions

The university also has departments that are not related totechnical and natural sciences. Here is a list of institutions that were faculties of TSU in Togliatti in the past:

  • right;
  • economics, finance and management;
  • fine and decorative arts;
  • service;
  • physical culture and sports;
  • humanitarian-pedagogical.

You can get a decent education in the listed structural units. Firstly, at the departments of TSU Togliatti, which are part of the institutes, there are many doctors, candidates of sciences who teach disciplines to students. Secondly, the necessary material and technical base has been formed at each institute.

For example, the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute is equipped with computer classes for learning foreign languages, a TV studio, a radio studio. The Institute of Law has rooms for criminology, criminology, and a courtroom. The Institute of Fine and Decorative and Applied Arts has specially equipped workshops for painting, drawing, and sculpture.

Military Training Institute

Among all the existing structural divisions of the university, the institute of military training deserves special attention. It began its history in 1962, when the military department of the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute organized military training for students of the Stavropol branch. A year later, such a structural unit was opened in the branch itself.

In 2010, on the basis of the military department of TSU Togliatti, the institute of military training was established. It functions at the present time. Today the Institute is preparingfor the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ground artillery specialists (reserve officers, contract officers, sergeants and reserve soldiers).

departments of TSU togliatti
departments of TSU togliatti

The work of the selection committee

Every year in June, the admission committee of TSU Togliatti opens its doors to applicants. University staff invites you to enroll in full-time, part-time and distance learning. When choosing the first or second form, the applicant can submit documents in several ways:

  • personally;
  • through a proxy (if there is a power of attorney);
  • through postal operators.

It is very easy to apply for distance learning. First, an application is filled out on the university website with contact details. After sending the questionnaire, specialists contact the applicant, advise on all emerging issues, ask to send electronic copies of the passport and education document.

At the next stage, applicants pass an entrance test through Internet testing at any convenient time and in any convenient place. If the result is positive for enrollment at the address of the university, you must send all the necessary original documents by mail.

Togliatti admission committee
Togliatti admission committee

Reviews about the university

TSU Togliatti receives different reviews from students and graduates. Some praise the university, talk about the work of highly qualified teachers, well-equipped classrooms, and active extracurricular activities. Negative reviews say thatin some speci alties, university staff teach absolutely useless disciplines, do not pay due attention to core subjects.

Negative opinions are also often left about distance learning. Students complain about long checks of assignments, an incomprehensible system of knowledge assessment. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the distance form is quite young at the university. Now it is only developing. Specialists are trying to improve and improve it.

tgu togliatti reviews
tgu togliatti reviews

Togliatti State University is a major university in the city. Of course, applicants who want to enter here should try to do it. There is no need to be afraid of negative reviews, because in any educational institution you can get a good education. You just can't rely on teachers alone. Self-training plays an important role in learning.
