Construction is an important industry in the modern world, one of the state priorities. Those applicants who have not yet decided on their future profession can look for speci alties from this area. The directions of building science and practice today continue to be promising, as always. Nothing much will change in the future. Specialists in 10 and 15 years will be in demand. Several years ago, I entered the Voronezh Civil Engineering University to get a civil engineering education. What is this university and does it exist today?
From foundation to end of war
The glorious history of Voronezh State University of Civil Engineering began in 1930. Construction institute opened in Voronezh. The basis for its creation was an industrial technical school, which previously trained personnel at the construction, road and heat engineering departments. Immediately after the opening, the teaching staffthought about the formation of the material and technical base. In the 1930s, the construction of an educational building and dormitories began.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the future Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Voronezh was transformed into an aviation institute. In the winter of 1941, the university had to be evacuated. He was sent to Tashkent to conduct educational activities, carry out research work of national economic and defense importance. The return of the university from evacuation dates back to 1944. In Voronezh, it received its former name - it again became an engineering and construction institute.

Academy and University
After the end of the war, the rapid development of the university did not begin immediately. Significant changes were outlined only in the 50s - the material and technical base began to grow, the teaching staff became more and more powerful. In the mid-1950s, the interest of applicants for a construction university increased significantly - almost 2 times.
By the 1970s, the Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute was becoming a major multidisciplinary university in the country, beginning to take a leading position among other educational institutions. It expanded the list of faculties and speci alties. In 1993, thanks to all the achievements, the institute was transformed into the Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering. In 2000, there was another upgrade in status. The university became a university.

The familiar name of the university is Voronezh Civil Engineering University. However, it was always called a little differently, as mentioned above. The university was not just a construction university, but an architectural and construction one. For many years it functioned under that name. In 2016, it was attached to one Voronezh educational institution - the State Technical University (VSTU).
Today, unfortunately, there is no university named Voronezh University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. However, he did not completely disappear. The material and technical base, teachers, old traditions, faculties of the Voronezh Civil Engineering University became one with VSTU, forming the Voronezh Flagship University. In it today you can find structural divisions and speci alties related to architecture and construction.

Structural units
In the past, Voronezh Civil Engineering University had 6 departments offering higher education programs. They were called institutions - road transport, architecture, construction and technology, construction, engineering systems in construction, economics, management and information technology. There was also a unit responsible for the implementation of middle-level training programs - the Institute of Secondary Vocational Education.
And now let's look at the structural units at the Voronezh Flagship University. Today it performs the tasks of a construction university that existed several years ago. It trains specialists for the architectural and construction industryconstruction and technology, construction faculty, as well as the faculty of architecture and urban planning.

Other units of the modern university
In addition to the above departments, Voronezh Flagship University has other structural units - faculties of engineering systems and structures, information technology and computer security, radio engineering and electronics, etc. All of them offer full-time education on existing programs. Correspondence form is available only at the special faculty of distance learning.
The Flagship University continues the tradition of the Voronezh Civil Engineering University in training people in secondary vocational education programs. Education at the university is entrusted to the faculty of secondary vocational education. Of the construction speci alties, it has "construction and operation of buildings and structures", "construction and operation of roads and airfields". Some other programs are “design”, “information systems and programming”, “land and property relations”.

Pre-university training
The Flagship University, which combines the programs of Voronezh State Technical University and Voronezh State Architectural and Civil Engineering University, invites applicants to apply for pre-university education. One of the activities of this unit is the training of people in preparatory courses in selected subjects. Lessons can be calculated:
- on 8months;
- 6 months;
- 4 months;
- 4 weeks.
At the faculty of pre-university education, you can, if you wish, choose specialized classes and enroll in them. The university has entered into agreements with some schools in Voronezh and the Voronezh region. In such educational institutions, thanks to the established connections, specialized classes have been formed. The essence of their training is as follows: from the 10th grade, students begin to study some disciplines in more depth, in which exams are held at the university.

About university admission
Now there is no selection committee of the Voronezh Civil Engineering University. There is only a selection committee of the flagship university. She starts accepting applications from applicants in June. If you have any questions, you can ask them ahead of time. The admission committee works at the university all year round. To clarify any information, you can call on any business day.
A certain number of budget and paid places is established for each speci alty. More than 300 places are allocated on the “construction” profiles. There are also such programs for which no budget is provided at all - these are the profiles of "economics", "management", "personnel management".

Reviews about the educational institution
About the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, reviews have always been positive. Students told about good teachers, friendly atmosphere at the university. After unificationof the University of Civil Engineering with VSTU, many began to think about whether something would change, whether the educational institution would become worse.
There were no negative changes. Today, many students speak about the flagship university in a positive way. The university is focused on quality education. Particular attention is paid to the practical orientation of the educational process. The University has entered into long-term contracts for internships with enterprises and organizations of the Voronezh region and other subjects of the Russian Federation.

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Engineering, about which many people used to leave positive reviews, passed on its traditions and approaches to teaching to the Voronezh Flagship University. Now the HEI is entrusted with the mission of training personnel for the construction and architecture sectors. To date, the university is coping with this mission very successfully.