Igor Smirnov - who is he? This is a domestic scientist, he is quite well-known in his circles. Igor Smirnov was a doctor of medical sciences. At the time of 2019 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In general, Igor Smirnov is a rather important person for our country. After all, he is known not only here, but also abroad. First of all, he is known as the person who created computer psychotechnologies. It was they who brought glory to Igor Smirnov.
He worked on this not only in the Russian Federation, but even earlier - in the USSR, as well as in the USA. He was assisted by the most highly skilled workers in the world. In his homeland, he headed the first institute in the field of computer psychotechnologies. However, he himself worked and lived in only one area - the medical academy in Moscow. He had another corporation, but already abroad, in the USA. There he was a director and solved important issues related to the further development of the company.

Academician Igor Smirnov was born in 1951. The scientist's mother was the daughter of a hypnotist known as Ornaldo.
Igor Smirnov's father's name was Viktor Abakumov, he was a KGB commissar. Also during the years of service, he was the head of the Main Directorate of SMERSH. The organization was engaged in counterintelligence during the Great Patriotic War. The abbreviation SMERSH stands for "death to spies". After the war ended, already six years later, the trust in the academician's dad completely disappeared. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that when the Soviet authorities carried out repressions, the mother and father of Academician Igor Smirnov were arrested and imprisoned.

The couple was convicted for "high treason, obstructing the investigation of the doctors' case." And the reason for still holding the parents of Academician Igor Smirnov accountable was the report that lay right on the table to Joseph Stalin. It is worth emphasizing that they did not commit any crimes. Later, while behind bars, the academician's mother died due to a brain tumor. And the father, Viktor Abakumov, was tortured and, of course, they did not want him to remain at large any longer. After the death of Joseph Stalin, half of the charges against Abakumov were dropped.
Already in 1954, his case was transferred to a closed court, despite the withdrawal of some of the charges. In the future, he was forced to repent of his crimes, which he never did, since he did not commit them. Then he was simply shot. Due to the fact that the father of Academician Igor Smirnov was allegedlya criminal, he was not included in the scientist's birth certificate.

Smirnov studied at the Medical University quite effectively, efficiently and conscientiously. The thing is that he loved medicine. He studied well at school, on the five. It is worth emphasizing that he received his higher education at the now famous Sechenov University. It is located in the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow. And Smirnov's hobby from his youth was computer technology. So he tried to make some diagnoses and draw conclusions through computer calculations and the like while still working in conventional medical institutions.
He tried to correct the minds of patients and test subjects in this way. To change the physical and mental state was his goal. It all had to work in such a way that direct access to the human subconscious was provided.
Another goal of the scientist was possession, control over the behavior and thoughts of the patient, making a forecast of what he will do in the next few seconds / minutes. Already in 1978, when Igor Smirnov was 27 years old, he headed a laboratory dealing specifically with psycho-correction. It was located in the medical academy, which, in turn, was located in Moscow. This gave an increase in customers and profits.
It is worth noting that it was Igor Smirnov who became the first scientist in the world who thought of such an innovation. Apply artificial intelligence topsychotechnological procedures, was really very new. The program of his authorship, the patent for which is currently registered in the Russian Federation, is MindReader. She studies the human psyche. It is worth noting that although the academician could explore the subconscious of other people and saved many from suicide by simply redirecting the patient's thinking in a more positive direction, he himself died back in 2004. The cause of death of Igor Viktorovich Smirnov is unknown.
Scientist research

According to the scientist himself, he created a really very important and unique program of psychotechnics by Igor Smirnov, which will be used in this world for a very long time. She is able to really read people's minds, and it's actually worth talking about. He took the process of psychotechnology as the basis for the creation. There were two of them - analysis and correction. They have been used in practice for a long time after the creation of the program. The first process gave him information that was hidden in the human subconscious.
Sometimes an individual involuntarily realized some thoughts that an academician should not have known. However, this gave an awareness of what hinders a person, what psychological problems he has, and also helped to understand how a person acts in his actions. In general, it also made it possible to correct and change the subconscious without using any medications, and most importantly, it helped save people from suicidal thoughts and the like. However, the academician himself was not immortal and died in 2004. Cause of Smirnov's deathIgor Viktorovich was not disclosed, as was written above in the material of the article.

It is worth emphasizing the very activities of Igor Smirnov. Since 1980, he has been engaged in research work, and they were devoted to physical fields and other biological objects. He received patents for his research, investigated them further. In general, he went about his business while others were either silent or condemned his activities. And after a couple of years, he created a technology that no one had thought of before him.
His discoveries were aimed at optimizing human he alth, the psychology of his actions, thinking, and so on. This helped to increase the performance of musicians, artists, athletes, businessmen, and so on. His technology helped almost all people who wanted to develop themselves and become better. Many of his research and patents were classified, but when the scientist was already an elderly man, he revealed them himself.
So, from this article we learned the biography of Igor Viktorovich Smirnov.