Science in ancient times was only in its infancy. And often it was done by loners, who, moreover, for the most part were philosophers. But with the advent of the scientific method, things have advanced significantly. And an empirical fact plays a significant role in this.
In order to theoretically master an object, research alone is not enough. In practice, we also need means to comprehend it in certain forms. In their role are facts, ideas, problems, conjectures, hypotheses and theories. Moreover, the latter is engaged not only in the description, but also in the explanation of already discovered moments, and thanks to its heuristic function, it can predict previously unknown information. It should be noted that the empirical fact is the starting point for explaining and revealing the essence of the observed phenomenon. At the same time, no scientific theory can replace this original form of knowledge. After all, they are always “built on” over certain facts. Without them, it is impossible to formulate a problem, put forward ideas, conjectures, form hypotheses and theories.
What isempirical level of knowledge?

Scientific facts are different from what the average layman puts into this concept. After all, what are they? For many, facts are phenomena, things and events. They are our sensations, perceptions of objects, their properties. That is, the things themselves are facts, as is knowledge about them. And this is already a doubling of the nomenclature of concepts.
If a scientific empirical fact were an exact copy of a real-life situation, then its mere existence would be redundant. But after all, certain epistemological and logical conclusions drawn from something are of interest. It is also impossible to interpret a fact as a truth, because with such an approach, its essential component (namely, the ontological essence) is eliminated and the connection with reality is lost. At the same time, if the facts are considered exclusively as an epistemological phenomenon, then they cannot fulfill the most important function assigned to them - to serve as an empirical basis in putting forward hypotheses and creating theories.
And what to do in this case?
Let's distance ourselves from multiple definitions for a moment and focus on specific features. Scientific knowledge acquires the property of facticity when it:
- Are authentic.
- Serve as a starting point in the formulation and solution of a scientific problem.
All other properties are derived from the above two. Based on this, it should be noted that the form of empirical knowledgeis a fact that is substantiated, proven and indisputable. At the same time, it is based on the principle of objectivity (this implies an adequate description and explanation of the essence of the phenomenon under study). Because of this, facts are spoken of as stubborn things to be accepted whether they are liked or not.
How to get them?

The objective nature of facts lies in the procedures for obtaining them (observation and experiment). In this case, it is necessary to take into account the subjective moments associated with random interference and researcher errors, which leads to a distortion of the studied phenomena. How is this problem solved? To do this, it is necessary to determine the stable content of the data obtained in the framework of observation and experiment, as well as to give them a theoretical explanation.
But there are a number of difficulties here. For example, in the social sciences it is much more difficult to determine the objective nature of a fact than in the exact ones. Here we can quote the words of Dilthey: "We explain nature, we understand spiritual life." Despite the difficulties that arise, it should be noted that they are not limited exclusively to the social and humanitarian sphere. Subject-object connections are characteristic not only for relationships between people, but also when working with nature. One can cite the following statement from physics: “No quantum phenomenon can be considered as such until it is detectable (observable).”
A few words about the principle of objectivity

You can often find it identified with the general validity and intersubjectivity of knowledge. This approach is regularly criticized. It is based on the assertion that the community of knowledge is derived from its objective nature. These are far from all the problems that an empirical fact, a perceived and meaningful phenomenon, poses to the scientific community. The acceptance of this fact as the initial form of cognition forces us to consider it as a unity of the immediate and the mediated. That is, the beginning of a scientific theory and its current development due to the previous course of science.
It emerges from this that the nature of the fact is ambivalent. What does it look like in practice? On the one hand, the fact acts as something simple (observed in the emerging theory), not mediated by anything. It can be regarded as an abstract and one-sided moment of the whole, an element of a content system. At the same time, its value is determined by the nature of the object in question.
On the other hand, a fact is always mediated, because it cannot exist outside a certain system of knowledge within which it arises and is proved. That is, it simply cannot be that they exist in their pure form. There is always a certain connection with theoretical constructions. This situation is due to the successive nature of science. As an example of such theoretical constructs, one can cite: “point”, “ideal gas”, “force”, “circle”.
Formation of the fact
Mediation is due not only to the theory in which it exists, but also to many otherfrontier developments. As you progress, develop, detail and substantiate, the fact takes the form of a multilayer structure. It is repeatedly evaluated, interpreted, receives new meanings and formulations. As a result of this process, scientists are gaining a more and more complete understanding of the fact. That is, this is not just a phenomenon of reality, but a relationship with the scientific context of the amount of data.
Generalization of empirical facts

So, we have already considered quite a lot of information. Let's try to formulate an acceptable definition. An empirical fact is a phenomenon of social or natural reality that has become the subject of scientific knowledge and has received a satisfactory explanation. One interesting point follows from this: a fact is always a concrete mental form of theoretical knowledge in a broad sense. Therefore, it can be represented as a unity of the objective and the subjective. This happens due to practical activity, changes in the object (subordinate to the conscious goal of a person).
How to check them?

Empirical study of facts involves the implementation of "experimental practice". At the same time, two important components are distinguished:
- Interaction of objects following natural laws.
- Artificial, man-made change.
In this case, the second component is conditioned by the first one (and one has to deal with a subjective object). It also acts as a conscious target, allowingdevelop a selective attitude of the observer to the objective connections of the subject of study. This is manifested in the fact that, in the course of his actions, he has the ability to evaluate and organize empirical material, “cleansing” the facts from unnecessary influence, selecting the most representative and significant data, and re-checking dubious results. All this makes it possible to obtain relatively reliable information.
Verification, representativeness and invariance

Speaking of the feedback of empirical facts on the foundations of science, it should be noted that all data must be verifiable using a method acceptable from the standpoint of scientific methodology. In this case, most often they recall observation and experiment. That is, during the test, you can evaluate the essence of the phenomenon about which there is a factual statement.
Representativeness allows you to distribute the revealed information to the entire group of situations of a similar type. In this case, extrapolation is provided for an unlimited set of homogeneous and isomorphic cases that express the essence of the existing fact. Invariance is represented as a certain independence from the knowledge system in which the phenomenon under consideration is located. This is due to the objective content of the facts. This property implies that there is not only internal independence within a certain theory, but also a number of them (provided that they belong to the same subject area).
About examples
Talk about facts in generaldescriptive tones - this is very good. But let's take a closer look at what they are, using examples. Empirical facts are:
- The statement that the reproduction of cells and microorganisms is carried out due to the presence of a nucleus in which there are genes. It is very easy to check this. It is enough just to extract the nucleus from the microorganism, and then it can be stated that its development has stopped.
- A statement about the presence of gravity, which attracts objects with a certain force. The simplest example is to take and jump. No matter how hard a person tries, he will still end up on the ground. Although, if you develop a second cosmic speed (about eleven kilometers per second), then there is a chance to break away and fly up. A little more difficult is to observe the solar system.
- The statement that water can have different values of surface tension, which prevents it from mixing. The most famous example is the point of contact between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
- The statement that lenses can be used to assemble an optical system that will significantly improve the capabilities of the human eye. Example: telescope and microscope.

Scientific fact, although it is a direct form of empirical knowledge, due to its mediated nature is theoretical. At the same time, its duality is observed. Thus, he is both a representative of reality and part of a theoretical system. Got to dealwith a complex dialectic of interactions and interpenetration of these two aspects. The empirical fact acts as the initial basis for theoretical activity, as well as the result of scientific knowledge. Potentially, their number in the Universe goes to infinity. In order not to drown in this sea, a certain selection criterion should be used. After all, not all facts are of interest to science, but only essential ones.