There are several art universities in Russia, which are famous not only for their strong pedagogical program, but also for the support of their students in various art fields. Every year, several thousand people enter the faculties of art universities.
St. Petersburg Institute. Repin
The full name of this educational institution is the Art State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin at the Russian Academy of Arts. This is one of the oldest art universities in St. Petersburg and Russia as a whole.
The idea to create such an educational institution belonged to Tsar Peter the Great. It so happened that just a year before his death, he signed a royal decree on the foundation of the academy, where everyone would comprehend various sciences. Unfortunately, after the death of the tsar, the academy was never created, however, during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, his daughters, the famous scientist and educator Mikhail Lomonosov, together with the favorite of the empress Count Shuvalov, made the same proposal. And the academy was opened on November 6, 1757.
Back to classa suitable building for the educational institution was not found, so Count Shuvalov gave his own house on Sadovaya for his needs. The academy developed rapidly. Educators and public figures from France and Germany were invited here. In 1764, construction began on a special building on Vasilyevsky Island, designed specifically for the academy.
Teaching was conducted in four areas: painting, architecture, fashion design and sculpture. The students worked with the best examples of European art, which at that time was on the rise.
An interesting fact in the history of one of the best art universities is the following. Over time, following the classical patterns of painting and sculpture became outdated, and the students who claimed the gold medal asked the arts council to make changes to the program and allow them to create on a free topic during the exam. The council refused. Then the students, of whom there were 14 people, all together got up and defiantly left the academy. This event was called the "revolt of the fourteen". Subsequently, these students founded their own "Community of Wanderers".

Academy them. A. L. Stieglitz
Back in 1876, Tsar Alexander II issued a decree on the founding of a new educational institution. It was called the Central School of Technical Drawing, and was organized at the expense of the banker A. L. Stieglitz. After his death, the banker bequeathed all the interest from his cash accounts to be spent on the development and maintenance of the educational institution, which later became onefrom the best art universities in St. Petersburg. Painting, wood carving, chasing, painting on porcelain, majolica were taught here. The institution was very popular among Latvian students. During its existence, the university has produced many specialists who became the founders of the Latvian statehood.

High School of Folk Arts
Art universities in Russia have a broad profile orientation. Among them stands out the school of arts, which is considered an academy. This public educational institution produces high-class specialists in the field of arts and crafts.
The founder of the school was Empress Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova, who is known for her extensive charitable activities. Under her leadership, the "School of Russian Crafts" was formed, which in 1912 was renamed the "School of Folk Art". Only girls who received a certificate of graduation from one of the best art universities in Russia and that they are highly professional craftswomen in the field of arts and crafts studied at the school.

St. Petersburg Institute of Arts and Restoration
This educational institution trains students in three main areas: restoration, art history and cultural studies. The institute is state-owned. Unlike many art universities in St. Petersburg, there are three forms of education - full-time, part-time and part-time. The educational institution hasa good material and technical base, and teachers and the arts council are always ready to assist students in mastering knowledge.

Institute them. V. Surikova
Along with the art universities of St. Petersburg, Moscow educational institutions of this format are not inferior in strength and authority. For example, the Moscow State Art Academic Institute. V. Surikov. Five faculties function here:
- art theory and history;
- architecture;
- painting;
- sculptures;
- charts.
The founding date is considered to be 1939, when Igor Grabar, a famous artist, gathered around him the best masters of his craft. The Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in 1957, and still holds the mark of one of the best art universities in Russia. The university survived the Great Patriotic War. During this period, part of the fund was evacuated to Samarkand.

Academy them. S. G. Stroganova
In 1825, Count S. Stroganov organized an educational institution called the "School of Drawing in relation to arts and crafts." This was dictated by the fact that the rapidly changing and developing world required highly qualified specialists in the field of arts. From the moment the school was founded, Stroganov himself vigilantly monitored the quality of education, invited foreign experts. Over time, the art fund is replenished with various educational materials that helped students to work with nature, notgoing beyond the academy.
In the post-war period, three faculties appeared at the academy: industrial art, interior and decoration, monumental-decorative and applied art. A magistracy appears, where not only graduates of the academy itself, but also people who studied at other institutions in order to improve their qualifications, can enter. In 2015, the academy celebrated its 190th anniversary and is preparing for its 200th.

Specialized Academy of Arts
The Russian State Academy of Arts is distinguished by a wide profile of trained specialists. Not only artists and graphic artists come out of its walls, but also theater, film, and musicians. A feature of this institution is that the academy pays special attention to students with disabilities.
The Academy was founded in the first year of 1991 and was originally a branch of the Center for Creative Rehabilitation of the Disabled. It was renamed into a higher educational institution in 2004, and already in 2014 it turned into a state academy. They teach painting, easel and monumental, graphics, and design. There is also a music department, which trains vocalists, performers and sound engineers. The academy has an excellent faculty.