Distance learning art history is designed for those people who dream of learning the theory of culture from the most ancient times to the present day. And distance learning is an opportunity to get a profession without leaving home, while not losing the quality of education.

Study Items
Disciplines in art history vary by institution. But there is always a basic list of lessons that are taught everywhere. And it is also worth paying attention to the fact that distance learning courses have a special list of training pairs. What?
Here is an approximate list of classes, which was based on the schedule of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin.
Foreign language
Although this is not a major subject, it is very important to study. Primarily because major employers require excellent English skills.
The basis of the classes include:
1. The specifics of pronunciation in different states, the main intonation and rhythm of speech.
2. Learning the basic concepts in the professional field.
3. Practicing pronunciation style and stress.
4. Assimilation of the lexical minimum of 4 thousand terms.
5. Concepts about the main ways of word formation.
6. Grammar skills that help you communicate without distorting the meaning of communication.
7. Features of the literary and artistic language.
8. History and culture of England.
9. Practical reading, auditing and writing texts.

This subject is closely intertwined with art history. The study of the culture of various countries and peoples, philosophy, anthropology and sociology - in this vein.
This lesson is learning:
1. The structure of knowledge in line with art.
2. The history of the cultural heritage of various nations.
3. Basic theory on music, literature, painting and the like.
4. Signs and symbols, as well as cultural codes and language.
5. Social institutions and their functions in everyday life.
6. The difference in values of the peoples of the whole world over the centuries.
7. Self-identity and modernization.
8. Typology of cultural norms: ethnos and nation, East and West, elite and mass, and so on.
9. Finding common ground between art, nature and society.
10. Global problems in the sphere of culture.
Political Science
This item is about the relationship between power and culture.
Due to the fact that there are few hours for this lesson, it will not be possible to complete the entire course, but the basics necessary for the speci alty are taught all.
Art history training includes:
1. Object and subject. Functions of political science.
2. The role and place of power relations in today's political life.
3. The history and traditions of politics and its relationship with culture.
4. Civil society and the rule of law, what is common, what are the differences.
5. Politics in all spheres of life and its social aspects.
6. Conflicts and ways to resolve them. International relations and state wars.
7. Theories of political science and their forecasting.

Psychology in the pedagogical field
This subject is necessary first of all for those who in the future will connect their lives with teacher education. With a mark in the certificate of the completed course, they can be accepted to any educational institution.
The following topics are covered at distance learning in art history in pairs:
1. Methods of psychology. Finding the object and subject.
2. History and cultural heritage of pedagogy and psychology.
3. The development of a living organism in a single and general process.
4. The connection between brain activity and the psyche. Age features of behavior.
5. Deviant and delinquent state. Ways to calm down.
6. Therapy as first aid in calming.
7. Cognitive processes and sense organs.
8. Psychology of small groups. The leader and the "white crow".
9. Education as a value of all times. Education through learning activities.
Culture of speech
Although many people think that the subject is completely unimportant, and it was passed in sufficient quantities at school. But in fact, a slightly different theory of the Russian language and speech is being taught at the university.
Distance learning will cover the following topics:
1. Stylistics of the modern Russian language. Dialects, jargon and other sections.
2. Rules of oral speech in various circles. Basics of literary writing.
3. Various styles and their specifics and functions.
4. The difference between genres and the selection of language means in journalism.
5. Practical exercises in phonetics and stress in compound words.

And also in universities of art history there are classes such as:
1. Sociology. This is a subject about social life and its constituent elements.
2. Philosophy. The science of the development of nature, society and man. And also search for answers to the most popular questions.
3. Mathematics and Information Technology.
4. General and Russian history.
5. Archeology and monuments of material culture.
6. Art and its history.
7. Monuments of cultural heritage of Russia and other countries.
8. Mythology as an art form.
9. Ethics and aesthetics.
10. The religious component in the sphere of culture.
11. Semiotics of culture. A science that studies the sign of storage, transmission, processing of information in society and nature, as well as in man himself.
12. Theory of art history.
13. Source study. A wide range of diverse results of human activity that have been preserved from past generations.
14. Socio-cultural activities. The program includes studying the history of theoretical foundations, areas of implementation, subjects, resource base and modern technologies.
15. Social and cultural anthropology.
16. Protection of natural and artificial heritage.
17. Traditional Russian culture. It is worth remembering that when choosing a university, the subjects of study in it will be different.

Difficulty of homeschooling
The profession of an art historian gained its popularity back in the 19th century, and is relevant even today. Getting a diploma remotely is very real, many universities offer this service.
Given the above disciplines of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, we can conclude that the amount of information to be assimilated is huge. Therefore, very often distance learning involves constant tests and tests for knowledge of the subject.
How to get an education
Art history is a subject in which there is practice, so the complete absence of classes outside the home is impossible. Rather, it implies a partial absence from the couples. In any case, you will have to do an internship and attend traininginstitution to pass credit standards and attend seminars. In addition to all this, it is necessary to submit documents upon admission in person.
List of universities

In addition to full education, there are distance learning courses. They are much cheaper and last shorter.
1. Moscow University named after S. Yu. Witte. Faculty of Applied Arts.
There are two types of education: undergraduate and graduate. They depend on whether the applicant has a diploma of higher education or secondary education.
The university has a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities.
If we talk about the cost, then in MU it is distributed by semester. As of September 2018, this figure is 21 thousand rubles.
And it is also possible to take an installment plan, in which case 50% must be paid immediately, and the rest within four months.
The term of study also depends on its form. On the basis of secondary education, this is 4 years and 6 months.
If this is a diploma after secondary specialized or higher education, then these are 3, 6 and 2, 6 years, respectively. And for the magistracy, a period of 24 months was chosen.
2. Institute of Art Business and Antiques. Faculty of Art History.
The peculiarity of this university is that you can get an education without a diploma, and it will turn out cheaper. A full tuition package costs 65 thousand a year, and education without defense and state exams costs only 50 thousand a year.
You can not start learningonly in September, but on any day, as the student himself chooses when to view the material.
And there is also the opportunity to take a distance learning course in art history at an accelerated pace, while the payment will not decrease.
While in Moscow, it is allowed to attend couples offline according to the schedule. But first it is necessary to coordinate this with the administration.
Training lasts 1 or 2 years of choice.
There are a lot of universities that provide distance education in art history, and each is individual.

Bachelor's degree
This is exactly what you need to pay attention to when choosing an educational institution. To obtain a bachelor's degree, it is necessary to study the entire educational program approved by the state. But the university itself chooses how many years the study will last, it varies from three to seven years.
The Art Studies program is designed for those who wish to study literature, philosophy, painting, sculpture and other creative fields. Fashion trends and culinary excellence are also covered in the art history course.
Distance learning was created for those people who for some reason cannot attend and go to classes every day. It can be both various physical features and territorial ones. For example, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there is a lack of universities, and not everyone can find a speci alty to their liking, and distance learning comes to the rescue. Research has shown that suchthe way of learning is not inferior to regular classes, and sometimes it is much more effective.