In order to get a prestigious job, it is important for a student to take a responsible approach not only to the learning process itself, but also to the choice of an educational institution. A good university will allow you to get a higher professional level, expand your circle of knowledge, and achieve certain heights in science. Technical universities in Russia provide high-quality education at the highest level. Students of the most prestigious of them graduate as highly qualified specialists, continuing to develop their professional skills in the most sought-after industries.
Choosing the Best Institutions of Higher Education
Choosing a university requires a responsible approach and a serious attitude. In order to help the applicant, the ranking of technical universities in Russia is annually posted on the Internet. This list is of interest not only to potential students, but also organizationsemployers. Many recruiters are involved in the rankings.

In Russia, there are more than one thousand faculties with a technical bias, as the range of speci alties is diverse, as are their areas of application. There are state technical universities in Russia in every region of the country, their number is close to 300. Some stand out from the rest, as evidenced by the list of the best universities, compiled on the basis of professional ratings, as well as online surveys of students, teachers and alumni.
How leaders are determined: the main factors for creating rankings
The top technical universities in Russia are determined based on combined information from the following grants:
- Ministry of Education of Russia.
- Compliance with European quality.
- Ratings of Internet users.
- RA experts.
It is a known fact that the probability of finding a prestigious job for students of different universities is not the same, but entering a good university is not a guarantee of success. HR specialists select a candidate based on many parameters.

The best technical universities in Russia are determined based on many factors. Among them:
- Demand for graduates abroad.
- Number of teachers holding scientific degrees (above master's).
- Number of majors available to students.
- Reviewsorganizations that employ graduates.
- The state of the base of the educational institution, both technical and material.
- Number of university applicants.
All of the above gives an objective idea of what place this or that educational institution should take in the list of the best in the country. It is worth considering the nuance that it is rather difficult to assess the weight of each parameter, so the rating of technical universities in Russia can be found in various versions. Every year the list is updated, universities strengthen or weaken their positions by several units. In general, all lists do not differ much from each other, and the “top five” of the best are the same everywhere.
Top 5 Tech Universities
All technical universities in Russia have a serious competitor that has been in the lead for a long time in the ranking. This is Lomonosov Moscow State University. The remaining representatives of the "five" are:
- Bauman Moscow Research Technical University.
- MISiS - National Research University.
- MEPhI - Research Nuclear University.
- Research Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg.

All of the above best technical universities in Russia give students the most relevant knowledge, prepare them for further work in the relevant field at the highest level.
Top 10
Among the numerous options for university rankings, the “five” leaders always remain unchanged, but the TOP-10may differ. According to the data of the past year, the following technical universities in Russia close the top ten:
- The ITF with its strong physical base.
- St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg) with a high level of training.
- Research Polytechnic University of Tomsk is the leader among all universities outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- Oil and Gas University in Tyumen is the leader in Internet user surveys.
- Gubkin State University of Gas and Oil.
Leading regions
In addition to the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, other technical universities in Russia are included in the ranking of the best. The list, as a rule, includes institutions located in the Volga region (there are 12 of them), as well as Siberian (there are 9 of them). The reputation of these universities in the country is quite high, and studying in them is considered very prestigious, so applicants have to invest a lot of time and effort in order to pass a difficult competition.

Many technical universities are located in the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in the Tomsk and Samara regions.
Representatives of different regions of the country
From the Central Federal District, the ranking of the best technical universities in Russia includes the State University of Voronezh, as well as the Lenin State Energy University of Ivanovo.
Most of the leading educational institutions are in the Siberian District. Three of them are worthy competition to the capital's universities, included in the "top ten"the best in the country. These include:
- State University of Tomsk.
- Polytechnic University of Tomsk.
- Novosibirsk State University.
The Ural Federal University named after Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, which is included in the Top 10 in 2014, is considered a prestigious "top" university.

Prestigious educational institutions located in the Southern Federal District include the following universities:
- State Technical University in Volgograd (43rd place).
- Southern Federal University, located in the city of Rostov-on-Don (28th place).
- The Polytechnic Institute in Novocherkassk (the second name is the South Russian Technical University) ranks 48th.
Achievements of multidisciplinary universities
Today, technical and economic higher education institutions are highly competitive with universities with a broad profile of education. The "twenty" of the best in the technical direction included seven multidisciplinary universities. These are public universities in the following cities:
- St. Petersburg.
- Moscow.
- Tomsk.
- Novosibirsk.

Besides, the best were RUDN and representatives of the districts: Southern, Ural, Siberian. Many applicants seek education in Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Rostov-on-Don. These technical universities in Russia have shown a balanced developmenttraining of specialists, as well as a high reputation among highly specialized universities. The territorial location of these institutions destroys all stereotypes about the ideal education, which can only be obtained in the capital. Tomsk and Novosibirsk universities have been famous since Soviet times for their progressive development of the education system and the high level of training of specialists.
Best universities for a career abroad
When deciding to build a career outside the territory of Russia, one should not rely only on the ratings of higher educational institutions. Foreign employers are well aware of the graduates of only a few domestic universities. These are the Bauman National Research University, located in Moscow, the Research National University in Novosibirsk, and the Polytechnic Research University, which is located in the northern capital of Russia. One of them is not even in the "top five" of the best universities.

The most important thing you need to get a prestigious job abroad is fluency in a foreign language. For this reason, special emphasis should be placed on educational institutions with a high level of English teaching. The ideal option is to receive a grant outside the country. This is quite feasible if the Russian university where the student is studying cooperates with foreign scientific organizations.