When we talk about "primitive man", we usually talk about cavemen and other species that existed many years ago, but if someone's uncle grunts while laughing and chews with his mouth open, we can also use that word to describe it. So what does the word primitive mean? Interesting? Let's find out!
What does "primitive" mean: connection with the natural world
The word primitive is closely related to the word prime, and the root of both words is primus, which in Latin means the first. Since the phrase "primitive man" is most often used in reference to the first humans on planet Earth, one might think that the word "primate" has something to do with the similarities between early humans and apes, but in reality this is far from the case. People call monkeys primates because they are seen as being on the first or highest rung of the animal ladder.

However, from the same scientists, we often hear the phrase "primitive organisms",which seems to be stable. Why are they using it? What does primitive and primitive mean? Find out more meanings next.
Other values
What does primitive mean? The fact is that this word can be used to refer to various characteristics. Thus, the adjective primitive can be used in relation to a morally undeveloped person (like an uncle who talks when he eats).

At the same time, synonyms for this word are such words as simple or elementary. A primitive organism is an organism that is not particularly complex in structure. We can use the word primitive to describe many things. For example, literary critics might say, "The idea behind this book is too primitive!" In this case, what does primitive mean? By this they will mean that the book's message is not deep enough and perhaps too simplistic.