German flying saucers of World War II

German flying saucers of World War II
German flying saucers of World War II

Once the famous British engineer John Frost, the creator of the first secret prototype of the US Air Force flying saucer, was asked if he believed in the existence of such devices. Smiling at the pretty TV presenter, he gave an affirmative answer and explained: "But not in the sense that those who consider them aliens from Mars." John Frost did not believe in the alien origin of unidentified flying objects, which people called saucers. He developed secret weapons for the Pentagon and, of course, was well aware of the history of the creation of the first flying saucers of the Third Reich. It was on them that the German command pinned hopes for victory in World War II.

Flying saucer
Flying saucer

Discovery of Henry Coande

In 1932, in Bucharest, Henry (Henri) Coande conducted an interesting experiment, which was witnessed by Radu Manikatida. He recalls how his famous teacher andthe inventor of the world's first jet-powered aircraft project, Henry Coande, demonstrated an experiment involving a disk that rose up and, reaching the ceiling, hovered. This landmark demonstration used unconventional flight methods.

If we talk about these principles in a simplified way, then their essence boils down to the following: if you draw air down and along the sloping surface of the plate (disk), then its movement is made along the object in question. By drawing in air above the dish, allowing it to flow around and from below, the experimenter managed to simultaneously lower the air pressure above the dish and increase this pressure from below, which, in turn, led to the soaring of the apparatus. This phenomenon is called the "Coande effect". According to some researchers, the effect formed the basis for the idea of German flying saucers of World War II.


Meetings with obscure flying discs

Adherents of the theory of alien contacts put forward the version that aliens from outer space during the Second World War watched with undisguised interest how earthlings improve their skills in exterminating each other. Here we can recall the incident that occurred in the Indian Ocean in September 1941. The British, who were on a Polish transport aircraft, observed a bright shining disk. The sailors of the cruiser Houston were lucky enough to see some flying lights in February 1942. During the Battle of Kursk, two obscure objects were recorded in the sky.

At first, no one paid much attention to these phenomena, preferringkeep some "eyewitnesses" in specialized medical institutions. However, there were more and more reports. The Soviet and American command did not know what to do with all this. Trying to explain everything rationally, they put forward two versions: it was either a grandiose hoax that caused hysteria in the fragile minds of the brave soldiers, and in the second case, the likelihood of the enemy getting a new type of weapon was considered.

German flying saucers WWII
German flying saucers WWII

It was noticed that this phenomenon was most often observed in the sky over the sea. With what it was connected, various assumptions were expressed. The following can be considered the most plausible: even if we assume the version of the successful German development of flying saucers, the sky above the sea surface seems to be the most ideal option. Firstly, there is a low probability of meeting with unwanted witnesses, and secondly, in the event of a disaster, you can easily hide all traces of activity by sending a secret apparatus underwater.

Viktor Schauberg

German flying saucers of the Second World War are associated with the name of this Austrian nugget from the people. While in a concentration camp, he was forced to take part in the development of a secret "weapon of retaliation". His main merit is the study of the use of the power of water. The introduction of his developments would allow mankind to escape from the predatory plunder of the bowels of the earth with the subsequent destruction of the planet. The scientist all his life was the most ardent supporter of the idea of harmony between man and nature. He, like his ancestors, workeda forester, and in his free time he studied natural science.

photo of german flying saucer
photo of german flying saucer

He was especially fascinated by the actions of the trout, which is able to freeze in the swift flow of the stream or, if necessary, retreat against the current, although, according to the logic of things, it should be carried away by the force of the current. Viktor Schauberg associated this ability of fish with the temperature in the stream. Soon he conducted an experiment. He warmed up about a hundred liters of water, pouring them higher along the channel. Such a concentration of hot liquid could not significantly affect the overall temperature in the stream. However, after some time, the trout could not fight the current - it was carried away. This and other interesting experiments led to the discovery of self-sustaining dynamic flows. According to some researchers, this discovery allowed the creation of flying saucers.

Drive principle for Schauberg levitation

The brilliant scientist argued that a person should learn to create from nature, it is reasonable to use this force for their own purposes, without violating the natural balance. Observing vortex flows in air, in water, he noticed that under certain conditions - the conical shape of the vortex, temperature, speed, other parameters - such a flow becomes self-sustaining. In addition, you can use the energy of the vortex itself, as Schauberg wrote about.

If water or air is forced to move "cycloidal" - spirally under the action of high-speed vibrations, then this leads to the formation of a structure of energy or high-quality fine matter, whichlevitates with incredible force, dragging the generator body with it.

If you refine this idea according to the laws of nature, you will get the perfect aircraft or the perfect submarine, and all this with almost no cost of production materials.

what is the name of the flying saucer
what is the name of the flying saucer

In other words, he proposed the use of condensation and cooling (low pressure), contrasting this energy with the traditional principles of engine operation, where everything is based on high temperature with excess pressure.

After the war, a whole hunt unfolded between the special services of various countries for its development. Americans are more fortunate. They managed to capture the scientist, keeping him for almost a year as a prisoner of war. Valiant Soviet intelligence was only able to thoroughly search his apartment in Vienna, then it was safely blown up.

Towards the end of his life, Schauberg became disillusioned with modern science, considering it a henchman, an ordinary gang of thieves in the service of corporations, taking away a bright future from humanity.

Shriver-Habermohl disks - the first vertical take-off vehicles

Since 1937, several secret design teams have been formed in Germany. Their goal is to create flying discs with vertical takeoff. This was one of the main conditions for creating a combat vehicle that did not need an airfield to take off. The project was led by Captain Rudolf Schriver. Also involved were Andreas Epp, Otto Habermohl, W alter Mitte.

Their office was located in Prague. In terms of secrecy, it could compete withNazi rocket center in Peenemünde. It was here that the main work on the development of German flying saucers was carried out. The initial prototype was a "winged wheel". It had piston and liquid rocket engines. It looked like a bicycle wheel. This similarity was given to him by adjustable blades located around the cockpit, which serve to select vertical or horizontal flight.

The main flaw of this product was the strong vibration caused by the unbalance of the rotor. This problem was tried to be eliminated by making the outer rim heavier, but failed. In the end, the creators concentrated all their efforts on the "vertical plane", as they themselves dubbed this German V 7 flying saucer. It was developed as a high-tech weapon in a war that Germany obviously could not win: the forces were too unequal. Therefore, the main stake was placed on weapons, which, in terms of their characteristics and principles of operation, reached a qualitatively different level.

flying saucer sound
flying saucer sound

Retaliation weapon - flying disc V 7

First you need to answer the question: what is the name of the flying saucer, which the creators themselves considered a vertical plane? It was developed as part of the Vergeltungs Waffen ("Weapon of Retribution"), or V-7 (V 7) program. The seriousness of the Germans' intentions to develop such unusual aeronautics is evidenced by the fact that, according to intelligence, about 9 research enterprises worked on this issue.

Assemblyunusual devices were engaged at the Skoda plant. The figure is called 15 units of such prototypes, which were all destroyed one by one. Evidence of such research can be numerous photos of a German flying saucer, technical documentation that fell into the hands of various intelligence agencies, eyewitness accounts and some brilliant scientists who continued their secret research after the war, agreeing to cooperate. Thanks to such a leak, some facts became known to the public. But even such disparate information, collected bit by bit, is amazing.

Description of the flying saucers of the Reich

The steering mechanism was used to stabilize control. It was similar to the aircraft that existed at that time (vertical tail). The first model tested was 21 meters in diameter. Its launch was made in the vicinity of Prague in the late spring of 1944. Had a horizontal flight speed of about two hundred kilometers per hour.

The next version of the flying saucer, assembled at the Česká Morava plant, had a diameter of 42 meters. Nozzles placed at the ends of the blades set the rotor in motion. As in previous models, the W alter rocket launcher served as the engine. The process of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide was used as fuel. The cockpit had a domed shape, a wide flat ring rotated around it under the influence of controlled nozzles.

Reich flying saucers
Reich flying saucers

This machine in February 1945 was able to climb to a height of over 12,000 meters and develop a horizontal speed of 200km/h There is also a mention that a similar disk was seen shortly before the events described in the Svalbard region. This information could be taken with skepticism, referring it to the category of rumors. However, in 1952, a disc-shaped apparatus matching the description was actually found there.

Alien footprint

A lot has been written about flying saucers made thanks to the efforts of secret occult organizations. It is argued that German scientists, relying on some spiritual practices, were able to create all these technologies based on a symbiosis of science, mysticism and the secret knowledge of protocivilizations. It has long been beyond doubt that Hitler and his inner circle attached great importance to the study of magic. It suffices to recall Ananerbe, the Thule Society, and a number of other organizations.

There are unconfirmed reports, which nevertheless refer to some Western researchers about an incident that occurred in 1936 near the town of Freiburg. Allegedly, an alien ship crashed there. Scientists from the Vril Society immediately clung to this find. They had enough talent and knowledge to repair the unusual celestial chariot, putting its propulsion system and energy system in order.

And then - even more interesting … They decided to recreate this object, intending to use it for military purposes. Judging by the photographs of the German flying saucer preserved in the archive, scientists from this organization approached this matter with a twinkle. A tower from the Pz-V Panther tank was installed on the flying disk. The landing legs were clearly visible,machine-gun nests, radio antennas. The authorship of such a techno-magical device is attributed to Dr. O. V. Shum.



The book "German Flying Saucers" claims that the success of the Vril organization prompted another development center to build on the existing developments to launch another series of disc aircraft, code-named "Haunebu".

In his book "German flying saucers" O. Bergmann gives some technical characteristics (Haunebu-II). Diameter: 26.3 meters. Engine: "Thule-tachyonator-70" with a diameter of 23.1 meters. Management: impulse magnetic field generator. Speed: 6000 km/h (calculated - 21 000 km/h). Flight duration: 55 hours and more. Space flight capability: 100 percent. Crew: nine people, with passengers: twenty people. The three spinning turrets at the bottom were intended for armament: 6- and 8-inch cruiser salvo guns and a remote-controlled single 11-inch KZO in a separate top spinning turret.

The famous Viktor Schauberg was forced to provide this series with his engine. What he did with a group of the same unfortunate people in a concentration camp.

Mythology of the Third Reich

The famous Italian Giuseppe Belluzzo (Belonze) since the 50s began to shock the public with stories about his involvement in the development of some top-secret flying machines. He is a famous designer, author of steam turbines used in the Navy. He said about flying saucers that theydesigned as unmanned missiles.

This type of weapon, according to him, was supposed to fly until it ran out of fuel. Then he, according to the idea of his authors, will collapse down, where he will explode. In such a "reliable" way they were supposed to deliver atomic bombs. There is another no less exciting area of application of the mysterious discs - air defense. They can be directed at bombers, exploding directly in the air.

Belluzzo, Shriver, Klein - the names of these personalities were on the lips of the whole world. Annoying journalists have repeatedly turned for comments to Albert Speer, the former Minister of Armaments, and Erhard Milch, who once held the post of Minister of Aviation. These gentlemen, on duty, should have known about various “wonder weapons”. To the dismay of many, they did not confirm their knowledge of flying saucers. Thus, they gave a refutation of the existence of such weapons among the Germans at the highest level. But maybe they were lying?

about flying saucers
about flying saucers

The Infamous Expedition of Admiral Byrd

Legendary American polar explorer Richard Byrd approached the coast of Antarctica in early 1947. From the very beginning, the purpose of this expedition, its composition raised many questions. She had the name of the military operation "High Jump". Fully funded by the US Navy. It was, without exaggeration, a powerful naval group. An aircraft carrier was sent there, 12 surface ships covered by a submarine. Approximately 20 aircraft, 5,000 personnel.

Immediately before the start of the expedition, in 1946, Admiral Byrd could not resist and stated that he had a very specific military task, but did not go into details. At the end of January 1947, the Americans began air reconnaissance in the area of Queen Maud Land. However, this idyll was interrupted in the cruelest way, forcing the sailors to flee.

During a clash with an unknown enemy, a destroyer, half of carrier-based aircraft and several dozen lives of American soldiers and officers were lost. The sound of a flying saucer emerging from the water was not audible to the human ear. These silent killers with incredible speed flew in front of people distraught with horror. Strange beams sent out from the bow set fire to everything in their path. This carnage lasted about 20 minutes, ending as abruptly as it began.

The battle that took place on February 26, 1947 off the coast of Antarctica proves the existence of an unknown powerful force that surpasses the technology of mankind. A photo of a flying saucer in popular culture is usually associated with an alien presence. Someone considers these celestial chariots to be the prototype of perfect earthly combat vehicles created in secret institutions. One thing is certain: they are watching and waiting.
