The question of how to write this or that word correctly, for example "collects" or "collects", arises among schoolchildren, and among people who have graduated not only from school, but also from a higher educational institution. The reason lies both in the richness and diversity of the Russian language, and in the number of spelling rules for certain spellings.
Difficulties in writing most often cause unstressed vowels in the root of the word. There are several rules for writing them, plus there are exceptions to each.
When it is not clear which unstressed vowel to write, they look for a single-root test word. Often not found. There are such intricate words in the Russian language, for which you will not find a test word in the afternoon with fire, in which this vowel will be stressed. Then a spelling dictionary or memory comes to the rescue, if the rules of the Russian language have remained in your head since school days.
The spelling of unstressed root vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress. An attempt to find a test word for the word "collects" is doomed tofailure. There are no such words in Russian.
Unstressed vowels at the root of a word
There are three types of unstressed root vowels:
- accent-checked;
- unaccented;
- alternating vowels.
To determine the correct spelling of the checked vowel, they look for a test single-root word in which this vowel is stressed. For example: kitten - cat, confusion - crumple, impression - print.
In order not to make a mistake during such a check, be sure to pay attention to the context in which the word is used. For example, the verb "to beg" or "belittle". If you "beg" for something, the test word will be "prayer". If you "decrease" something (reduce, reduce, etc.) - the test word will be "small".
Dictionary words cannot be checked - their spelling must be remembered. For example, dog, mosquito, sand, prevention, birch, etc.
Alternating unstressed vowels at the root of a word is the largest and most interesting section. The words "gathers" or "gathers" refer to him. Their spelling is governed by a separate rule.
Need to learn Russian
In the words "collects" or "collects" two unstressed vowels: "O" - in the first syllable, "I" and "E" - in the second syllable.
To determine the correct spelling of words, it is necessary to determine the morphemes of these verbs. A morpheme is the smallest part of a word that has a significant meaning. These are familiar parts.words: prefix, root, suffix, ending and postfix.

Morphemic analysis of verbs does not cause difficulties:
- Collects: collect-beer-a-et.
- Collect: co-ber-et.
Both verbs start with a prefix. There is no prefix "sa-" in Russian, there is only one spelling option left: the first unstressed vowel in both cases is "o".
The prefix is followed by the root of the word. The second unstressed vowel in single-root verbs is written differently: in the first case - "and", in the second - "e". So "collects" or "collects"? What's the right way?
Alternating vowels at the root of a word
In Russian, there are enough words with an alternating vowel at the root of the word. The letters "e" alternate with "i", "a" with "o", "a" or "i" with "im", "a" or "i" with "in".
In each particular spelling variant studied, the choice of the correct vowel depends:
- from accent;
- from the suffix following the word root;
- from the last consonant letter of the word root;
- from the semantic meaning of the root of the word.

Back to our verbs
The roots of the verbs are bir-, ber-. In the roots of words with alternating "e-and", the choice of the correct spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix.
If there is a suffix -a- after the root, then you need to write an unstressed "and" in the root. The only exception is the verb "combine" and the nouns "couple" and "marriage" - in these words, the unstressed vowel in the root is always "e".
If there is no suffix in all words with roots in which "e-and" alternate, "e" is always written.
Now it's not difficult to understand how to spell "collects".

As Seneca said: "There are no rules without exceptions, but exceptions do not interfere with the rule."

Synonym for "gathers"
There are many lexical synonyms for the word "collects" in Russian. The use of certain synonyms depends on the context.
If the context of the proposal involves gathering people for an event, use the verbs: invites (friends), recruits (to work, contract service), attracts (supporters), completes (division), convenes (to a rally).
If the verb "collects" is used in the context of "collects something", the following verbs are used: assembles (device diagram), completes (device), collects (stamps), saves (money), knocks together (stool).