Today you can find out what a cooperative institution is. Belgorod for the first time granted us the right to study at the University of Cooperation, Economics and Law in 1978. Initially, it acted as a branch of the Poltava Cooperative Institute. Education was provided in the following speci alties: trade economics and accounting. The staff consisted of only 19 teachers.
Cooperative Institute (Belgorod): direction
At the moment, the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law has chosen the direction of strengthening the development of consumer cooperation on the territory of our state. Another point on which this educational institution is based is the prospect of development of the city and the region.

The directions are very diverse, but above all they are distinguished:
- spiritual;
- social;
- economic.
The Cooperative Institute of Belgorod strives to continuously strengthen its learning potential by improving teaching skills. This is due to the development of scientific potential and the development of material and technical base. As a result of all of the above, this educational institution in 1994 reached the level of the academy. A short time later, in December 1996, the Belgorod Cooperative Institute received university status.
We mentioned earlier that BUKEP teachers are quite strong in their field, as they constantly improve their knowledge. For 2017, you can see the following statistics:
- 15% - PhDs and professors;
- 85% - PhDs and Associate Professors.
At the moment, more than three hundred teachers are working tirelessly at the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. It is also important to note the fact that you can meet both academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international academies.

Cooperative Institute (Belgorod) receives only positive feedback, at the moment the number of students has increased to 24 thousand people. We include students of all forms of education in this figure. We also mention that the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law has:
- offices and laboratories;
- high quality equipment;
- training and computer classrooms;
- library;
- several reading rooms;
- canteen;
- gym;
- 4 student residences;
- our own printing base.
Training areas
In the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, you can get an education in 35 speci alties (both full-time and part-time). Training is provided in eight areas of the master's program. There are ten undergraduate courses. SVE can be obtained in 10 speci alties. There are ten areas of postgraduate study and doctoral studies in the speci alty "Economics and Management of the National Economy".
You can also get additional education:
- Translator (professional communication).
- Teacher.

Another important feature is continuous education. This includes the period from pre-university training to advanced training of their employees. That is, you can get both SPO and higher education, and so on, climb the career and qualification ladder. The Cooperative Institute shows such concern for its wards.
Belgorod: the cost of studying at BUKEP
Higher education (speci alty) full-time education can be obtained in three areas, and the cost for 2017 is 73 thousand rubles. Also, BUKEP provides 18 directions for the preparation of full-time bachelors. The price varies from 60 to 72 thousand rubles. 17 master's programs will cost 55,000 rubles for the first year of study. The price of open source software is 48,000 rubles. Correspondence education (specialist and bachelor's degree) - 43000rubles.