Where and why is Russian linguistics sometimes called Russian studies?

Where and why is Russian linguistics sometimes called Russian studies?
Where and why is Russian linguistics sometimes called Russian studies?

The word "Russian studies" has a single synonym - "linguistics". This explains why Russian linguistics is sometimes called Russian studies. Because its study focuses on the origin, features of our language and literature, modern trends in their development and teaching.

What science studies language?

The origin, structure, features of the language are studied by linguistics (lat. "lingua"). Word and word formation, grammar, punctuation rules, styles and culture of speech, phonetics and graphics are sections of the Russian language as a science.

why Russian linguistics is sometimes called Russian studies
why Russian linguistics is sometimes called Russian studies

Linguistics has two broad sections: theoretical linguistics and applied. The first studies the theoretical aspects of the language, and the second - its practical application in solving such problems, for example, as language expertise, speech development, etc. That is, linguistics talks about the features of speech and formulates the rules for their use.

General linguistics describes and studies all languages, and private - one (Japanese) orrelated languages (romance). That is why Russian linguistics is sometimes called Russian studies - the theory and practice of the Russian language is at the center of its scientific interest.

Russistics is part of Slavic studies

The historical events in Russia in 1917 aroused great interest in Russian culture and stimulated the emergence of Russian studies as a science in the USA (Harvard and California Universities, 1920). It has become part of Slavic studies, or Slavic studies, which studies the general and specific in origin and life, in cultures, the psychology of the Slavic peoples, their dialects, etc.

linguistic Russian studies
linguistic Russian studies

The constant attention of the world community to the events in the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation, the spread of the Russian language stimulated its study in many countries of the world. In terms of the number of users on the Internet, it is in second place.

Why is Russian linguistics sometimes called Russian studies? She is studying Russian. It is one of the world languages spoken by diplomats and taught in educational institutions in many countries of the world as a foreign language. The population of Russia speaks 150 languages, the state language is Russian (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 68).

Russian studies is a living science

When asked why Russian linguistics is sometimes called Russian studies, the answer was received back in the time of Lomonosov. Currently, the problems facing school and university teachers are being solved:

  • Improving the content and methods of teaching the Russian language in educational institutions of the country and beyondabroad.
  • Preservation and development of the language culture of the population.
  • Solving communication problems between users of different languages in a multinational country.
  • Innovative directions for the development of school and university Russian studies.
  • Developing interest in reading children and adolescents.
  • Publishing and introduction of new teaching aids and textbooks for universities.
university Russian studies
university Russian studies

The discussion of these and many other theoretical and practical problems of linguistic Russian studies (on the pages of the media, in special scientific publications, at Russian and international pedagogical forums, at teachers' councils, seminars in educational institutions of different levels) testifies to their relevance. Derived from the word "Russian" and ending with linguistics, Russian studies is a living, developing science that brings together specialists from around the world who are engaged in the popularization of Russian culture and the teaching of the Russian language.
