In German, there are weak and strong verbs, the conjugation of which differs significantly. Weak ones make up the majority of German verbs and are conjugated according to certain rules. And you just need to remember the conjugation forms of strong verbs.

Translation of the verb schreiben
The German strong (irregular) verb schreiben is translated into Russian as "write" ("print"). Otherwise, it can be translated into various set expressions and idioms. For example:
Schreib dir das hinter die Ohren means "Keep in mind!"
It does not translate the verb schreiben literally.
German conjugation of the verb schreiben

If, for example, you want to talk about the fact that the husband is typing a scientific work, then you need to use the correct forms of the conjugation of schreiben in the present tense. For example:
Der Mann schreibt die wissenschaftliche Arbeit. - Husband is typing a scientific paper
Since the verb schreiben is irregular, you need to remember its two forms, which are used to form the three past tenses:
- schrieb (Präteritum);
- geschrieben (for difficult tenses like Perfect and Plusquamperfekt).
When forming the Präteritum form, the ending corresponding to the desired person and number is added to schrieb. This form is used in letters, monologues, fairy tales and stories about what was a very long time ago and actually has no connection with the present. For example:
Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin schrieb viele berühmte Märchen. - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote many famous fairy tales
Perfekt is used most often in colloquial speech, and almost always, when talking about the past, this tense is used. To form this tense, the 3rd form of the verb schreiben - geschrieben must be added to the verb haben in the required form. For example:
Du hast mir ein Gedicht geschrieben. - You wrote me a poem
The time of Plusquamperfekt comes when it is necessary to increase the emphasis on the prescription of what is happening, something happened much earlier than the event in question. For example:
Wann der Bruder ankam, hatte Anne die Belegarbeit schon geschrieben. - When her brother came, Anna had already written her term paper
The conjugation of schreiben in these tenses is done by changing the verb haben.
If you want to talk about what you will write in the future test paper, then you need to use the verb schreiben in the future tense. Futurum l is formed very simply, just like in Russian: the auxiliary verb werden + the infinitive. For example:
Ich werde am Freitag eine Klausur schreiben. - On Friday I will writetest
It is not necessary to use Futurum I, as the Präsens sentence using pointer words means the same. For example: