Homo sapiens is a species that combines biological and social essence

Homo sapiens is a species that combines biological and social essence
Homo sapiens is a species that combines biological and social essence

A reasonable man, or Homo sapiens, has undergone many changes since its inception - both in body structure and in social, spiritual development.

kind of intelligent person
kind of intelligent person

The emergence of people who had a modern physical appearance (type) and replaced ancient people occurred in the late Paleolithic. Their skeletons were first discovered in the Cro-Magnon grotto in France, which is why people of this type were called Cro-Magnons. It was they who had a complex of all the basic physiological features that are characteristic of us. Their mental development in comparison with that of Neanderthals has reached a high level. Scientists consider the Cro-Magnons to be our direct ancestors.

Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens

For some time this type of people existed simultaneously with the Neanderthals, who later died, since only the Cro-Magnons were sufficiently adapted to environmental conditions. It is with them that stone tools go out of use, and they are replaced by more skillfully processedfrom bone and horn. In addition, more types of these tools appear - all kinds of drills, scrapers, harpoons and needles appear. This makes people more independent of climatic conditions and allows them to explore new territories. A reasonable person also changes his behavior towards elders, a connection between generations appears - the continuity of traditions, the transfer of experience, knowledge.

Summarizing the above, we can highlight the main aspects of the formation of the species Homo sapiens:

  1. spiritual and psychological development, which leads to self-knowledge and the development of abstract thinking. As a result - the emergence of art, as evidenced by rock paintings and paintings;
  2. pronunciation of articulate sounds (the origin of speech);
  3. thirst for knowledge to pass it on to their fellow tribesmen;
  4. creation of new, more advanced tools;
  5. Neolithic revolution, which made it possible to tame (domesticate) wild animals and domesticate plants.

These events have become an important milestone in the development of man. It was they who allowed him not to depend on the environment and

intelligent man appeared
intelligent man appeared

even exercise control over some of its aspects. Homo sapiens continues to undergo changes, the most important of which is scientific and technological progress.

Using the benefits of modern civilization, progress, man is still trying to establish power over the forces of nature: changing the course of rivers, draining swamps, populating territories where life was previously impossible.

According tomodern classification, the type of "reasonable man" is divided into 2 subspecies - "Man Id altu" and "reasonable man". Such a division into subspecies appeared after the discovery in 1997 of the remains, which had some anatomical features similar to the skeleton of a modern person, in particular, the size of the skull.

According to scientific data, a reasonable man appeared 70-60 thousand years ago, and during all this time of his existence as a species, he improved under the influence of only social forces, because no changes were found in the anatomical and physiological structure.