Such a phenomenon as borrowed words, that is, words that have passed from one language to another and adapted to its phonetic and grammatical laws - the process is quite natural.
There are languages in which there are a lot of borrowings. These include, for example, the Korean language, it has a lot of Chinese words. In turn, the Chinese and Hungarian languages strive to form new words and concepts by their own means. But there is no language in which borrowed words would not exist at all, since it is impossible to artificially isolate one nation from another, interrupting socio-political ties, cultural communication, trade and economic cooperation.

In an era when the "Iron Curtain" separated two different socio-political systems, loanwords in English appear from Russian in connection with space exploration. After the launch of the artificial satellite of the earth, the Russian word "sputnik" became clear to every European. And during the period of M. Gorbachev's activity, it was not necessary to translate the word perestroika as reconstruction - it was understandable in its original sound.
Let's dwell on lexical borrowings. They penetrate the language mainly in two ways: oral and bookish.
Borrowed words of German origin: skimmer (Schaumloffel), Jack (Daumkraft), Clamp (Schraubzwinge) and many others appeared in Russian with the advent of the first German settlements. There was communication between the two peoples, and the words were passed "from mouth to mouth." Moreover, the reproduction was not always accurate, and the sound of the word changed. This is how foreign words appeared in Russian vocabulary, which penetrated orally.
Sometimes borrowings are "double", that is, in the form of synonyms. The word "tomato" in Russian came from Latin America. In Italian, this horticultural crop is called pomodoro, which means "golden apple". Both borrowed words are used in Russian as synonyms.
Many borrowed words that have entered this or that language through books are Greek or Latin in their etymology. Using the words "progress", "gymnasium", "constitution", "democracy", we no longer think about their origin. No wonder there is such a linguistic joke: "You speak Greek. You just don't know it!"

Another way of borrowing foreign words is tracing paper. Unlike the previous direct borrowing method, this one is indirect and represents an exact copy of a foreign word by morphemes (that is, significant parts). For example: skyscraper (English) - skyscraper (sky - “sky” + scrape - “scrape”), ambiguity -tracing paper from Greek - polysemy (poly - “many” + seme - “meaning”).
Such a linguistic term as case is a tracing paper from Latin. But unlike the previously given word-formation cripples, this calque is semantic, that is, associated with the meaning of the word. Kasus (lat. case) - formed from the verb cadent - to fall). Ancient grammarians defined the case change in the form of a word as a "falling away" from the main one.
If the 20th century is the century of outer space exploration, then the 21st century is the era of virtual space exploration. An amazing leap in the development of computer technology has contributed to the emergence of English words in all languages of the world.

Words borrowed from the English language are undergoing a process of a kind of adaptation to the Russian language. While retaining semantics, they are modified phonetically and grammatically.
If you take a word like "microsoft", it represents a direct borrowing. And the word "small soft" is an incomplete ironic tracing paper.
The verbs "use" (use), "chat" (chat), "click" (click-click) take the form of the Russian infinitive. Here it is appropriate to talk about the emergence of slang. But this is another linguistic phenomenon.
It should be noted that there is a difference between foreign words and borrowings. For example, in modern Romanian there is the word "securitate" - security, but despite this, English security is often used in everyday life withoutgrammatical changes. In fact, a foreign word is inserted into speech, which is not a borrowing.