Radiation safety of the population is a state of protection of present and future generations from the negative effects of ionizing radiation resulting from nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, the movement of charged particles in matter.
Residents of Russia, as well as foreign citizens who live in our country, have the right to a secure existence. It is ensured through a number of measures to minimize the negative impact of radiation on the human body above the established norms, standards and rules.

Citizens and public organizations have the right to receive specific information from an organization that carries out activities with the use of ionizing radiation, about the radiation situation, as well as about measures taken to improve the current situation.
If citizens live in those territories that are adjacent to organizations whose activities are related to the use of radiation sources, they have the right to receive social support.
Duty of citizens,living on the territory of the Russian Federation
Radiation safety implies compliance by Russians, as well as people living in our country, with the following standards:
- take part in or organize events that aim to minimize radiation doses;
- follow the basic requirements of federal government officials who manage, oversee and control this area.

Radiation background
In order to have a complete understanding of the content and essence of this concept, let's dwell on some theoretical aspects. Radiation safety is related to the dose of radiation that is created by cosmic radiation, as well as the radiation of natural radionuclides located in the earth, air, water, other elements of the biosphere, food, and the human body. The “effective dose” is used as the boundary of such a maximum allowable action. Under it, it is customary to raise the amount of ionizing radiation that affects a person.
The sanitary protection zone is the area around the source of ionizing radiation, which exceeds the established radiation dose limit for the civilian population.
Temporary and permanent residence of people is prohibited in it, the regime of restriction of industrial activity is used, and systematic radiation monitoring is carried out.
In case of loss of control over the source of study caused by equipment malfunction, incorrect actions of personnel, exposure is possiblepopulation, serious environmental pollution. In such situations, they talk about a radioactive accident.

System of principles
Ensuring the radiation safety of the population is associated with two groups of principles:
- rationing related to the prevention of exceeding the permissible doses of exposure of citizens from any sources of ionizing radiation;
- a justification that involves the prohibition of various types of activities using sources of ionizing radiation, in which the risk from the radiation background of exposure exceeds the benefits of production for society.
Optimization is carried out aimed at maintaining at an achievable and low level, taking into account social and economic factors, the doses and the number of persons when using any source of ionizing radiation.
Emergency response
Radiation safety involves a number of activities that reduce harm from an accident:
- Carrying out a set of organizational, sanitary-hygienic, educational, medical-preventive, engineering, educational measures.
- Implementation by local, federal authorities, public organizations, other legal entities and citizens of measures aimed at compliance with standards and rules in the field of radiation safety.
People are being informed not only about the emerging situation, but also about measures to ensure a normal existence.
In our country, there is a law on radiation safety. It marks the powers between the Russian Federation and the subjects:
- Determination of the state policy in the field of radiation safety and its full implementation.
- Approval and development of federal programs in this area.
- Identification of activities in the field of handling sources of ionizing radiation that are subject to licensing.
- Monitoring public exposure doses.
- Introduction of certain regimes for people living in areas of radioactive contamination.
- Development of measures to eliminate the consequences of radiation accidents.
- Taking prompt action when a threat occurs.
- Establishing a procedure for identifying social guarantees for the population affected by a radiation accident.
The functioning of a unified state management system in the field of security, including accounting and control of exposure doses to civilians, is a mandatory measure. For example, these include the development and adoption of legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of radiation safety. Ensuring compliance with all radiation regulations is the direct responsibility of government agencies.
Ensuring radiation safety involves the regulation of living and living conditions in areas that have been contaminated. They are specified in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
Nuclear and radiation safety involves international cooperation, as well as regulation of the import and export of substances thatact as a source of ionizing radiation.

Powers of subjects of the Russian Federation
Among them are:
- Development of legislative legal normative documents in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.
- Creation and implementation of territorial (regional) programs in the field of radiation safety.
- Active participation in activities aimed at eliminating accidents in the area.
Special programs are being developed at the regional level to comply with radiation safety rules.
Hygiene standards
On the territory of the Russian Federation, the permissible maximum radiation doses from radiation sources have been determined:
- annual average effective dose to the population corresponds to 0.001 Sv;
- for employees it is 0.02 Sv.
The established values of the main exposure dose limits do not imply the inclusion of doses created by natural and man-made radiation background, as well as those doses that a citizen (patient) receives when performing X-ray medical procedures and treatment.
The establishment of the permissible level of exposure of the human body, as well as its individual organs, depends on the established values. If an accident occurs, accompanied by an increase in exposure, which exceeds several times the permissible dose limits, the population has the right to social support.

Important aspects
How is radiation safety carried out? Training involves a set of activities that are aimed at informing the population about the rules of conduct in areas that pose a threat from a radiation point of view.
The problem is that radiation is intangible to humans, there is a certain latent period during which a biological effect is possible.
Among the main consequences of the action of ionizing radiation on the body, one can distinguish a violation of metabolic processes in biological, functional, morphological changes, as well as radiation damage to the human body.
Radiation protection consists of a set of organizational, legislative, sanitary, medical, hygienic measures that ensure safe working conditions for personnel in contact with any source of ionizing radiation.

Among the measures included in this concept, there are:
- hygienic regulation;
- he alth education, job training;
- organization of medical and anti-radiation control;
- implementation of current and preventive supervision.
Specialists note the types of protection:
- quantity;
- time;
- distance, shielding;
- using radioinhibitors and radioprotectors;
- compliance with personal hygiene, safety regulations.
When developing measures aimed at minimizing the consequences, radiation safety classes are taken into account.
Contaminated areas
They are considered land plots, when staying on which you can get a radiation dose of more than 1 mSv per year, which is a significant excess of the natural value. Subdivision of contaminated territories into several zones has been accepted:
- alienation, which is thirty kilometers from the emergency facility;
- mandatory resettlement zone, where a person receives a dose of more than 0.5 rem per year;
- Voluntary guaranteed resettlement with radiation dose greater than 0.1 rem per year.

Radiation safety is a mandatory element of national policy, it implies the state of protection of present and future generations from the negative effects of radiation.
Ensuring a normal life for people is the task of the state, therefore, several laws operate in our country, rules and sanitary standards have been developed, as well as a targeted program aimed at guaranteeing radiation and nuclear safety. Compliance with these documents reduces the risk of radiation contamination of civilians who live near enterprises that can become objects of radiation contamination.