At all times neat legible handwriting was valued. Beautiful smooth lines caused delight and admiration. Even now, when most of the letters and texts are typed on a computer, neat handwriting is still relevant and in demand. Teaching a child to write beautifully and evenly is not an easy task. It is even more difficult for an adult to acquire this skill. But still it is possible, it is enough to make an effort and show patience.
When should I start teaching my child to write?

Children's handwriting - beautiful and neat - is the result of diligence and diligence on the part of both the baby and his parents. Many mothers are convinced that learning to write should begin as early as possible. Better even before school, as soon as the child learns how to somehow hold a pen in his hands. But is it right? Practice shows that teaching writing too early and unwisely does more harm than good.
Yes, the child will learn to write. But his handwriting is sure to be terrible. The fact is that at an early age it is unrealistic for a child to instill the skill of beautiful writing. He just can't get it right yet.hold a pen with little fingers. And the long development of handwriting under such circumstances leads to the fact that the child writes crookedly, illegibly and under all sorts of biases. It will be extremely difficult to retrain him in the future.
So what age do you need to start classes? The baby reaches the necessary mental and physical development only by the age of 6. This is the right time to get started. Instead of developing handwriting at an early age, it is better to develop the child's fine motor skills. This is what you need to do until the age of 6.
Development of fine motor skills of hands

Any teacher will say that children's handwriting - beautiful or, conversely, illegible - is the result of the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands. The higher it is, the neater the lines in the copy-books. Therefore, from an early age, the baby needs to be offered special classes. It can be modeling from plasticine, cutting figures out of paper, drawing up applications, modular origami, weaving beads, drawing with paints and simple pencils. In general, there are many options. For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, game exercises have also been developed, for example, drawing figures by connecting dots with lines. This helps the child to learn how to hold the pen correctly.
Position of the pen when writing
If parents are interested in their children's handwriting being beautiful and even, then first of all they should teach their child how to hold a pen correctly. There are many useful exercises for this. The simplest example is drawing with colored pencils incoloring book. The more diligently the child will paint over the drawing, the better the skill will be fixed. It will also help increase the speed of writing, which will undoubtedly be very useful when writing dictations.
Position and posture of the child when learning to write

Even the most beautiful handwriting in the world is the result of hard work. Equally important is the position of the child's body during classes. If a small student is sitting in an uncomfortable position, then you can’t count on a beautiful spelling of letters.
In order for the baby to write evenly and accurately, parents should monitor how he holds his back, in what position his arms and legs are, and even how the notebook lies on the table. All this is important. The correct position of the child's body when writing looks like this: the elbows are on the table, the back is straight, the feet rest on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees at a right angle. At the same time, the height of both the chair and the table should be comfortable for the baby.
Teach your child to write using copybook

It is known that the most beautiful handwriting in the world is Arabic calligraphy. It has been studied for years, continuously practiced and improved. Perhaps the letters of the alphabet are not so elegant, but writing them correctly also requires a lot of practice. To help your child master writing, stock up on copybooks. A small student should always have before his eyes an example of how letters and syllables should ideally look.
If parents can't buy specialnotebooks, then the recipe can be done independently. Take a sheet of paper and carefully draw simple shapes first, and then letters. Let the kid hone his skills, relying on the example of the handwriting of his mom or dad.
How to develop beautiful handwriting for an adult?

To form a beautiful legible handwriting in a child is not easy, but it is even more difficult to correct it in an adult. Many argue that this is impossible. But this, of course, is not the case. You can relearn. This complex process requires patience and perseverance.
So, how to develop beautiful handwriting? First you need to accustom yourself to accuracy. Prepare the workplace, remove everything superfluous, only a notebook, pen and pencils should lie on the table. Sit properly at your desk. Straighten your back, put your elbows on the table, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Place the items you need for the exercise in front of you. It can be copybooks or calligraphic samples. Do not forget that the ability to properly hold a pencil in your hands largely depends on whether you will be able to develop a beautiful handwriting.
The alphabet and simple figures must be written with a pen, holding it with the thumb, middle and forefinger at a distance of at least 1 cm from the surface of the paper. Slowly write the first letter. If necessary, take a copy and focus on an example. Do this exercise until the letter comes out beautifully automatically. This will take a long time, so please be patient. Change ballpoint pens periodically. So you can find the one that is the most beautiful and easiest to write. In the future, buy only these. After learning to write one letter, move on to the second until you learn the entire alphabet. Then practice on syllables and words.
Tricks to improve handwriting

There are several tricks that help solve the problem of how to learn beautiful handwriting. First, write slowly and carefully. And secondly, you need to train when studying writing not while taking notes at meetings or lectures, but on the poems of great poets. Yes, it is beautiful works that should inspire. Both a child and an adult will learn the spelling of words better if they rewrite the verses of the classics, such as Pushkin, Lermontov or Fet.
Another great handwriting exercise is coloring pictures. Why not remember your childhood and take up coloring? It's so interesting and very useful. And how your children will rejoice at the same time!
How to make beautiful handwriting quickly?
Is it possible to learn to write beautifully in a short time? In general, it is not easy. But there is one little trick. To better master the letter, ask for help from your loved ones. Let them dictate some text to you. Dictations are very good for consolidating writing skills. But the text should be dictated slowly and with arrangement. It's not worth rushing. The main thing is to try to write everything down as beautifully as possible. After a few days of such training, younotice that the handwriting has improved a lot.
Determining a person's character by handwriting

Some character traits can be determined by a person's handwriting. Many psychologists have studied the written lines of different people for a long time and came to very interesting conclusions. A strong pressure on the handle will give out a sociable extrovert with a good working capacity. But weakly pressing are timid romantic natures. These can be both introverts and weak-willed individuals.
Take a close look at the slope of the letters. Balanced natures do not have it at all. They are difficult to piss off, and therefore they will have even lines. If a slight tilt to the right is found, then this is evidence that the person writing is calm and sociable. But if the lines go at a large angle, then you have a self-confident maximalist. Leaning to the left will reveal critics and mavericks.
Character traits can be predicted by the size of the letters in the written line. Sweeping handwriting corresponds to creative people. But the owners of small letters are very thrifty and rational, sometimes even a little stingy. Kind hospitable people will be given out by rounded letters. For optimists, the lines always creep up, for pessimists - down. Egoists have angular letters.
In general, a person may know how to write in beautiful handwriting, but he will not be able to hide his nature behind the lines. Carefully drawn letters will show his character and give an idea of his personality.