For 50 years, researchers and scientific groups from all over the world have wanted to know detailed information about this or that planet. This is not accidental, because many people dream of finding out the origin and significance of other planetoids and celestial bodies. What is lunar soil and what does it look like? You can find out this and much more by reading this article.
General information about the Earth's satellite
It's no secret that the Moon is a natural satellite of our planet. It is one of the brightest in the sky. The distance between the Earth and its natural satellite is more than 300 thousand kilometers. Surprisingly, the Moon is the only object outside the Earth that has been visited by man.
Earth and Moon are often referred to as paired celestials. This is due to the fact that their mass and size are quite close. Explorations have been carried out on the Moon many times. It has been proven that there is a force of attraction. On the surface of a natural satellite, a person can easily turn over a small car.

Many are interested in which moon is onreally. It revolves around the earth. Depending on the position of a natural satellite, you can see it in completely different ways. The moon makes a full circle around the Earth in 27 days.
Each of us has seen darker or bluer areas on the Moon. What is it really? Many years ago it was believed that these were the so-called lunar seas. This concept still exists today. But in fact, these are petrified areas through which lava used to erupt. According to research, this happened many billions of years ago. Consider below the name of the lunar soil.
In 1897, an American geologist first used the term "regolith". Today it is used to determine the lunar soil.
Regolith color
Regolith is the lunar soil. It has been researched for many years. The main question that scientists from all over the world are trying to answer is whether it is possible to grow anything on such soil.
What color is the lunar soil? Each of us can safely say that the moon has a silver-yellow color. This is how we see it from our planet. However, this is not at all the case. According to the researchers, the lunar soil has a color close to black - a dark brown color. It should be noted that in order to determine the color of the soil on the territory of a natural satellite, you should not focus on the photographs that were taken there. It's no secret that cameras distort the real color a bit.

The thickness of the soil on the moon
The uppermost layer of the Moon is regolithic. Ground investigations are important for creating blueprints andfurther base building. It is believed that the lunar soil arises from the filling of old craters with newly formed ones. The thickness of the soil is calculated by the ratio of the depth of the so-called sea and its loose part. The presence of stones in the crater is associated with the content of rock formations in it. Thanks to the information given in the article, we can conclude that the thickness of the regolith layer on the Moon differs depending on the territory under study.
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to explore the entire surface of the moon. Nevertheless, there are already methods that allow you to study a sufficiently large territory of a natural satellite.
Chemical composition
Lunar soil contains a large number of chemical trace elements. Among them are silicon, oxygen, iron, titanium, aluminum, calcium and magnesium. Information about the composition of the soil was obtained through the methods of remote and X-ray spectroscopy. It is worth noting that there are several ways to study lunar soil. Their main problem is the division of attention on the age of the regolith and its composition.

Negative effects of moon dust on the human body
Scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration studied the pros and cons of the planned exploration and relocation to the moon. They proved that lunar dust is extremely dangerous for the human body. It is known that the so-called dust storms are activated once every two weeks. Scientists have also proven that regular inhalation of moon dustcan lead to serious illness.
There are special fibers on the surface of the lungs that collect all the dust. In the future, the body gets rid of it with a cough. It should be noted that too small particles do not attach to the fibers. The human body is not adapted to the negative effects of lunar dust due to its small size. Scientists believe that this factor must be taken into account when developing and building bases on the surface of a natural satellite.

The negative impact of dust, which creates storms on the surface of a natural satellite, was confirmed by the Apollo 17 lunar expedition. One of the astronauts who was part of it, after some time spent on the moon, began to complain of poor he alth and fever. It was found that the deterioration in he alth was due to the inhalation of lunar dust, which was on board along with the spacesuits. The astronaut did not experience complications thanks to the filters installed on the ship, which cleared the air in the shortest possible time.
Exploring the dark side
Most recently, China presented to the world its plan to explore the surface of the moon. According to preliminary data, two years later, a new astronomical device will be installed on the natural satellite, which will allow a number of studies to be carried out. The peculiarity is that it will be located on the dark side of the moon. The device will study the geological conditions on the surface of a natural satellite.

Another item on the plan is the location of the radio telescope. To date, radio transmissions from Earth are not available on the dark side of the satellite.
Organic matter in lunar soil
After one of the Apollo missions, it was revealed that the lunar soil brought from the expedition contains organic substances, namely amino acids. It is no secret that they are involved in the formation of proteins and are an important factor in the development of all living organisms on Earth.
Scientists have proven that the lunar soil is not suitable for the development of all life forms known to us. There are four versions of the appearance of amino acids in the lunar soil. According to scientists, they could end up on the moon, brought from Earth along with astronauts. According to other versions, these are gas emissions, solar wind and asteroids.

After a number of studies, scientists have proven that, most likely, amino acids got into the composition of the lunar soil due to pollution from the Earth, and this was also facilitated by the fall of asteroids on the surface of a natural satellite.
First flights to the Moon
In January 1959, a rocket was launched in the Soviet Union, which put the Luna-1 automatic interplanetary station on a flight path to the Moon. This is the first device to reach the second space velocity.
Already in September, the automatic interplanetary station "Luna-2" was launched. Unlike the first, she reachedcelestial body, and also delivered a pennant with the image of the emblem of the USSR.
Less than a month later, the third automatic interplanetary station was launched into space. Her weight was over 200 kilograms. Solar panels were located on its body. Within half an hour, the station automatically took more than 20 pictures of the Moon with the help of a built-in camera. Thanks to this, mankind first saw the reverse side of the natural satellite. It was in October 1959 that people learned what the Moon really was.
Magma on the surface of a celestial body
During one of the latest studies of the moon, channels with solidified magma were revealed under its upper layer. Scientists say that thanks to such a find, you can find out the real age of our natural satellite. It is worth noting that to date, the chronology of the appearance of the Moon is unknown.

The thickness of the lunar crust is 43 kilometers. Recent studies of the moon have shown that it is all riddled with underground channels. Scientists suggest that they formed almost immediately after the appearance of a natural satellite. Almost all channels are filled with solidified magma. At their locations there are higher gravitational fields. According to preliminary data, the age of underground channels is more than four billion years. Such a discovery is an impetus for further research of the natural satellite.
Sale of land on the Moon
Recently, a large number of agencies have appeared that offer to buy samples of the lunarsoil or even acquire a land plot on another planet. An agent who can provide you with such services can be found in absolutely any country. It's no secret that celebrities and politicians love to buy land on other planets and celestial bodies. In our article, you can find out whether it is worth buying a plot on the Moon or is it just another invention of scammers.
Today there are a large number of agencies that offer anyone who wants to buy a plot on the moon or a lunar passport. They argue that after some time, humanity will be able to seamlessly surf the expanses of space and travel to one or another celestial body. It is for this reason, according to agents, that buying a land plot today is profitable and convenient.
The sale of land on other planets and celestial bodies began 30 years ago. Then the American Dennis Hope found shortcomings in international laws and declared himself the owner of all celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun. He applied for registration of ownership and informed all states about it. The next step was to register your own agency. More than 100 owners of land plots on the Moon are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Actually, Dennis Hope's agency was registered in Nevada. In this state, there are a huge number of laws that allow you to issue any document for a certain amount. Thus, Dennis Hope is selling not the right to property, but the most ordinary beautifully designed waste paper. Based on this, not oneman cannot claim land on the moon. This is confirmed by the bill adopted on January 27, 1967. After analyzing all the information that is given in our article, we can conclude that buying a land plot on the moon is a waste of money.
Summing up
The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. Scientists have been studying it for many years. During this time, they found out that the moon has identical dimensions to our planet, and lunar dust is unusually hazardous to he alth. Today, the purchase of land plots on the territory of a natural satellite is quite popular. However, we do not recommend making such an acquisition as it is a waste of money.