The modern administrative-territorial division of Russia was formed back in the days of the USSR. After the collapse of the Union, practically no changes occurred. The following elements are distinguished in the structure of the territorial division of Russia: territory, district, region, district, city, district in the city.
What is an area?
Area is a part of a state territory that has its own borders. The formation of the regions took place in the days of the Russian Empire. Each region has its own administrative center. This is usually the largest city. The area of most regions of Russia is approximately the same. Such units were created based on a certain community, homogeneity of the population that lives in the territory.

Formation of regions during the Russian Empire
At the beginning of the last century, the legal essence of this concept was slightly different from the modern generally accepted understanding. As you know, the main administrative part of the Russian Empire was the provinces, but at the same time, the first regions appeared from the middle of the 18th century. Normative differences were in the order of territorial administration, since the provinces were formed on already fully developed lands. A region is a territorial entity created onlands newly admitted to the state. It was politically inexpedient to create a large province on practically unexplored lands.

The very first region created in the Russian Empire - Olonets. Year of foundation - 1776. It existed in this status until 1784. Three years after the Olonets region, the Kolyvan region was created on the newly annexed lands. These lands were mastered by the Russians quite quickly, because already in 1783 the region became a separate province. A year later, in 1784, 2 more regions were created - Taurida (everyone probably remembers the Kuchuk-Kanaijir peace treaty of 1783, according to which Crimea was transferred to Russia) and the Yakut region. During the 19th century, 29 more regions were created in the empire, which gradually joined the provinces, and only a few of them lasted until the collapse of the empire.
Moscow Region
The date of its foundation is January 14, 1929. It was on this day that the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the Creation of the Moscow Region" was adopted. This is the only territory of the Russian Federation whose administrative center is not legally defined, because the actual center of the region (the city of Moscow) is the capital of the state.

In terms of size, the Moscow region is the 55th largest association in the country. It borders on the Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga, Smolensk, Vladimir, Tver regions. How many cities are in the Moscow region? Looking at the administrative map of the region, we will see that in itsThe composition includes 29 districts. There are 32 cities of regional subordination, 2 urban-type settlements, as well as 5 special closed territories on their territory.
Moscow region is the most economically developed region of the state. This is facilitated by the proximity to a huge metropolis, where salaries are the highest in Russia, which is why many people who want to earn money come here.