Quality indicators, their achievement and analysis

Quality indicators, their achievement and analysis
Quality indicators, their achievement and analysis

The objective features of a product are called its properties. They are manifested in the manufacture, storage, consumption, costing. Quantitative and qualitative indicators include one or more product properties. The latter, in turn, can be complex or simple. The former include a complex of features that manifest themselves in the aggregate. For example, nutritional value has a number of parameters: digestibility, energy, biological, as well as physiological usefulness for consumers.

qualitative indicators
qualitative indicators

Quantitative and qualitative indicators: general information

Each product has its own range of parameters. It depends on the purpose of the products, the conditions in which they are produced and operated, and other factors. Indicators can be expressed in various units. For example, it can be a meter, kilogram, pieces, seconds, km/h, watt, second, and so on. There are also conventional units by which the assessment of qualityindicators. These include the ruble, the score, the percentage of voters, and so on. In addition, units can be dimensionless - the probability of an event occurring, for example. In the form of technical requirements, quality performance indicators are included in the terms of reference for the developed product and conditions.

Formation of parameters

The final formation of the nomenclature of indicators is carried out at the product design stage, since it is here that they are included in the design (model). The parameters are then implemented during the production phase. At the stage of operation, qualitative indicators characterize the consumer properties of the product. Parameters become an individual feature of products, distinguish them from other types of goods. Thus, they make the product competitive and attractive. Product parameters, in turn, reflect the quality indicators of the enterprise. In particular, we are talking about the integrity of the manufacturer, the desire to meet consumer demand, the use of modern technologies, and so on.

Important moment

It should be noted that the desire to take into account as many parameters as possible for the most complete product characteristics makes the design task difficult. In this regard, it is necessary to single out only the most important properties that can be reflected by certain features of the products. In addition, for certain production and operating conditions, there are mandatory quality indicators. This is mainly related to the safety of the product.

Minimum allowable limitrequirements are established by the relevant normative acts of the executive bodies of the federal government. They are authorized to carry out quality control and product safety. Such instances, in particular, include Rospotrebnadzor, Gosgortekhnadzor and others. In addition, if the goods are intended for sale by a certain category of citizens or can be sold to them in any way, then the quality indicators of the products must comply with additional standards provided for by the law that protects consumer rights.

qualitative economic indicators
qualitative economic indicators

Basic requirements

Quality indicators should:

  1. Visually display the properties of a process or object.
  2. Be robust against random interference.
  3. To have a monotonous relationship with quality, while other indicators remain constant.
  4. Be sensitive to property changes.
  5. Easy to define, control and measure.
  6. Meet the declared properties.

The name of the parameter is a quality characteristic of the product. For example, the mass fraction of dry matter. The value of a parameter is the result obtained from a qualitative and quantitative measurement. It is used to determine compliance or non-compliance with requirements. The value is also used when stating the results of the measurement. For example: "Mass fraction of dry matter - 9%." Qualitative indicators by name are divided into groups in accordance with the properties or purpose they describe.


Depending on the described properties, quality indicators are:

  1. Single. These parameters reflect the simple properties of products. For example, they include acidity, integrity, shape, color, and so on.
  2. Complex. These quality indicators determine the complex properties of the product. Thus, the state of the bread crumb is a complex parameter that describes elasticity, porosity, color, and so on.
  3. Integral. They are qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the use of goods. They are established as the ratio of the total utility from operation to the costs of design, manufacture, marketing, storage and consumption. Qualitative performance indicators are usually used in a simplified calculation of the competitiveness of products.
  4. quality indicator is
    quality indicator is

Assigning parameters

On this basis, all values are divided into:

  1. Basic, taken as a basis for comparing quality indicators. For example, it may be the color of the reference, which corresponds to the color of the flour of a particular grade. As basic quality indicators, parameters of samples of similar products can be used, reflecting innovative scientific and technical developments, as well as included in standards or technical regulations.
  2. Defining. These indicators are crucial in the process of assessing the quality of the product. These include many organoleptic parameters. So, for many products, the determining quality indicator is the externalview. This category also includes the smell and taste of food products, color, physical and chemical properties (mass fraction of ethyl alcohol, fat, dry component, etc.).


All of the above indicators are characterized by certain limits. These values are divided into:

  1. Relative.
  2. Limit.
  3. Regulated.
  4. Optimal.
  5. Valid.

Achieving the optimal level of quality indicators indicates the most complete satisfaction of the share of needs that caused this or that parameter. Thus, the most acceptable value of such a property as "appearance of vegetables and fruits" is described by color, shape, dry and clean surface typical of a natural variety, without any damage. Optimality in this case will indicate the most complete satisfaction of physiological needs for the functional purpose of the object, in terms of aesthetics and safety - due to the absence of microbiological damage, mycotoxins. Quite often, such a value is used as the norm established by the standards. In this case, it acquires the status of a regulated one.

Optimal values are the most desirable, but in practice they are not always obtained. In this regard, when the analysis of qualitative indicators is carried out, the actual level is established. It is found by single or multiple measurements. For example, in one type of oil, the mass fraction of fat is 80.5%, and in another - 82.5%. The specified results are considered valid values.

The regulated level is established by the current industry regulations. So, the fat content for butter, for example, is determined by GOST and should be at least 82%. This value is simultaneously considered regulated and limiting. The last definition indicates that exceeding or decreasing the specified level is regarded as non-compliance with the standard.

quality performance indicators
quality performance indicators

Limit value

It can be range (from and to), maximum (no more) or minimum (no less). The latter is used when the indicator provides an improvement in quality. In the example above, the fat content of the oil is critical to its quality. Moreover, the higher the level, the greater the value of the product. Accordingly, if the set value is not reached, the quality deteriorates. The maximum level is set for parameters that reduce consumer properties if the limits are exceeded. The discrepancy resulting from this can lead to critical or significant defects that prevent the use of the product for its intended purpose or reduce its safety. In such cases, the product becomes unsuitable, dangerous for consumption, and must be recycled or destroyed.

At the same time, there are a number of indicators that, although they worsen the quality, but if their values are exceeded, do not make the product dangerous for direct consumption. Such parameters, for example, include the mass fraction of water in foodgoods. With its increased content, the value of products decreases. At the same time, water does not directly affect safety, but if its mass fraction is significantly exceeded, some types of products can become potentially dangerous. This is due to the high risk of microbiological spoilage.

Range values are set when both exceeding and falling below the specified limit causes quality degradation. For example, the size of carrot roots is not less than 2 and not more than 6 cm. This is due to the fact that products smaller than two centimeters in size will have less yield of the usable part. In addition, they are less well preserved. Root crops larger than six centimeters have a reduced nutritional value.


They refer to the limit values of quality indicators. Permissible deviations establish normalized levels of non-compliance with regulated or optimal parameters. These values are used for many products. This is due to the fact that with the modern development of technology and technology it is extremely difficult and unprofitable to produce goods only with optimally high quality limits. Many tolerances do not have a significant impact on consumer properties. Deteriorations are noted only when these discrepancies are exceeded.

evaluation of qualitative indicators
evaluation of qualitative indicators

Relative values

This limit is determined by the ratio of the actual indicator to the regulated or basic one. Considerexample with the mass fraction of fat in butter. The actual value is 83%, the base value is 82.5%. The relative indicator will be: 1.06% (83/82.5). The quality level is determined by comparing the actual values with the base ones for one parameter. When it is established, the properties of sample products of the best domestic or foreign manufacturers can be used as a basis.

Qualitative economic indicators

These parameters include:

  1. Profit of manufacturers and sellers of products.
  2. The cost of goods, including the costs of the enterprise associated with its release, marketing and subsequent maintenance.
  3. Product price (wholesale and retail).
  4. Consumer operating costs. They are generally formed from various deductions (taxes, payment for emissions, insurance premiums, etc.) and costs:
  • Energy consumption, efficiency and consumption.
  • Consumables (batteries, lubricants, etc.), tools and accessories.
  • Services (payment for instruction, salary for security, etc.).
  • Disposal and repair (payment for services of warranty workshops, repairmen, dismantling, removal to a landfill or processing plant).

Technical parameters

They are represented by several categories and characterize the ability of the product to properly perform its functions. These include requirements:

  1. Performance. They include the parameters of the required power, developed speed,load capacities and others that describe the function being performed.
  2. Efficiency. These indicators reflect the degree of usefulness of the use of products for their intended purpose. For example, these can be energy (efficiency), kinematic (motion accuracy), power and other parameters.
  3. Constructiveness. They describe, for example, the dimensions, weight and other advantages of the model.
  4. qualitative performance indicators
    qualitative performance indicators

Reliability indicators are also referred to technical ones. They combine properties such as:

  1. Reliability.
  2. Repairable.
  3. Durability.
  4. Safety.

Specifications include but are not limited to:

1. Ergonomics. They describe the social properties of the product as an element of the system of interaction between people and machines, the ability to maintain the he alth of citizens through increased ease of use due to compliance with hygienic, psycho-physiological, anthropometric and other standards.

2. Multifunctionality. It represents the ability to use the product for different activities and works.

3. Security. It characterizes the exclusion of probable accidents in the course of normal and unskilled work, under the influence of the external environment and humans, in extreme and emergency conditions, as well as in the course of manufacturing products in ordinary and hazardous industries. Types of security include:

  • Fire fighting.
  • Sanitary.
  • Thermal.
  • Electromagnetic.
  • Electrical.
  • Magnetic.
  • Mechanical.
  • Radiation.
  • Chemical.

4. Environmental friendliness. Its indicators characterize the adaptability of the product to existence in conditions of interaction with the environment of various living organisms and the surrounding nature and the exchange of energy with them, the release of heat), substances (clogging by combustion products, oil leaks, etc.), signals (creation of noise, whistling, etc.).).

product quality indicators
product quality indicators

5. Aesthetics. It involves the manifestation of beauty in the appearance of products. Aesthetic parameters include, for example, rationality of form, information expressiveness, stability of appearance, perfection of performance, integrity.

6. Utilization indicators. They describe how to dispose of the product at the end of its use during dismantling and actual destruction.

Design and technological parameters

They describe the effectiveness of the technical solutions used. This category includes:

  1. Levels of standardization, continuity, unification.
  2. Manufacturability parameters. They describe the possibility of manufacturing a product with the lowest production costs and in the shortest possible time.
  3. Indicators of transportability. They describe the possibility of moving goods in space with minimal cost. In particular, we are talking about the movement of products within the shops, from the manufacturer to the seller and then to the buyer, and so on.
  4. Safety. She characterizesthe ability of a product not to depend on the adverse effects of various external factors (intentional, accidental, climatic).

Patent Law Parameters

These indicators characterize the quality of goods in terms of legislation. In particular, the parameters describe the patent purity and protection of the goods. These include the degree of application of technical solutions that are not covered by patents, and the level of protection of products and technologies in the Russian Federation and countries of intended export.
