The adoption in 1993 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the consolidation of the principles of the state federal structure marked the beginning of the formation of a new system of structures - the state authorities of the subjects. The statuses of the elements of structures are determined by the Basic Law of the country and the charter of a particular region. In accordance with Art. 5 of the Constitution, the state contains equal subjects: territories, regions, cities of federal significance. The latter are special elements of the structure of the state structure. What are federal cities? Which entities have this status? More on this later in the article.

General information
Cities of federal significance of the Russian Federation are entities with a special form of local self-government structure. In them, part of the powers are given directly to the state authorities of the region. Previously, until 2014, resort cities had no federal significance. ATIn the light of recent events in Crimea, the situation has changed somewhat. In accordance with Art. 65 of the Basic Law, the status of a city of federal significance has three subjects that are part of the state. In addition, a region that is not part of the country has a similar status. On the basis of the International Agreement with Kazakhstan, since 1995, for the period of lease of the cosmodrome complex, the city of Baikonur has a similar status. At the same time, the subject is not officially part of Russia. Accordingly, its executive authorities are not represented in the structure of the state apparatus of the country.

As a result of the Crimean events and the referendum that followed them in 2014, on March 18, an agreement was signed with the partially recognized Crimean Republic. In accordance with it, Sevastopol was given the status of a federal city of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 77 of the Constitution, the management structure in the subjects is organized by them independently in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Basic Law, and according to the general principles of the structure of this system. This is the reason for the constitutional and legal features that the authorities (legislative and executive) of the city of federal significance have.
Historical background
The town authorities that existed in the Russian Empire can be considered the predecessors of cities with a special status. What were they? These were cities isolated from the provinces for their special geographical position or importance and reporting directly to the Minister of Internal Affairs. Subsequentlytownships were transformed. After the October Revolution, these entities were liquidated (reorganized into districts or counties). By 1931, Leningrad and Moscow, 2 large cities in the USSR, were again separated into separate units of republican subordination. This status was given to Sevastopol in 1948, and then, in 1987, to Leninsk. After the Soviet Union ceased to exist, Leningrad and Moscow assumed the status of independent subjects and cities of federal significance. Sevastopol, which turned out to be part of Ukraine, in accordance with its administrative division, was a special unit. However, in connection with the recent admission of Crimea to Russia, it has also become a city of federal significance. As for the city of Baikonur, as mentioned above, it belongs to the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to its legislation, the city has the status of republican significance.

Intra-urban area
This type of municipality has existed since 2006. It is an independent organizational form. Within the boundaries of a municipality, local self-government is carried out by the population directly or through elected and other authorities. Management is regulated by the provisions of the Basic Law, the Charter of the subject and the municipality itself. Moscow includes 146 such independent units. Among them are 21 settlements and 125 districts. There are 11 formations in St. Petersburg. They include 30 settlements and 81 districts.

Moscow is a federal city
It should be noted that this territory has some constitutional and legal features. In particular, it combines the status of a subject - a city of federal significance, the capital of the state, and actually performs the functions of the center of the region. At the same time, the territory has some features of the municipality. In terms of population, Moscow is the largest city and subject of Russia. Here are the state authorities of the country (except for the Constitutional Court), embassies of various foreign states, the main offices of the largest enterprises, the headquarters of public organizations. A system of local self-government has been formed in Moscow.

Brief historical background
The first transformation began in the 2nd half of the 13th century. At that time, Moscow became the center of a specific independent principality. The growth and development of the territory was facilitated by its location at the intersection of fairly large trade routes. By the 14th century, the territory of Moscow had become wider. It was joined by the Mozhaisk and Kolomna principalities. In the same period, the importance of the city as a major religious center increased due to the establishment of the Moscow diocese and the transfer of the residence of the metropolitans. In the 15th century, the territory acquired a new status. At that time, Moscow became the capital, first of a large state in Russia, and then of a single Russian state. The capital status was lost in 1712. Despite this, Moscow was the place for the coronation of emperors. Capital status returned withvictory of Bolshevism in 1920 and continues to this day.
Federal City Saint Petersburg
This entity is an administrative, industrial center in the Northwestern District. St. Petersburg is the location of the supreme governing bodies for the Leningrad Region. It was founded by Peter the Great in 1703, on May 27. The city is home to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of CIS Members, and the Heraldic Council. The command of the Navy and the headquarters of the country's military forces for the Western Military District are also located in St. Petersburg.

Quick reference
Three revolutions took place in St. Petersburg. During World War II, the territory was under blockade for 900 days, resulting in the death of 1.5 million people. In 1965, the city was awarded the status of "hero city". St. Petersburg is considered the northernmost city with a population of over a million people. The area of the occupied territory is 1439 sq. km. St. Petersburg is one of the most important economic, cultural and scientific centers of the country, one of the largest transport hubs. The historic center and surrounding complexes are included in the list of UNESCO heritage sites.