The task of sports referees is to carefully monitor compliance with the rules of the game, competition regulations and be objective in determining the winner. Their entire composition, involved in servicing a particular competition, is united in the panel of judges. If competitions are foreseen in several different sports, each program requires the appointment of its own board.
How it's organized
The main judging panel takes over the leadership. It is formed by the organization that suits these specific competitions (club, sports committee, etc.). The number of judges, as well as their qualifications, establishes the competition regulations adopted in this sport. The higher the level of the match, the higher the category required from the judge.
Who does this collegium include? The list of persons included in it usually consists of the chief judge (chairman of the panel of judges), his deputy, senior judges (leading various sections of the competition) and judges who are assigned separate duties. In addition, it must include the commandant of the competition anddoctor.
Decisions made by the panel of judges are subject to review or cancellation only by the organization responsible for the competition in case of violation of its rules.

What is her role
The panel of judges will first of all have to ensure the normal course of the competition, create equal conditions for each participant, and also evaluate the results as objectively as possible. The chief judge is responsible for the entire management of the event. Its functions include monitoring the readiness of the sports facility, compliance with the time schedule and compliance with its program, resolving all disputes that arise along the way. It is also up to him to sort out the incoming protests and certify the correctness of the determined record results.
Working duties are distributed by him between individual judges. And at the end of the competition, the chief referee must submit a written report to the organizing organizer.
His powers
If necessary, the chief referee is allowed to make changes to the competition program up to the exclusion of an athlete for whom violations of the requirements of sports rules have been identified (for example, inconsistency in age or weight category, etc.). The chief referee can remove from participation in the competitions an inadequately shown player (for rudeness or unethical behavior), he can remove from the composition of the judges one of them who does not cope with his own duties.
A very important and responsible component is the secretariat. It is headed by the chiefsecretary from the composition of the judging panel of the competition. Its functions include accepting nominal applications for each participant, conducting a draw, processing protocols and summing up the results of individual and team standings. And besides, he is obliged to inform the judges in a timely manner, providing them with any necessary materials, as well as notify spectators and participants about the progress of the event with a detailed general report upon its completion.
Those who work at the start…
The panel of judges for athletics (as well as swimming, skating and skiing, cycling) includes a starter judge. His job is to monitor the output of athletes to the distance in strict accordance with the given draw. He also cares about compliance with the rules and equal conditions for each athlete. In case of an incorrectly taken start (for example, before the signal), the starter's job is to return the athlete back. To give a command, in addition to his voice, he can use the starting pistol or wave the flag.
To mark the time is the task of the judge-timekeeper. With the help of measuring equipment (stopwatches, etc.), he determines the time spent on passing the distance by an athlete, as well as the duration of a sports game or boxing fight.
…and at the finish line
Some sports require the presence of a judge at the finish line. He must determine the sequence in which the participants reach the finish line, keep track of the distance segments, laps completed, etc. In major competitions that require special accuracy, when usingThere are often controversial situations when the difference between the athletes completing the distance is not visible to the naked eye. In this case, the finish line judge has the right to delay the announcement of the winner until the video has been reviewed.
The task of the judge-informer is to convey information about the course of the competition to the viewer. His work involves the prompt receipt of information from the secretariat and the communication to the audience of all the necessary data on the course of the competition, participants, etc.
If the competition involves the passage of a long distance (running, skiing or cycling), the position of the head of the distance and a special judge on the distance is introduced. In every sports game there is always a referee on the field (for example, a football referee), in boxing competitions there is a referee in the ring, in wrestling competitions there is a referee on the carpet. In addition, in the composition of any collegium there is a judge with the participants. It is his responsibility to make sure that the athletes arrive at the start on time, and to communicate to them any decisions made by the panel.

Additional information
If teams of physical culture compete, the composition of the judicial qualification board may include the chief judge, chief secretary and a certain number of leading judges.
Members of the college, as a rule, are present at the competition in a single uniform, consisting of a suit with a shirt and tie. This provision is mandatory for All-Russian and international competitions. For all other issues, the issue is resolved in accordance with the instructionsorganizer. Refereeing without jackets is allowed by the decision of the chief referee in case of hot weather or temperature in the hall for the game over +22 ⁰С.
It is the duty of each referee to have a referee badge and a personal identification card or a certificate confirming his category. As well as an emblem corresponding to the functional duties in this particular competition.
Let's once again clarify the powers of those who are members of the judiciary.
Responsibilities of Chief Referee
His most important tasks:
- control the degree of preparation of the place for the competition, the equipment of premises for the work of judges and service participants;
- in the absence of favorable conditions for organizing the event, report to the representative of the organization;

- manage the work of the rest of the panel of judges and distribute duties among its members;
- set the order in which participants exit;
- timely provide participants, spectators and members of the press with all the necessary information about the course and results of the competition;
- at the end of the event, report to the organizer and evaluate the work of the judges.
His orders are binding on any of the members of the judging panel, as well as participants and coaches.
The function of the deputy chief judges is to be responsible for the individual sections and tasks assigned to them (judging, work in the hall, information, awards ceremony, etc.).
What does the chief secretary do
Bhis duties include:
- checking the correctness of applications;
- organization of the draw;
- scheduling meetings approved by the chief referee and reporting it to the coaches (representatives);
- keeping minutes of meetings of the main board of judges;
- registration of her orders and decisions;
- receiving protests and informing the chief referee about them;
- registration of protocols and other technical documentation of the event in accordance with the established form;
- prompt entry of the results of meetings and fights in the protocol;
- putting down marks on the results of the competition in the personal cards and classification tickets of the competitors;
- preparation of a report of the established form before the main panel of judges.

About Secretaries
The Chief Secretary supervises the deputies subordinate to him, who are responsible for similar functions according to the assigned areas.
And who is the referee secretary? His task is to work under the direction of the chief secretary. Its functions include maintaining the protocols of competitions (both team and personal) directly in their course. Before meeting in the playing hall in the case of team competitions, 30 minutes before the start, the referee-scorer arranges a draw together with the team captains to determine the right to place the players.

Other posts
In addition, there is the position of the lead judge appointed for each eventcompetitions in separate meetings. His powers and responsibilities, like those of other members of the sports judging panel, are set out in a special guide for officials.
An informant judge is appointed to inform the participants and all interested parties about the progress of the competition. His duties include maintaining constant contact with the organizing organization in order to obtain all the necessary information about each of the players. It includes the personal data of the athlete, the last name and first name of the coach, the best sports result.
He also has in advance a list of all participants with preliminary results. During the event, provides general information, prepares and helps to hold the opening parade and awards ceremony. Information to third parties (including members of the press) is provided to them only with the permission of the chief judge.

Medical issue
A doctor in the panel of judges has the status of a deputy chief judge for the medical part. His duties include checking the presence of a doctor's visa in the applications of participants, allowing them to be admitted to the competition, monitoring the compliance of the condition of the competition site with the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements, providing the necessary medical care in case of injuries and illnesses, as well as issuing conclusions about the possibility (in the medical sense) participant to continue the competition.
Curfew affairs
And what does the commandant of the competition do? His business - "everyday" questions. That is, timelypreparation and aesthetic design of the competition venue, creation of suitable conditions for participants and judges. He meets spectators and participants and keeps order at the competitions.
He is also instructed to provide the playgrounds with the necessary amount of necessary inventory and equipment, take care of the availability of radio communications, a light board (if possible) and the required number of information boards, as well as the technical preparation of the awards ceremony.