In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, one often comes across such a concept as a literary text. But what is it? What are its main features, and can any text be considered artistic? Let's try to find answers to these questions together.
So, in simple terms, a literary text is a text written by a person and showing his attitude to a particular phenomenon or to the world around him.

For example, any story, poem, novel or poem can be considered as such. Quite often, when we hear the term "artistic text", we think of Pushkin, Chekhov, Lermontov and other classics of Russian literature.
But what are its features? What makes it different from other texts? First, it refers to the artistic style. A number of the following signs follow from this.
Fictional text is rich in epithets, metaphors, comparisons. It is on these means that the image of a particular concept, which is discussed in the work, is built. Each author has his own means. It is thanks to them that you can find out who wrote this or that work.
Besides, literary text is primarily emotional. He not only conveys the emotions of hiscreator, but also evokes them in the reader. Quite often, various descriptions in a work are used to convey the mood of the author.
The text expresses the writer's fantasy, his ability to present this or that information, his feelings and sensations, which cannot be seen in a dry non-fiction text, for example, in a scientific article or in a business document, whether it is a statement, receipt or autobiography.

It is worth noting that the artistic text is also characterized by the category of integrity. That is, all elements are closely interconnected and form a single integral structure. In addition, it has its own idea and main idea. Quite often it is impossible to throw out even one sentence from it. In this case, the internal connections between its parts are lost.
What else needs to be said about the artistic text? Probably, the fact that it is always addressed to someone and carries certain information. However, here it is worth noting one important point. Quite often, such information can be perceived distorted. The reason for this may be the lack of a certain life experience of the reader, the presence of a different point of view and other factors.
The science of stylistics deals with the analysis of a literary text. Much attention is paid to him and literary criticism. Thanks to stylistic and literary analysis, one can more accurately understand what exactly the author wanted to convey to the reader, why he used certain language means and what, in fact, prompted him to write this or that text.

So, we figured out what a literary text is. The definition that can be derived from all of the above is that it is a complex, multifaceted text structure that reflects the author's vision of the world and is directed towards the reader.