It is not uncommon for students to receive essay writing as their homework. It can be a reasoning, a description, and sometimes a narrative. Such a task is not difficult, however, it requires compliance with some rules.

Features of reasoning
Text-reasoning is one of the most difficult forms of texts that schoolchildren have to deal with. After all, work on such an essay is based on an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between objects or phenomena. It has a special structure, a clear shape. The reasoning uses not a plot method of construction, but a logical one (examples of a narrative text, reasoning will be discussed below).
The purpose of this work is to reveal the cause-and-effect relationships between objects or phenomena of the surrounding world, to convey the author's thoughts on a given topic. In such a text, an assessment, justification or rejection of a particular thesis is given.

The reasoning text must contain the following structural elements:
- Thesis. This is the idea that the student will reveal in his work. For example, on the exam, this is the phrase that is given directly in the task.
- Argumentation. In other words, the evidence that the student provides in support of his point of view. The student can draw on both his own experience and the opinions of famous personalities.
- Conclusion. The result for which the essay was written. The student also needs to indicate that this conclusion is supported by examples.

Spelling rules
What are the rules for writing reasoning text? At the lesson, teachers often draw the attention of students to the following points:
- Determining the logic of the text. The student must think logically, designate cause-and-effect relationships in his work.
- Competent introduction. It should contain several sentences that describe existing opinions on the topic, problems and judgments. You can also cite the statements of famous people, but it is better not to overdo it. The introduction should be informative and capacious.
- Think over the theses. They should not dwell on the problem in detail, because all the arguments and explanations will be given in the text. There may be several theses, depending on the issues chosen by the student.
- Pick up arguments. Since there is always more than one proof, enumerations can be used:"Firstly Secondly…". However, if the student is in doubt, then other introductory words can be used: “On the one hand…”, “On the other…”.
- Write a conclusion. All that has been said is summarized here. You can use the construction "So …", or "Thus …".
Reasoning text: example
Let's consider a small example of a discourse text on the topic "The Harm of Smoking".
“Everyone knows that smoking brings great harm to the body. However, not everyone adheres to this idea in practice, and in our country the number of smokers is still high.
Why do people, knowing how dangerous smoking can be, not give up this habit? Probably the reason is that their awareness of the danger is not deep enough. If the doctor had made a terrible diagnosis to the smoker this very minute, it can be assumed that he would have instantly lost the desire to “raise up”. Psychologists recommend that those who quit this addiction often remember what the internal organs turn into as a result of smoking. On the contrary, understanding how much he althier a person will become if he overpowers himself can help to give up a cigarette.

Features of artistic text
Sometimes students need to write an artistic reasoning text. In this case, the work should contain both elements of reasoning and aspects of a literary text. The latter must be remembered that such a text must contain various linguistic means - comparisons, epithets, metonymy, metaphors.
How to write good text: tips
In order to write a good literary text, the author will need a good imagination, literacy. You can not do without personal ideas, luggage of personal experience. If all these points are present, you can proceed to consider the following rules, following which you can write a beautiful artistic text.
- The main thing is feelings. To make the text beautiful, you can turn off self-control while writing it, and write those ideas that come to mind. You can edit later.
- Observation. In order to develop this quality, you can carry a notebook and a pen with you. Recorded dialogues, situations, behavioral features in the future may be useful for working on a descriptive essay, or a reasoning text.
- To draw inspiration, it is useful to visit various exhibitions, watch movies, admire the beauty of nature. The more diverse the life of a student, the easier it is for him to write a good essay.
- Reading can also play a huge role for a student. Indeed, in order to create good and high-quality essays - including reasoning texts - you need to read a lot, note the peculiarities of the style of different writers. Many famous writers started by imitating or adding to famous works.
Text-narrative is different in that it describes events or phenomena one after another. The scheme for constructing such an essay is as follows:
- Report Location.
- Tell about the main character.
- Describe the actions, the order in which they are performed.
- Indicate the completion of events.
- Conclude.

An example of a narrative essay
Let's consider an example of a narrative text. Reasoning can also be included in this type of text, but they should not occupy a central place in it. The essay will tell about a fragment of the life of a fictional character - pensioner Margarita Nikolaevna.
“On the spring morning of April 25th, the weather was fine in the city. Margarita Nikolaevna, a lonely pensioner who lived in one of the old houses along the street …, went out for a walk. She walked a couple of stops and turned the corner. Suddenly Margarita Nikolaevna realized that she had not met a single person on the street. She continued on her way, and suddenly around the corner appeared the figure of a man in a police uniform, scarf and cap. Frightened by the absence of people on the streets, Margarita Nikolaevna began to call the policeman: “Comrade policeman! Could you please explain what is happening here? However, the guardian of the law, without turning around, walked forward.
Margarita Nikolaevna quickened her pace with the last of her strength and began to catch up with him. An elderly woman almost exhausted, but still caught up with a strange passerby. But when she turned around, her surprise knew no bounds: in the form of a policeman there was a huge dog, looking at the woman with intelligent eyes. “Madame, I have to inform you that dogs have seized power in Kamensk this night. All people were relocated to special enclosures. You were not subjected to these sanctions for exceptionally kindattitude towards representatives of our family throughout life. If you wish to visit any of your relatives, you must obtain a special permit.”
It's easy to write a school essay. By following simple rules, you can get a good grade in school, as well as gain the necessary experience. Knowing the necessary rules described in this article will help you cope with this task.